The Right Way to Rise Uchiha

Chapter 2

: Strength Division

In Naruto, there are actually only three levels of division, upper, middle, and lower ninja. Many things are very vague, so in order to facilitate writing, a division of strength has been carried out. The strength of the book is also calculated according to this.

There are nine levels in total.

Genin: The newly graduated ninja has just reached the level of Genin. After tempering, the chakra increases by five times and is in the Genin stage. The composition of strength is mainly based on taijutsu, supplemented by three-body jutsu and C-level D-level ninjutsu.

Chunin: The level of passing the Chunin exam. Begin to practice attribute ninjutsu. The main method becomes C-level ninjutsu, supplemented by D-level ninjutsu, three-body ninjutsu and taijutsu. The best of them can barely use B-level ninjutsu once.

Elite Chunin: Generally, it is a change in the nature of one attribute that is cultivated. The amount of chakra has been initially liberated. Compared with ordinary chunin, the amount of chakra is more sufficient. The main method is the cooperation of B-level and C-level ninjutsu. Able to use three or four B-rank ninjutsu. Talented, able to use A-level ninjutsu, of course, is the castrated version, and it still has to pay a certain price.

Special Jōnin: A ninja who has reached the standard of Jōnin in one or more attributes, or has not been promoted to Jōnin due to insufficient merit. Able to use A-level ninjutsu, but reluctantly, mainly B-level ninjutsu.

Shangnin: The real high-level combat power of the ninja world is only about a thousand people in the entire ninja world. After a transformation, the strength in all aspects has been greatly improved, and the level of physical skills has jumped significantly. Only relying on physical skills can kill Chunin and even some elite Chunin. The actual span is larger

Elite Shangnin: Chakra is more abundant than Shangnin, using A-level ninjutsu and B-level combined ninjutsu as the main means.

Quasi-shadow: One foot into the shadow level. The bottleneck has been broken, and it has reached the transition stage that has not yet fully adapted. It’s just a habitual title, not a level. There is a special elite jounin that can exert the strength of the quasi-kage, and is also called the quasi-kage.

Shadow Level: The existence of the strategic level. A-level ninjutsu is the main method, and the amount of chakra is greatly liberated, and it is generally no longer restricted by chakra in battle. Of course, big moves like forbidden arts and S-level ninjutsu are excluded.

Super Shadow Level: The amount of chakra is truly liberated. All kinds of means are at your fingertips, and it has the power to change the world. Just the aftermath of a battle can drastically change the terrain.

Sixth Dao level: Uh…it’s indescribable…it’s pretty awesome anyway.

In addition, in about ten or twenty chapters, although the protagonist did not have a system, he still quantified some data for himself.

The chakra required to cast a perfect (no waste) tripartite spell is defined as 1 card. (Well…it has nothing to do with Kakashi. I just think this unit is smooth…)

The general amount of ninja chakra at each level:

Ninja School students: 10 cards or less

Shimonin: 10-50 cards

Chunin: 51-500 cards

Elite Chunin: 500-2000 cards

Special Jounin: more than 2000 cards (more special, there is no specific upper limit, some more than 3000 will reach the bottleneck, and some can directly reach 5000 cards)

Joinin: 5000-20000 cards (after the transformation, even if it is a special jonin with a limit of 3000 cards, the amount of chakra will increase to more than 5000 in a short time)

Elite Junin: 20000-100000 cards (for reference)

Movie level: 200,000 cards or more, 1,000,000 cards or less

Super movie level: more than 1 million cards, no upper limit

Sixth Dao level: It has nothing to do with the amount of chakra, mainly the realm

Also, 1 gallon equals 10,000 calories

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