The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 2591

Chapter 2589 track

The hot lips of the two of them just touched, Su Tong suddenly shrank back like a needle, and turned his head, muttering: “I’m sorry, we can’t do this…”

Yang Fei gave a wry smile and patted the back of her hand: “Okay, then you rest early.”

Su Tong took a deep breath: “Yang Fei, thank you.”

Yang Fei smiled slightly, “Thank me for what I do?”

Su Tong said: “Thank you for not forcing me. If you really force me, I don’t think I can refuse, but I will fall into a very deep contradiction.”

She pushed the car door and saw Su Yingying standing outside.

“Manager Su.” Su Yingying smiled and greeted him, and then shouted into the car, “Hello boss.”

Yang Fei nodded: “Yingying, hello.”

Su Tong turned his head and said to Yang Fei: “Yingying is with me at night, don’t worry, go back quickly.”

Yang Fei watched them enter the door before starting the car.

After driving for a while, Yang Fei, with his sixth sense, felt that a car was following him.

Sure enough, it didn’t take long for the mouse who was driving behind to call: “Fly less, there seems to be a car following us.”

Yang Fei said, “Well, drive normally and go home.”

After the car entered the gate of the community, Ma Feng parked his car by the flower bed, got out of the car, and walked into the guard room.

Everyone in the guard room knew Yang Fei’s people and cars, and Ma Feng knew them very well.

Not long after Ma Feng came in, he saw a black Mercedes-Benz business car approaching.

“Don’t let it in!” Ma Feng recognized the car, which was the one that was trailing before, and said, “Is this the owner’s car in this community?”

Several security guards shook their heads: “No. We all have an impression of the owner’s car.”

This is a high-end villa area. The owner’s car will be entered into the system.

Ma Feng Ke: “Has this car been to this community before?”

The security guard said: “Then I don’t know.”

Ma Feng said solemnly: “Go out and get off the people in the car.”

The Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle blew its horn twice to signal the security guard to release the staff.

A security guard walked out slowly, and said, “What is it for?”

“Find someone.” A male voice came from the car.

“Which building are you looking for?”

“For 36 buildings in Lijingyuan, look for my cousin, whose surname is Wang, you can check if you don’t believe me.”

“Come down to register and bring your ID card.”

“Don’t be so troublesome? We come often.” The man in the car handed over a high-end cigarette.

“I don’t smoke.” The security waved his hand, “This is a rule, I just enforce it. If you don’t register, please exit the same way and don’t block the car behind.”

A middle-aged man jumped down from the passenger seat, wearing a khaki windbreaker, with his collar upright and sunglasses, only the half of his face was exposed.

Ma Feng’s sharp eyes stared at him closely.

The middle-aged man walked into the security booth, glanced at the people inside, and smiled: “It’s just the door, so many people are needed?”

As he spoke, he picked up a pen and wrote his name and ID number on the register.

He writes very fluently, without a trace of hesitation, giving people the feeling that he writes very authentically.

After writing, he dropped the pen, turned and left.

When he walked to the side of the car and opened the door, Ma Feng suddenly followed and shouted, “Chen Dali!”

The middle-aged man didn’t seem to hear him, and was about to get in the car.

Ma Feng sneered, stepped forward and grabbed his shoulders, and at the same time took the opportunity to look inside the car.

A strong rebound came from the middle-aged man’s shoulders.

Ma Feng only tried it and found out that this was a practicing family.

“What are you doing?” The middle-aged man suddenly looked back.

Ma Feng said, “Your name is Chen Dali? Why don’t you agree to call your name?”

The middle-aged man said: “I didn’t pay attention, I have something and I am very annoying.”

He shook it hard, trying to get rid of Ma Feng’s hand, but how could Ma Feng’s hand be so easily thrown away? Sticking to his shoulder like a follower.

The middle-aged man said angrily: “Everyone, what else is there?”

Ma Feng released his hand and said faintly: “It’s okay.”

The middle-aged man walked quickly into the car.

The pole was raised and the car drove into the community.

Ma Feng walked out quickly, and while walking towards his car, he took out his mobile phone and called the mouse: “That car has come in, and there are seven people sitting on it. The visitor is not good.”

The mouse said: “I see, we are ready.”

Ma Feng hung up the phone and drove to follow the Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle.

At this moment, Yang Fei and the others have already returned home.

The Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle has no car to follow, but it is actually a familiar road, and it drove directly to the road leading to Yang Fei’s villa.

Ma Feng followed unhurriedly.

The commercial vehicle arrived in front of Yang Fei’s villa. It might be that something was wrong. It stopped for a while, and then suddenly speeded up.

Ma Feng didn’t get out of the car and followed the car all the time.

The car stopped in front of a villa at the turn.

Ma Feng glanced at it, and the villa was in Lijing Garden 36.

These people have already done their homework!

Ma Feng was not in a hurry, stopped not far from the Mercedes-Benz, lighted a cigarette, smoked slowly, and paid attention to the movement of the car in front.

The car door opened, seven strong men jumped out of the car, looked at Ma Feng’s car, and then walked to the gate of the 36th building.

Ma Feng watched them ring the doorbell.

After a while, the door opened and all seven strong men walked in.

Before entering, the guy who registered this Chen Dali cast a contemptuous glance at Ma Feng.

Ma Feng reported the situation to the mouse.

The mouse said: “Fei Shao said come back first, and then do some care.”

Ma Feng responded.

Back home, Ma Feng once again reported what he had just seen to Yang Fei.

Yang Fei said solemnly: “Looking at this situation, is someone really eyeing me?”

Ma Feng said: “It’s true, they are in the 36th building, the corner building.”

The mouse said: “I’ll bring people in, and give them a good start first!”

Yang Fei pondered: “But, they didn’t do anything. And they really lived in 36 buildings. What if it’s just a coincidence?”

The mouse said: “Little Fei, how can there be such a coincidence in the world? When they do it, then we will be very passive! Why don’t we do it first?”

Ma Feng said: “I also agree with rats. Regardless of their origins, I will poke them first. If it’s not a bad person, I just apologize.”

Yang Fei said, “It’s not right. It’s good. In what name do you enter someone else’s house?”

The mouse said: “Get in quietly and listen to what they talk about first! If it is really bad for Fei Shao, they will definitely talk about the next action plan.”

Yang Fei said, “This move is very dangerous. We can pretend to be surveillance. Didn’t they pretend? The moment you approached, they noticed you and beat you as a thief. Then we were justified and unreasonable.”

After a short pause, he said: “Don’t act rashly, but tonight, you must be more prepared.”

The mouse said helplessly: “Okay, fly less.”

Yang Fei said, “We also shun the building where they live, and we must strengthen our guard.”

“I see, less fly.” The mouse replied.

The cigarette in Yang Fei’s hand, because he hadn’t smoked it all the time, the gray soot accumulated on the old elder, and it suddenly broke and fell to the ground.


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