The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 2516

Chapter 2514 You are just pretending to sleep

Yang Fei consulted with Li Juan.

“It’s a bit too much to lay off 100,000 employees at once? You need to eat one bite at a time. Rome is not built in a day. You have to lay off my secretary and assistant. I have no objection, but other employees, you really Do you want to lay off? With so many people, all of them are unemployed at once! And, who is our job assigned to?”

Li Juan smiled slightly and insisted: “Yang Fei, you only had two secretaries before, didn’t you?”

Yang Fei said, “That was before, but now is different from the past.”

Li Juan said: “In fact, it is the same. The role of the secretary is to link the previous and the next, to be an up-and-down delivery, to help you arrange the itinerary. To put it bluntly, it is your waiter in the company.”

Yang Fei frowned.

Li Juan said: “Two secretaries are definitely enough. You don’t need those many people. You are now handing over the work of other managers to the secretary. The manager is idle, but the secretary and assistant are tired.”

Yang Fei opened his mouth to speak, and Li Juan smiled and said, “Listen to me first.”

“Okay, you speak.” Yang Fei shrugged.

Li Juan said: “Speaking better, you are trying to reduce the burden of the bosses, but if you put it a little bit ugly, you are actually centralizing power by doing this.”

Yang Fei said in a daze: “Centralization?”

Li Juan said: “Yes, because you trust these secretaries, you have concentrated most of your power in their hands. But you have to know that the power you took away should belong to the bosses. You did this. It’s not a wise move. The secretarial authority is equivalent to the ancient harem’s political affairs and the eunuch’s exercise of power! The consequences are very serious.”

Yang Fei wanted to refute, but when the words reached his lips, he swallowed again.

Li Juan said: “Secretaries hold great power, which is also unfair to the bosses, and it is also detrimental to the healthy development of the company. Also, have you ever thought about it. If your secretary betrays you, will you suffer much loss? Of course? Now, you are very good to them and hold them firmly in the palm of your hand. But, a woman’s heart, a needle on the seabed! Even Su Tong can leave you. Who else do you think can be trusted for a lifetime?”

Yang Fei’s eyes widened suddenly, and then slowly narrowed.

Li Juan said: “The reduction of secretaries and assistants just happened to take the opportunity to return power to subordinates. What the secretary did was shared with each boss and vice president, how much?”

Yang Fei couldn’t help but nodded, and said, “Okay, I don’t care about the secretary and assistant. But other employees? I cut so many all at once, should I discuss it?”

Li Juan shook her head and asked, “What is the focus of modern society?”

Yang Fei said, “Of course it is modernization.”

Li Juan said: “Where is the core of modernization? What is it?”

Yang Fei said: “Informatization, industrialization, automation.”

Li Juan said: “That’s right. Informatization, automation, and industrialization, not human tactics. After I joined the company, I conducted a survey. If the Beauty Group and the optoelectronics subsidiary realize all informatization and automation, it can reduce the number of employees by half. It can also reach or even exceed the current production and management efficiency!”

Yang Fei was shocked, wondering who this is!

Li Juan said: “You face such a huge group every day, and you are the richest man, you are proud of creating jobs for others. You didn’t know it, your group is already bloated!”

Yang Fei’s handsome eyebrows frowned fiercely.

Li Juan said, “Like a person, living in his own home every day. He doesn’t know how old his home is, how small the house is, and how messy things are. But his friends can tell at a glance what his home is. The shortcomings need to be corrected. Yang Fei, I am that friend. Bystanders are clear.”

Yang Fei stared at her for a long time, thinking about what she said.

Li Juan said: “What is a word you often said before, maybe even you have forgotten it. You said that a business is not for charity, and workers can’t just enter and leave! Nor is it that you said how many workers do you have, how much do you support? You are so proud of your family. The main task of a businessman is to make profits. The more wealth you create, the greater your contribution to society.”

Yang Fei asked himself: Is this really the case?

Once upon a time, I also began to live in the vanity of fame and fortune?

Li Juan said: “After the realization of automated production, the front-line workers can be cut at least by half, and the corresponding management can be cut by half. After the office is informatized and paperless, some positions will also have to be cut.”

Yang Fei said: “Our layoffs with such a big fanfare will arouse heated discussions among stockholders, who will be suspicious of our company’s profitability, which will affect our stock price.”

Li Juan smiled and said, “It’s all fine. We lay off staff normally to lay off staff for upgrading. On the contrary, after we lay off staff, the company’s performance will definitely look better! I’m already in public opinion. I got a momentum. I contacted several major reporters from newspapers and asked them to take a knife and write some articles about our company’s informatization and automation development. First, let everyone know why we laid off employees. In this way, our The stock price will only rise, not fall.”

Yang Fei has a strong feeling.

He prepared abundant ingredients and condiments, and when he was ready to show off his skills, the chef turned out to be Li Juan.

As soon as Li Juan came, he made several delicious meals.

The dishes she made are full of color, fragrance, deliciousness, and people are full of praise and can’t say a word that is critical.

Li Juan said: “After the company’s burden is reduced, the entire organization will be streamlined by about half. You don’t have to worry about no one doing the work. As long as you delegate power. Decentralize your power to the bosses, and the bosses will decentralize part of the power to each. In the hands of the director and supervisor. The supervisors then put the power in the hands of the team leader. The seemingly tiring work is distributed to the hands of a large number of grassroots cadres, and everyone at the top will be much easier.”

Yang Fei touched his chin, lost in thought.

Li Juan said: “The people below have the right to feel valued, and they will work harder. In the long run, the grassroots managers are the easiest to be replaced. Even if they leave batch after batch, the company can Soon, another group of people will be trained to replace them. Therefore, we don’t have to worry about the problem of brain drain. People who can easily be replaced, what are they afraid of losing?”

Yang Fei said: “It makes sense. How do you know so much?”

Li Juan smiled and said, “I learned it from you!”

Yang Fei said: “Me? I don’t understand it!”

Li Juan said: “It’s not that you don’t understand, you are just pretending to sleep.”

Yang Fei: “…”

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