The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 2543

Chapter 2541 Isn’t it normal for such a big company t

After Yang Fei returned to China, he developed the habit of getting up early again-after all, there was no woman around him, he had too much energy.

After he got up, he ran around the trail twice in the community.

It’s strange to say that when people don’t know each other, they won’t feel that they pass by every day. Once they know each other, you will find that you can see him no matter where you are.

When Yang Feichen ran, he ran into Ling Yao again.

Ling Yao was also running in the morning.

The two ran together naturally.

“Hey, Brother Yang!” Ling Yao said, “I discussed with them last night and decided to release an album!”

Yang Fei laughed and asked, “Your studio?”

Ling Yao said: “Yes! I also called Sister Han to consult, and she also expressed support. She also said that she would ask your Huayi company to help us operate, get approvals, record records, and publicize and distribute all of them. Give it to Huayi. Do you think it’s okay?”

Yang Fei said, “I don’t have any problems. You release the record at your own expense and ask us to act as an agent. This is a commercial act. You just need to pay.”

Ling Yao said, “How much does that cost?”

Yang Fei said, “It depends on how many copies you want to publish.”

Ling Yao said: “How much is it generally?”

Yang Fei said, “Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, it’s all right.”

Ling Yao said, “I want so much money? You know I’m still in graduate school now, and my only property is the house in this community.”

Yang Fei said: “You can take a mortgage on the real estate.”

Ling Yao said, “How much can I borrow?”

Yang Fei said, “You can find someone to consult.”

Ling Yao said, “Should I mortgage it to your company?”

Yang Fei said, “Are you sure you want to make a desperate move?”

Ling Yao said: “People live, not just for a house. If there is no ideal, then what is the difference with Xianyu? The house is gone, I can still rent a house.”

Yang Fei said, “Just think about it. As I said, this is a commercial activity. You are also a person with full civil capacity within the law, so you can make your own decision.”

Ling Yao said: “What is a person with full capacity for civil conduct?”

Yang Fei said: “You don’t even know this? Natural persons over 18 years old are adults. Adults are persons with full capacity for civil conduct and can independently perform civil legal acts. Those between the age of 16 and 18 are based on their own labor income. The source of income can also be regarded as a person with full capacity for civil conduct.”

Ling Yao chuckled and said, “Don’t you want to say, I am an adult? It’s such a big twist! Don’t worry, I have the absolute right to dispose of this house.”

Yang Fei said: “There are still risks in recording records. I have to remind you. If the sales are good, you can pay back. If you can’t sell them, you will probably only have a bunch of records left.”

“I don’t regret it.” Ling Yao said firmly.

Yang Fei said, “You don’t think about it anymore? At the very least, you still have a house now.”

“Don’t think about it, I have already decided. How much can my house be mortgaged?”

“Generally speaking, it is half of the mortgage price. Let me give you one million.”

“Okay, one million, enough for a record.”

“That’s definitely enough.”

Yang Fei took a deep look at her, thinking that this woman is really courageous.

He left Jin Dabao’s phone number to Ling Yao and said, “This is the phone number of the president of Huayi. After you are ready, you can talk to him.”

“Thank you, Brother Yang.”

“Miss Ling, I have to remind you. Although you play in the studio, you also spend money, but it’s just for self-entertainment. No one cares about how you compose and how you sing. But when you make a record, it’s pure A business activity. If there is no good publicity, it is almost difficult for the record to get popular. And publicity is a bottomless pit, let alone hundreds of thousands, it is millions or tens of millions thrown down, sometimes It may not be possible to hear a noise.”

“People always have to give it a try before they know whether they are from mountains and rivers or from under the river.”

“It would be okay if you are really Lower Liba people. The audience of the Lower Liba people is actually quite large. Mountains and rivers, high and small.”

“Hey, Brother Yang, didn’t you say that? If I want to prove myself, I have to make a record first. I can see if the audience pays for it, or if there are more people buying, can I prove that my music is elegant? What are you doing now? Then again, is the music of the lower lippas pop music?”

Yang Fei just ran to the door of his house and stopped and said: “What I said is not inconsistent. The music of the lower Liba people is more popular with people at the time, and it can be popular for a while. The music is high and few things, although there were few people who liked it at the time. , But classics are classics, with strong vitality and dissemination power. Maybe not many people like it in the era, but no matter what era, there will be people who like it. The long history has settled down, and its fans are still much more.”

Ling Yao let out a new cognition of Yang Fei’s words, and asked: “Then you say, which way should we go?”

Yang Fei said: “I can’t give you advice. You have to ask your original intention. Music is also your product, what kind of product do you want to make? Only you know it.”

Ling Yao thoughtfully.

At this time, Yi Shu came to report to Yang Fei.

Yang Fei saw that she was walking in, and asked with a smile, “Can you drive?”

He also said: “Boss, I can drive, but I don’t have a driver’s license.”

Yang Fei said, “You find a mouse and ask her to help you deal with the driver’s license. You can follow me in the future, and you don’t know how to drive.”

He also said: “Okay boss. Then what will I do specifically in the future?”

Yang Fei said: “Do you know finance?”

“Yes, boss.”

“Very good. I need two people by my side, one who understands finances.”

“What about the other person?”

Yang Fei glanced at her: “You must understand legal affairs.”

He also said: “I have a friend who is studying law. After graduation, he wanted to be admitted to the court. But he failed. There were hundreds of people competing for a quota. Unfortunately, he passed the written test, but he was in the top three I failed in the interview. I just got my lawyer’s license, and I’m about to find a job in a law firm!”

Yang Fei said: “Men’s and women’s?”

Yi Shu said: “It’s a woman.”

Yang Fei said: “It’s a pity. If it’s a man, I will accept it.”

Yi Shu said: “Are women bad?”

Yang Fei said: “Many legal affairs involve business trips or difficult cases. In this case, men should be stronger. This is why most of the lawyers you see are mostly men. Especially when it comes to criminal cases, some women can’t smell blood or look at dead bodies, so it’s hard to deal with.”

Ling Yao hadn’t walked away, and asked with a smile: “What legal case does your company have that involves dead bodies? Isn’t it too scary?”

Yang Fei said, “Such a big company, with hundreds of thousands of people! Isn’t it normal for a small city to live and die every day?”

Ling Yao said: “Well, I won’t hinder you from discussing things, I will go back and prepare the record first.”

Yang Fei waved his hand, and then said to Yi Shu: “Go into the room and talk, I will call you over, mainly to arrange for you to do something…”

Like the richest man Yang Fei, please collect it: () The richest man Yang Fei has the fastest update speed.

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