The Right Way to Rise Uchiha

Chapter 14

Chapter 12: Deskmate

Sitting in the sacred last row by the window, Uchiha Kiyoshi read with relish.

Sitting in the perfect position, Uchiha Kiyoshi dares to say that even in class, I dare to read extracurricular books openly!

As time goes by, the number of classmates is also increasing.

There were also several ninjas from the Oil Girl Clan, Sarutobi Clan, Nara Clan, and Yamanaka Clan.

It can only be said that as expected of Class 1, each clan has sent ninjas from the clan, and they are all good grades.

Class 1 can also be said to be mixed, and there are a few civilian ninjas, but Class 2 is different. They are all family ninjas, and they are all those who did not perform the most prominently in the special training, and were assigned to Class 2.

As for Class 3, most of them are civilian ninjas. Of course, there are still family ninjas. Of course, they are all talented, but here, they are also at the forefront of the class.

Class 4 was the worst class, all consisting of civilian ninjas.

With this arrangement, the top positions in the first three classes were basically taken over by the clan, unless a few talented civilians came out, otherwise it was basically the same.

With the arrival of students one by one, the seats in the class gradually filled up.

In addition to Uchiha Kiyoshi, the Uchiha family has a peer who is also in class 1, that is Uchihatao who fought against Uchiha Kiyo during the special training.

With Uchiha Takashi as a Shangin elder brother, Uchiha has a solid foundation in physical skills. During the special training period, his progress can be said to be rapid, and only Uchiha Kiyoshi can fight against him.

With Uchiha Kiyo as an opponent, no matter how he attacked, he was successfully blocked. Every time Uchiha made great progress, even Uchiha Takashi was surprised.

Having a strong opponent, Uchiha Kiyoshi is naturally beneficial, and the progress of physical skills is also rapid.

Different from Uchiha Kiyoshi, Uchihata is very high-profile, sitting directly by the window in the first row, that proud look is really worthy of the Uchiha family’s cub.

Uchiha Qing also observed it again, and he did not have an important role in the original book this time.

In addition to what was mentioned before, Uchiha Kiyo also saw a child wearing a uniform with the family emblem of the Thousand Hands.

At this time, the Senju family has not completely declined. The second generation Hokage Tobirama died in the First Ninja World War. Under the leadership of the first generation wife Uzumaki Mito, the Senju family intermarryed with the commoners and was in a semi-hidden state. However, there are still some ninjas in the Senju family who are active in the ninja world.

At this time, a boy with short brown hair and a smile came in at the door of the classroom, and the first impression he gave was sunshine.

As soon as he came in, he stood on the podium and shouted at the bottom.

“Listen to all of you, my name is Qianshou Roshu, in order to become the existence of Hokage.”

Then burst into laughter.

Uchiha Kiyo and a group of classmates have the same expressions, they are all stunned, do you want to be so arrogant? Can’t you keep a low profile?

And Uchiha thinks more.

“Senju Roshu? Isn’t it Tsunade’s younger brother? No, how could he join us? Shouldn’t he be with Uchiha Mikoto next?”

Uchiha Qing also couldn’t figure it out.

Uchiha Mikoto, the mother of Itachi and Sasuke in the original novel, the wife of the Uchiha patriarch, and the granddaughter of the third elder of the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha Qing also inquired, Uchiha Mikoto is five years old this year, one year younger than herself.

Uchiha Qing remembered that the rope tree should have a term with Uchiha Mikoto.

“Did I remember it wrong? Or the butterfly effect? No, the butterfly effect won’t make the rope tree born a year earlier…”

If he couldn’t figure it out, he didn’t think about it. Uchiha Kiyo continued to look at the first solution of medical ninjutsu in his hand.

Rope Tree is now on the podium. Looking at the classroom that is almost full, he is also a little distressed and scratches his head. Then, as if seeing something novel, he walked towards the last row.

Uchiha Kiyomasa looked at the book in his hand, but did not know that the rope tree was coming towards him.

Rouge walked to the empty seat next to Uchiha Kiyo and sat down.

Uchiha Qing also felt that there were more people next to him, looked up and frowned, how did this rope tree come to him? Didn’t see the bright ping pong racket on my clothes…cough…Uchiha family crest?

At this time, rope tree also turned his head to look at Uchiha Qing, smiled, and asked carelessly with a hint of doubt.

“Hey! Are you from the Uchiha clan? I heard that your clan is very proud, just like the guy in front. Why are you sitting in the last row? It’s different from the others.”

Uchi Botao in the first row also heard Rope Tree’s words, turned his head and glanced at Rope Tree, but did not speak.

Rope Tree was also not to be outdone, and glared back at Uchi Botao.

