The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 2599

Chapter 2597 Fight to see red!

Listening to Su Yingying’s account, Su Tong asked somewhat unclearly: “The stock price has fallen again? Why did it fall? Our company has not released any negative news recently! What we have released is all positive news!”

Su Yingying took a printed stack of stock market analysis charts, and said apologetically: “Sister, this is the case. It really fell. This has been a decline for three consecutive days. The market value of the beverage company has dropped by more than 3,000. Ten thousand.”

Su Tong pursed her lips, took over the stack of charts, and kept flipping through it. Apart from the distorted, red, green, and green curves, she couldn’t understand too professional analysis reports.

Su Yingying said: “Sister, do you ask the boss? He knows the stock market better than us.”

Su Tong didn’t want to trouble Yang Fei all the time. It would appear that he had no abilities. Whenever something happened, he could only find him. Not only was he too dependent on him, but he was also seen as deliberately approaching him.

But when you encounter something that cannot be solved by your own ability, who else can you find besides him?

Su Yingying seemed to see Su Tong’s worry, and said: “The boss also has shares! He is now the second largest shareholder of the beverage company. This is not only your business, but also his business. In public and private, he Everyone should know about it and take care of it.”

This gave Su Tong an excellent reason and step.

After weighing, Su Tong still got through Yang Fei’s call.

When Yang Fei heard her voice, he smiled and said, “Senior sister, did you find me because of the decline in stock prices?”

Su Tong said: “You know?”

Yang Fei said, “Can I not care about my own stock?”

Su Tong felt warm.

Although she once said that he should not be allowed to interfere in the company’s operation and management, but he understands it well and does a good job. Not intervening does not mean that he is not concerned.

Yang Fei’s approach gave Su Tong a strong signal: He cares about her very much, and he also cares about the beverage company that she co-invested-even if the money is nothing to him!

In other words, he cares not about the money invested in the beverage company, but about her Su Tong!

When Yang Fei saw her silent, he said: “Sister, don’t worry, it’s normal for the stock market to go up and down. This is not a short-term investment, nor is we making short-term gains.”

Su Tong said: “I’m not like you. I have only one listed company after all the battles. For every dollar that the stock price drops, or every dollar that rises, I will be excited for a long time.”

Yang Fei smiled and said, “I understand your feelings. The company is equivalent to your child, and a drop in stock price is as uncomfortable as seeing your child fall.”

Su Tong said: “Yes, yes, that’s how it feels. Yang Fei, it has been falling for three consecutive days, won’t it keep falling like this? I’m so worried.”

Yang Fei said: “You must strengthen your tolerance. The stock price decline this time may fall below your imagination.”

Su Tong couldn’t help feeling dizzy: “What do you mean? Is it broken?”

Yang Fei said, “Even if it breaks, it’s not impossible.”

Su Tong said: “Why is this? I didn’t do anything wrong! I have been working hard for the company…”

Yang Fei said, “It has nothing to do with your hard work. There are many things that will not be rewarded if we work hard.”

Su Tong smiled bitterly: “What you said is too shocking.”

Yang Fei said: “If you can’t even accept failure, how do you deserve to have success?”

Su Tong said: “Is someone deliberately suppressing our stocks? The guy named Wendi Zhang looked very feminine and sinister last time! Could it be because I refused to cooperate with him, so he wanted to retaliate against me?”

Yang Fei said: “It seems that you are not pure enough to know nothing!”

Su Tong said: “I hate you! How innocent? I’m a silly person who is a few dozen years old, so don’t make fun of me. It’s really the one with the surname Zhang who is doing a ghost? Is he a devil? Listed company, why stare at our beverage company?”

Yang Fei said, “I don’t want to discuss what kind of person Zhang Wendi is. Sister, I don’t want to pretend to say that there is nothing wrong with this. Stock wars are like real wars and are very cruel. You and I must be prepared for the future. Over time, the stock price will continue to fall, and it’s only a matter of time before the break.”

Su Tong felt dry and dry, and it took a long time to react: “But, did you just ask? Will you let him suppress our stock price like this?”

Yang Fei said, “I want to make Wendi Zhang crazier! If he avoids the truth and wants to perform a dimensionality reduction attack, then we should follow his ideas and dig him a bigger hole in the depression!”

“What do you mean? You know that I have low education, insufficient knowledge, and poor understanding. Can you say something I can understand?”

“He is aiming at me! But he didn’t dare to fight me on the frontal battlefield of the Beauty Group, so he chose the beverage stock as the forward position. Because he thinks you are a bully.”

“Then what are we going to do? Do we publish more news and announcements that are beneficial to the company?”

“No! On the contrary,” Yang Fei said solemnly, “We are going to dig a hole for him. Since he can’t wait to jump in , let him fall a little harder!”

“I don’t understand!”

“Sister, you told me last time that there are a few capitals who want to join a beverage company, right?”

“Well, it’s still being discussed! But their high profile has contributed to the rise of our stock price. Although the talks have not been successful yet, the impact is still there.”

“You formally announced that the cooperation has ended, and the investors have concluded negotiations and no longer invest.”


“Just listen to me.”

“Isn’t this going to have a more negative impact on the stock price decline?”

“Yes. But you must do as I do. Also, several projects you plan to launch are all suspended. In the announcement, you only need to say that the construction of the project is suspended, and there is no need to explain too much.”

“What kind of operation is this? Isn’t it self-defeating?”

“Sister, trust me.”

“Of course I believe you. Believe you without reservation. But, you have to be more clear? Why do you do this? Do you want to die with him? Our share of shares is much larger!”

Yang Fei said: “The battlefield of the stock market is different from traditional wars. The damages of traditional wars are all real-time and irreversible. But the stock market is different. Falling and losses are both temporary and reversible. We can often see that , The price of some stocks is like riding a roller-carriage, up and down, some people can cash in a high position to make a profit, and some people leave the market after clearing their positions at the bottom of the valley. The comparison is the affordability! Not only psychologically, but also financially. Competition! No one can say the number of wins and losses before a certain moment!”

Only Su Tong deserves Yang Fei’s tireless explanation.

As for other subordinates, Yang Fei would only give orders without explaining!


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