The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 2571

Chapter 2569 It’s better to meet by chance

The latest station name: Mubi Pavilion latest website:

Su Yingying’s call was answered quickly.

On the phone, she whispered happily “Boss!”

Yang Fei’s heart warmed and asked, “Yingying, morning.”

“Good morning, boss.”

“Yingying, that…” Yang Fei reached his lips, and stopped halfway through.

Su Yingying said, “Boss, do you want to ask about Sister Su’s situation?”

Yang Fei said, “Well, she seems to have changed the phone, I can’t reach her.”

“Boss, Sister Su and I are both in Shanghai now! Sister Su did change her number, let me tell you.”

“You are in Shanghai? Where do you live?”

“We are staying in a hotel.”

“Which hotel, tell me. By the way, what are you doing here in Shanghai?”

“Boss, Sister Su said that she wanted to plan the listing of the village’s property, so she came to Shanghai.”

Yang Fei pondered, “Su Tong shouldn’t have thought of letting the company go public. Who talked about this with her?”

Su Yingying said, “Then I don’t know. I also persuaded her that we don’t understand the stock market, and the boss once said that enterprises in the village will never go public. But Sister Su said that if a company wants to develop, it needs financing. And going public is the best way to raise funds. So many companies in the world are on the market, and they are all alive and well. Our companies in Taohua Village are no worse than those companies that have gone public. Why can’t they be listed?”

“She said that?” Yang Fei was a little surprised.

Su Yingying said, “Well, boss, let’s meet and talk. We are going to the stock exchange in the morning to find someone to talk about. I will have time in the afternoon. I will see you when that happens.”

Yang Fei thought for a while and said, “Are you going to find Liu Yishan?”

“Hey, boss, how did you know?” Su Yingying said so, tantamount to admitting.

“You don’t have to worry about this.” Yang Fei said, “That’s fine. I’ll go to Liu Yishan now. You don’t need to tell Su Tong about our phone call. Just as we met by chance at Liu Yishan.”

“Oh, yes, boss.”

Yang Fei hung up the phone and told the mouse to “follow Liu Yishan’s car ahead.”

The mouse responded.

Li Juan went to the capital yesterday because of something at home.

Yang Fei and Li Juan were on the phone last night. Then, after checking the time, he made another call.

“Juanzi, how is Dad’s situation?”

“It’s okay, the old problem is, the doctor said, stay in the hospital for a few days and you can recover.”

“I’ll go and see Dad.”

“You don’t need to come here anymore. You can manage the company in Shanghai with peace of mind. It has been troubled recently.”

“How can it work?”

“This is what Dad said.”

“Then let me have a few words with Dad.”

“Well, wait.”

Yang Fei was on the phone and heard his father-in-law’s voice, loud and full of breath, and knew that what Li Juan had said was true, and that his father-in-law’s condition was indeed not serious, so he was relieved.

Li Juan’s voice came over again, “Yang Fei, I may be asking for two more days in Beijing, and I will go back when Dad is discharged from the hospital.”

Yang Fei said, “It’s okay, let’s stay with Dad! The company has nothing to do with it.”

Li Juan said, “By the way, I almost forgot. Li Yi said that I’m looking for you if I have something to do, so that you can visit him when you have time.”

Yang Fei thought to himself, Li Yi has something to ask me, why not call me directly, but tell me through Li Juan?

This thought just disappeared in his mind.

After finishing the conversation, Yang Fei immediately called Li Yi’s secretary.

He knows that Li Yi is a busy person. Although he has a special identity, he will go anytime and be met at any time, but he still wants to make an appointment in advance.

Li Yi’s secretary answered the phone, chatted for a few words, and the phone was transferred to Li Yi.

“Yang Fei, I’m free at ten o’clock in the morning, come here! I’m a bit busy here, meet and say.” After speaking, Li Yi hung up the phone.

Yang Fei was out of mind for a while.

When I put down the phone, I glanced at the time by the way, but because I was stunned, although I looked at the time, I didn’t seem to see it clearly. After a while, I raised my watch to check the time.

What confuses Yang Fei most is Li Yi’s attitude.

In the past, Yang Fei was able to get along and talk with Li Yi.

What’s going on today?

Yang Fei was puzzled.

His car followed Wang Yishan’s car all the way to the latter’s unit parking lot.

When Wang Yishan got off the car, he suddenly found Yang Fei’s car. He was taken aback for a moment, and then strode over.

Yang Fei just got out of the car and said with a smile, “Leader Wang, it’s better to meet by chance. It’s a rare encounter today. I’ll come over to ask for a cup of tea. Leader Wang won’t see outsiders, right?”

Of course, Wang Yishan would not put his score in front of Yang Fei. He enthusiastically held his hand and shook it vigorously. “I am lucky to invite the richest man Yang to drink tea. Come, come, please, please.”

The two chatted and came to Wang Yishan’s office.

There is a Kung Fu tea set on Wang Yishan’s desk. He doesn’t need a secretary to wait on him. After asking Yang Fei to sit down, he will boil water and make tea by himself.

Yang Fei was smoking a cigarette and was not in a hurry to say something.

Besides, he asked Wang Yishan to be okay. He just found an excuse to come here to sit and wait for Su Tong and the others to come over by the way.

I saw Wang Yishan skillfully boiled a pot of water with a self-heating pot, cleaned the fair cup, teacup, etc., then poured the first soaking water, and then made the second tea.

The water in the glass jug soon oozes a thick brown color.

Wang Yishan poured a cup of tea, placed it on the wooden tea mat, and respectfully brought it in front of Yang Fei, and made a please gesture, “Mr. Yang, **** tea.”

Yang Fei picked it up, smelled a fragrant tea, blew it lightly, and then took a sip. After the tea went under the water, he said, “This is an ancient Pu’er tree for more than ten years, right?”

Wang Yishan showed admiration, “Mr. Yang is indeed an expert!”

Yang Fei laughed and said, “I usually like to drink some tea.”

Wang Yishan said, “I am a person who has no other hobbies, so I am addicted to this one. I bought this tea from the mountainous area of ​​Pu’er. It is a native tea tree in the mountain. I have seen that tree, which is more than 16 meters high! ”

Yang Fei said “rare, rare!”

A person’s eating, drinking and playing can best reflect a person’s taste, financial resources, knowledge, and culture.

Some people play with tens of millions of cars, some use millions of sets of audio equipment, some drink hundreds of thousands of bottles of wine, some drink hundreds of thousands of a catty of tea, some write with dozens of dollars a piece of paper .

Luxury cars are on the bright side. Even people who don’t understand will know that this is a good car at a glance. This person must be rich.

But there are some playthings that people who don’t understand will only find it ordinary when they see it, but people who understand it will know that this person is really amazing.

Yang Fei believes that with Wang Yishan’s normal income, it is possible to drink such expensive tea.

Because Wang Yishan just said, he has this hobby, and of course he is willing to spend money.

Therefore, he did not say much.

The two drank a round of tea, and the secretary came in and reported that Mr. Su from Taohua Village had arrived.

Wang Yishan smiled and got up, “Hurry up and ask. Boss Yang is here, just to talk about listing together!”



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