Uchiha Kiyoshi was speechless when he looked at it, and sure enough, he was still a child.

Without paying too much attention to the rope tree, Uchi Botao regained his senses and continued to read his book.

Seeing this, the rope tree was very angry and wanted to shout, and Uchiha Qing also quickly stopped it.

“Sure enough, with the same character as Naruto, just this matter, it is necessary to shout. No wonder the original book will step on the detonation talisman, and it is still the detonation talisman pit, and there is no room for it to be blown up.”

Uchiha Qing thought to himself.

At this time, Roshu also thought of the doubts he had just now, and looked at Uchiha Qing.

Looking at rope tree’s slowly curious eyes, Uchiha Qing also explained to him.

“Ah! Yes, I belong to the Uchiha clan, didn’t you see the clan emblem on my clothes?

As for why sit in the last row? Of course this is the best place. ”

After the rope tree heard it, there was a new question, and the incarnation of 100,000 whys.

“Why is this the best place? The teacher can’t see it.”

“Didn’t you say it yourself?”

“Huh? It’s good that the teacher can’t see what’s wrong? Hey! You explain clearly.”

“The teacher can’t notice, can’t you just do whatever you want?”

“Eh? It seems to make sense! Why didn’t I think of it!”

Rope tree seems to have found something interesting and decides to do it here in the future.

Uchiha Qing can only see and accept the facts. Can’t you drive others away?

Rope tree felt that the moon Uchiha next to him seemed a little different, not as difficult to get along with as the elders in the family said.

The rope tree, who couldn’t sit still, was naturally bored, and frequently asked Uchiha Kiyoshi various questions.

Uchiha Qing also had to answer one by one.

The whole classroom was also chattering about Rope Tree, and the other students were also annoying, but they were also interested in Rope Tree’s problem.

Uchiha’s answer also surprised them. Unexpectedly, this low-key Uchiha was quite powerful. I thought it was a bronze, but I didn’t expect it to be the king?

At this time, Naoshu noticed the first solution of medical ninjutsu in Uchiha Kiyo’s hand.

“What are you holding in your hand?

Eh? The first solution of medical ninjutsu? Medical ninjutsu? What are you doing, Uchiha, watching this? Can you watch it?

I couldn’t watch it anyway, the old lady in my family was studying medical ninjutsu all day, and I was tired of watching it. ”

Rope tree is very familiar, completely forgetting that he and Uchiha Kiyoshi have just met, constantly looking for topics, and his mouth has not stopped.

This time, Roshu’s words also surprised the other students who were “eavesdropping”.

Indeed, a Uchiha, what kind of medical ninjutsu do you see?

It was Uchi Botao in front of him that thought of something, as if he understood something, nodded, but didn’t speak.

Uchiha Qing is also helpless about the rope tree problem. Can this rope tree not do this? It’s only been so long, and so many questions have been asked. Didn’t you see that everyone was reading?

However, Kiyo Uchiha also misunderstood. Not everyone is reading books. Except for a classmate who is sleeping and a classmate who is playing a dog, many students are also pretending to study.

It was the first group that came in, all of them were quiet, plus that ninja Hinata and Kiyo Uchiha were reading books, so they obediently “read” books after they came in.

That is, the big nerve of Rope Tree, in this case, can speak without any timidity.

In fact, after so long, with the rope tree taking the lead, at this time several people started to chat in a low voice.

As for this question of Rope Tree, Uchiha Qing also had the answer long ago, although he was not going to listen to Rope Tree, but it was similar.

“Who said that the ninjas of the Uchiha clan can’t learn medical ninjutsu? Am I interested in this? When I learn medical ninjutsu in the future, I will be able to treat those injured ninjas and save the lives of one ninja after another. Isn’t that exciting?

Moreover, when I learn more powerful medical ninjutsu in the future, I will be able to save more people.

My goal is to become a great medical ninja and then provide healing to my fellows. ”

Uchiha Kiyo expressed his great wishes affectionately, and what he said was a touching one.

Many classmates admired it when they heard it, even Shengshu admired it. They thought of the violent girl of their sister. When they compared it, sure enough, their tablemate was so great. Both medical ninjas, being human… No, why is the gap between being ninjas so big?

It was also Uchihatao in the front row who sneered when he heard Uchiha Kiyo’s words, “Great ghost, if I hadn’t known your style, I would have believed it.” Save your partner’s life? Fear of death can be said to be like this? Eloquence is really good.

On the other side, the Hokage office.


A beautiful female ninja with a ponytail patted Naruto’s desk and shouted loudly.

“Teacher, how can you approve Roshu to go to the ninja school? He is only five years old and not yet of school age.”

