The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 2540

Chapter 2538 Not for profit but for profit

After the meeting, Yang Fei declined everyone’s banquet and returned to his residence.

Yidai showed Yang Fei the statistics of the meeting.

Her pretty face was ruddy, and she smiled happily: “Boss, there are so many dealers who have signed up! Basically everyone who participated in the meeting has signed up.”

Yang Fei smiled: “Really? So many people?”

A kind of star-like light flashed in Yi Dai’s eyes: “Boss, I think these people are trying to take advantage of us! When I signed up just now, I heard someone discussing in private that the richest man paid for them. , Whoever does not take advantage of this kind of advantage is a fool.”

Yang Fei laughed, stretched his hands on the sofa, looked at her, and said, “What do you think? Can they take advantage of us?”

Yidai knew that the boss was deliberately trying to compare herself. After thinking about it, she said: “Boss, from the perspective of the dealer, they can certainly take advantage of us. Because we really paid the money. But I think we will not let them take advantage in vain.”

Yang Fei’s eyes flashed: “Oh? What do you say?”

Yi Dai said: “Although I haven’t figured out the joints yet, I think you are the most powerful businessman. Only you make other people’s money. Others want to make your money. It is estimated that it will be very difficult, unless both parties can get it. Profit.”

Yang Fei said, “If you can think of this step, it can be considered commendable. You are right. They can indeed take advantage of it, but this advantage is not mine.”

There was a flash of light in Yidai’s mind: “I see, the wool comes from the sheep, and the dealer takes advantage of it. It should come from the manufacturer.”

Yang Fei smiled approvingly: “You have learned to think.”

Yi Dai pursed her lips and smiled: “Boss, I still didn’t want to understand. What is our company’s plan for such a big battle? Is it just to bridge other cosmetics manufacturers and distributors to make wedding dresses?”

Yang Fei said: “You’re right, what we did is to build bridges and make wedding dresses for them. As for what we plan-do we have to plan something?”

Yi Dai said: “In business, we have spent time and energy. This is also a cost. We must always gain something, right?”

Yang Fei said: “In this event, we will not directly profit. What we maintain is a virtuous circle of the entire cosmetics industry. Domestic cosmetics manufacturers and distributors need a better development environment than they are now, and this environment, they I can’t form it by myself, so I have to help them.”

Yi Dai said, “Then what benefits can we get from it?”

Yang Fei said: “I train them to fight against foreign brands. Now it is a market economy, and my country officially joined the WTO in 2001. It is impossible for us to prevent foreign brands from entering the country. If we want to survive, we only have to work hard and be self-reliant. ”

Yi Dai said: “That’s right, now there are foreign brands everywhere, and the market share of domestic cosmetics is getting lower and lower.”

Yang Fei said: “Foreign brands are all in the high-end market, in the low-end market, domestic brands, and there is still much to be done.”

Yi Dai smiled and said: “That’s right, foreign brands are born noble, and they are all sold at special counters in large shopping malls. Just buy a set of cosmetics, which is thousands or even tens of thousands. There are really not many people in the average working class. Dare to go in and consume.”

Yang Fei said: “This situation will become more and more fierce, and the road for domestic brands will become narrower and narrower. We are now engaged in manufacturer alliances and distributor alliances to combat the erosion of foreign brands and leave a way for domestic cosmetic brands. The road to development.”

Yi Dai said: “Boss, you are so great! You can make such a big decision for no benefit.”

Yang Fei said, “Don’t take me too great. By doing this, I am saving people and saving myself.”

Yi Dai said: “But, I still have one thing I don’t know. After foreign brands came in, they squeezed other small domestic brands to death. Then our products are unique. Wouldn’t they be better?”

Yang Fei said: “The cake in the market is only that big. After domestic brands are strangled by foreign brands, our brand share will not increase too much, or even any increase. Other vacant markets will be affected by foreign brands. Occupation. This will not do us any good. The most important point is that when foreign brands encircle all other cosmetic brands in our country, who will they deal with next?”

Yi Dai said: “We?”

Yang Fei said: “Yes. Shopping malls are like battlefields, and foreign brands will not be merciful. Once they have cleaned up other small and medium-sized brands, we are the next step to deal with. We are now supporting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, which is also part of self-protection measures. Kind.”

Yi Dai smiled and said, “Or the boss has a broader mind.”

Yang Fei said: “We have formed a manufacturer alliance, and it is not without gain. Some manufacturers who did not buy raw materials from our company in the past have also agreed to buy raw materials from our side. Also, their brands are stationed in our shopping malls and online stores. , Although we have avoided their entry fees, we can also reap a lot of benefits from it.”

Yi Dai said: “For a shopping mall , the more variety and the more brands, the more it can attract customers? In this way, our competitiveness will be greatly improved invisibly. ”

Yang Fei said, “This is also a reason.”

Yi Dai said: “Boss, these dealers, who do you want to choose? With so many people who signed up, it will take a while just to check their information.”

Yang Fei said: “This job is actually not difficult to do. One is to look at the scale, the second is to look at the funds, the third is to look at the region, and the last is to look at the people. Why should I put people in the end? Because dealers and agents do what they do. It is to monopolize the business of a region. As long as he is not too stupid, he can basically do it. As long as he has enough funds and a certain scale, then this business can be done for a long time.”

Yi Dai smiled and said, “This is a good choice.”

Yang Fei said: “The geographical distribution is also very important. You can’t level the water. The eastern and southern regions are obviously more developed. The number of star franchise stores and top distributors can also be appropriately increased.”

Yi Dai said: “Well, according to this, in underdeveloped areas and sparsely populated areas, can you give less or even not give?”

Yang Fei shook his head slightly: “That’s not good.”

Yi Dai said: “However, the top distributors and star franchise stores together, there are only 2,000 places in total.”

Yang Fei smiled like a mystery: “Two thousand families are declared to the outside world, and it can also be said to be an approximate number. As we often say, there are a thousand words, and there are idioms such as a few words. Say three sentences or a thousand words?”

Yi Dai’s head is obviously not enough: “Boss, how many places do we want to give?”

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