The Right Way to Rise Uchiha

Chapter 24

Chapter 22: Prey

Because of the self-cultivation technique, Uchiha Kiyoshi can be said to be in a very happy mood now. In addition to the physical feeling, there is also mental relaxation. After working hard for so long, and finally getting results, naturally we should be happy and happy. This is the first secret technique that Uchiha Kiyo developed when he came to this world where he can practice. In short, it is very meaningful.

Looking at Uchiha Kiyoshi exuding a pleasant atmosphere, Naoshu was also confused and didn’t know what happened.

However, this does not hinder Rope Tree. Born with a big heart, he will not be affected by this. What should be done or what should be done, chatting about various topics, suddenly think of something that he doesn’t understand and ask. Uchiha Kiyo didn’t know where the rope tree came from so many topics, as if he couldn’t finish talking, but he still responded one by one.

However, Uchiha Kiyoshi was not too complacent, and he still took out medical ninjutsu materials to read. This makes the rope tree on the side envious, and I also want this dual-purpose ability.

It’s a pity that Shengshu, who is envious, doesn’t know that this is not a dual purpose, but simply that his various problems are easy to “fuck”.

Naoki Uemura will continue to explain the refining of chakra today.

It has been more than a month and nearly two months since the beginning of the school year. The five students in the class who have not refined chakra have also successfully felt the spiritual energy, and they are only one step away from success. , maybe with a little luck, you can succeed tomorrow.

For Naoki Kamura’s class, Uchiha Kiyo was still the same and didn’t listen.

Isn’t the basic medical knowledge in your hand not fragrant?

Naoki Uemura can’t do anything about it. Although there are three generations of Hokage’s entrustment, Uchiha Kiyoshi really knows it. The four years of information are not for nothing, the whole ninja school teaches things, except for ninja lurking skills and other things that need to be practiced, Uchiha Qing actually knows everything.

A test was also conducted a few days ago. Although Uchiha was not the first and did not get a full score, it was close to a perfect score.

See what question he got wrong.

“In the face of the enemy’s attack, (given various conditions, you can calculate that you can attack the opponent before you are attacked), how should you face it?”

Uchiha Kiyo gave an answer of “I don’t know if the enemy has traps, let’s defend first”, which directly made Naoki Uemura dumbfounded. It makes sense to me. Why are you so cautious? This is just to let you figure out who can attack the other side first. I just want to say, classmate, you think too much.


Naoki Uemura also felt that he might not be able to complete the task given to him by the three generations of Hokage. After reporting the situation of Kiyo Uchiha yesterday, the three generations of Hokage did not continue to ask him anything.

In this regard, Naoki Uemura breathed a sigh of relief. He felt that Uchiha’s thoughts might be difficult to change back. If the third generation still wanted to correct Uchiha, it would be really difficult for him.

In fact, the three generations of Hokage also had other ideas, so they did not continue to insist on letting Naoki Uemura guide each other.

Since I was two years old, I have developed this character, and I can change it very well, so don’t waste too much energy on this.

Moreover, three of his apprentices have just been in contact with Uchiha Kiyoshi. Among them, Orochimaru expressed interest in this Uchiha Kiyo. It seems that he is willing to serve as Uchiha Kiyo’s team leader after graduation.

He also knows his apprentice Orochimaru and Hokage III very well. Maybe Kiyo Uchiha’s situation is very similar to him, so he is interested, and Kiyo Uchiha’s talent is also good. Even if he has such a disadvantage, it is not an advantage. .

With “excellent defense awareness”, perhaps Uchiha Kiyo can become a “meat shield” for defense in the team in the future, and Uchiha Kiyo also has the hope of mastering medical ninjutsu. The combination of auxiliary abilities is very good.

Moreover, the ninjas with special defense also have this biggest advantage. Although they do not have the ability to leapfrog kills or win with one enemy, they can do it with a short delay, and they are very stable. In the future, when the team encounters enemies that are beyond the range of strength, Uchiha may be able to hold a large number of enemies by himself, provide teammates with opportunities, wait for teammates to kill a few enemies, and slowly consume the opponent.

And Uchiha seems to have the potential to specialize in this direction, and the three generations of Hokage can only try it.

At noon, while Uchiha Kiyoshi was eating a bento, Rouge was also talking continuously.

“That, Qing, what do you think of the Xueji boundary?”


Hearing this question of Rope Tree, Uchiha Qing was also surprised. Is this a question Rope Tree can ask? It seems that there has been progress over time.

Shengshu was also embarrassed to be looked at. At home, he also suddenly thought of his family’s Mu Dun, and asked his sister by the way, and he also encountered such a look. Tsunade thought for a while, but did not answer directly, but asked him to try and ask Uchiha Kiyo to see what he thought.

Tsunade is also planning to test Uchiha Kiyoshi to see what level he is. After all, the information only says that the other party has often been in and out of the reference room to study since he was a child. How much he has learned is unknown.

Uchiha Qing thought for a while, but still answered.

“The limit of blood, um… In my opinion, it is a kind of escape that can be inherited through blood.”

Shengshu also widened his eyes, and met Uchiha Kiyo’s big eyes to small eyes. After a while, he stumbled and said, “Oh, what you said makes some sense, I am speechless.”

Uchiha Qing also has no choice. In his opinion, the definition of the boundary of blood is like this.

“Just now is my personal understanding, and the definition of the boundary of blood is difficult to explain clearly, it can only be generalized like this.