That’s right, this female ninja is Tsunade. Tsunade, who hasn’t had any accidents yet, and whose relationship with his teacher has not broken yet, still shouts “Teacher”, but this attitude…

It’s fierce!

Jiraiya and Orochimaru on the side were also silent.

This has nothing to do with them, it’s better not to answer, otherwise it will be troublesome if Tsunade is entangled, especially that strange force, not everyone can stand a punch.

The three generations of Hokage were also unhurried, smoking the cigarettes they just bought recently, and explained with a smile.

“Tsunade, don’t be so frizzy.

Didn’t the kid of Rope Tree start refining chakra long ago, so he won’t fall behind his classmates. ”

Tsunade still couldn’t accept it and patted the table.

“It’s not a question of whether he can keep up, but Shengshu is still young, not enough to go to school.”

The third Hokage knocked on the table, signaling Tsunade to calm down.

“Shengshu is already five and a half years old, and it’s only half a year later. He has been yelling at me for a long time. Seeing his firm attitude, I can only agree.”

Now that this is the case, Tsunade has no choice but to go home and teach that kid a lesson.

The rope tree, who was still asking Uchiha Kiyo’s questions in the class, didn’t know yet, and he was missed by Tsunade again, and what kind of “love” would be waiting for him.

As for why again? You taste, you taste carefully.

Not long after Tsunade was appeased by the three generations of Hokage, a cat-faced Anbu ninja entered the Hokage office and bowed to report.

“Lord Hokage, Young Master Rope Tree has finished reporting.”

Saying that, he carefully looked at Tsunade, who looked unsightly, and at Hokage’s signal, the Anbu ninja continued to report.

“Master Roshu was assigned to class 1. In the last row by the window, at the same table is a member of the Uchiha family…”

In this way, Anbu Ninja reported what happened after Naoshu entered the school.

Tsunade frowned while listening, “The Uchiha clan? Why is he in the last row? And how did the rope tree get mixed up with the Uchiha clan?”

Under Naruto’s gesture, the cat-faced ninja reported Kiyo Uchiha’s information.

Originally, when I heard Uchiha Kiyoshi’s declaration in the class, the three generations of Hokage and Tsunade were also surprised, so ideal?

Even Tsunade was moved for a moment by what he said.

However, as the cat-faced ninja revealed Uchiha’s previous special training and background, the three generations of Hokage suddenly realized.

It turned out not to be a great ideal, but simply afraid of death? The Uchiha clan is actually in addition to such a strange thing?

That’s right, he lost his parents when he was two years old. Maybe it left some shadows?

But this is also good. Uchiha has one more medical ninja, and more people are treated, and they are accepted, which may greatly ease the conflict between Uchiha and the village.

And, maybe, Konoha can have another good medical ninja!

Glancing at his proud apprentice, the three generations seemed to have something in mind.

Tsunade saw Sandai’s gaze and knew what he was going to do, and immediately refused.

“Teacher, don’t think about it, I won’t accept him as a disciple of a ninja from the Uchiha clan.

Besides, I’m only eighteen, and I still don’t want to accept disciples. ”

The three generations of Hokage had no choice but to dismiss this idea. UU Reading

time flies.

With Rope Tree taking the lead, the students gradually began to chat and meet new friends.

At this time, a middle-aged ninja wearing a green vest with a gentle face stepped onto the podium.

“Everyone, stop for a moment. Now that the freshmen have arrived, everyone will gather at the playground. We will hold the opening ceremony.”

After saying that, he left.

The classmates also got up and left one by one, rushing towards the playground.

Uchiha Kiyoshi was pulled by the familiar rope tree to the playground.

Coming to the playground, Uchiha Qing also experienced the opening ceremony again.

However, the difference is that this time, there are not too many cumbersome details.

It is the scene where the three generations of Hokage preach the will of fire on the stage, and a group of elementary school students adore it.

Uchiha Kiyo couldn’t pretend to be so adoring, but it was also a look of “I’m listening and thinking carefully”.

On the stage, the three generations of Hokage also occasionally observed the reaction below, and seeing so many children’s admiring eyes, was also very satisfied.

At the same time, I also noticed Uchiha Kiyo.

However, looking at the look of the other party’s serious listening, and sometimes nodding in approval, the three generations of Hokage are also satisfied.

Tsunade was also observing Uchiha Kiyoshi, but he didn’t find any features, so he stopped paying attention after watching it for a while.

And the rope tree? At this time, his eyes were shining, and he couldn’t wait to shout.

Speeches are boring, and no matter how passionate a speech is, it will be boring after a long time.

Finally, under the expectations of everyone, the three generations of Hokage reluctantly stopped the speech.

Ask for collection! !

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