There are many manifestations of the blood-successive boundary, the most common of which is actually the fusion of two five-element escape techniques into a new escape technique, which is much more powerful than the five-element escape technique. In addition to this, there are also some special bloodline boundaries, which are characterized by the mutation of a certain part of the body and have different abilities, just like the writing wheel eyes of our Uchiha family. And these two can be inherited through blood, and they can also be regarded as a special escape technique that is different from the five elements. ”

The scumbag of rope tree can’t understand the other profound things that Uchiha Qing said, but he just feels it makes sense, and nodded in agreement with Uchiha Qing’s answer.

Uchiha Qing looked at the appearance of Rope Tree who didn’t understand and had to pretend, and he couldn’t laugh or cry.

In fact, he just thought about it carefully and probably guessed something. It may be that someone is testing something behind him. Of course, he can’t go into too much detail. He can only try to be as mysterious as possible, and then briefly summarize it.

At this moment, looking at the situation in the crystal ball in the Hokage office, Sandai and his three disciples were also thinking deeply, and felt that although Uchiha’s statement was simple, the conclusion was really interesting, especially Orochimaru, It was also an eye-opener to hear that Uchiha Kiyoshi regarded the writing wheel as a special kind of escape technique. It turns out that it can be assumed, and I have never seen such a statement before, which is really interesting. While thinking, he stuck out his tongue and licked the corner of his mouth.


Time always flies, and before you know it, a day has passed.

Uchiha Kiyoshi packed his things and walked out of the school.

Without returning home directly, Uchiha Qing went in another direction.

Ten minutes later, Konoha was behind the mountain.

Uchiha Kiyo looked at the forest in front of him, took a deep breath, and walked in.

Self-cultivation requires a lot of nutritional supplements, and Uchiha has no money, so he can only supplement it by hunting. Moreover, by the way, you can also fight with beasts to gain some combat experience.

The forest in Konohahou Mountain is very wide and deep. There are rich resources in it, and the whole Konoha’s medicinal materials, meat and other resources are also obtained from here.

However, Uchiha Qing didn’t plan to go too deep. With his current strength, he was not enough to deal with the beasts in the depths. He could only wander around trying to find suitable prey.

Uchiha Qing carefully walked to the outskirts of the forest, then found an open space and began to set traps.

In 20 minutes, Uchiha Kiyoshi had set up five traps around him and put his schoolbag in the grass nearby.

Uchiha Kiyo started looking for prey around the clearing.

Two hundred meters to the south of the place where Uchiha Kiyo laid the trap.

Uchiha Qing cautiously lay on the ground and looked at a beast in the distance.

In front of it is a creature that looks like a cow, two meters high and three meters long, with a single horn on its head, yellow hair all over its body, and a thick tail, one meter long and powerful. Uchiha Qing remembered that he had records of such beasts in some introduction books of beasts, and the only weakness was the abdomen. Of course, if your attack is strong, you can attack directly and casually, and the result is the same wherever you hit.

The beasts in the ninja world are all kinds of strange, and some are even different within the same group. They only have some common characteristics. It is difficult to record all the beasts completely, so we can only briefly introduce one type of these characteristics.

This is the case. The body is similar to a cow, so it is generally classified as a cow. Except for its strengths and weaknesses, there is no other explanation.

Uchiha Kiyo was also excited when he watched the cow in front of him eating the corpse of another rabbit-like beast. Eating meat generally means high nutritional value. (Well, I don’t understand this, it’s nonsense, don’t spray it)

From the ninja kit that he inherited from his father, he took out two kunai.


The two kunai were released at the same time, but there was only one sound, and Uchiha Kiyo’s kunai throw was perfect.

Hearing the sound, the bull-shaped beast also turned around and saw a Kunai approaching.

It’s a pity that there are two Kunai in total, and the other one has already hit the opponent’s front leg from the other side. Unfortunately, it only penetrates one centimeter, and it can’t go any deeper.

Being hit by Kuwu, the bull-shaped beast also roared furiously, swung its legs and threw Kuwu out. At this time, I also saw Uchiha Qing, and the beast’s eyes reddened by the anger, and bumped towards Uchiha Qing.

Uchiha Qing also sucked in a breath of cold air. Sure enough, he was rough-skinned and thick-skinned. He was hit directly by Kuwu, and it was only a small injury. The force with which I just threw Kunai was not small!

Uchiha Kiyo quickly got up, judging the route of the beast, chakra poured into his legs, and flashed to the side.

After dodging the first attack, Uchiha Kiyo did not relax. Seeing that the bull-shaped beast on the opposite side didn’t hit the target, he became even more angry, and attacked Kiyo Uchiha frantically.

Uchiha’s small body can’t resist the opponent’s strength, so he can only keep dodging. Fortunately, with the strengthening of Chakra, his physical fitness is not bad, and his skills are getting more and more skilled. , began to be able to think.

Uchiha Qing felt his physical strength, and knew that there was not much time left for himself, and began to run towards the place where he set the trap.

In the middle, he even started to provoke the bull-shaped beast and made various provocative behaviors.

Seeing that his attacks were always dodged by the opponent, the bull-shaped beast was also a little sullen. Seeing Uchiha’s provocative actions, he was even more angry and attacked even more crazy.

Just after Kiyo Uchiha’s last provocation, the bull-shaped beast couldn’t bear it any longer, roared and rammed directly.

Unfortunately, Uchiha had an expectation early in the morning, easily dodged, and activated the mechanism that he had arranged underground behind him.

Whoosh whoosh!

Dozens of thousands of books were shot from under the ground, hitting the belly of the beast directly, and the deepest one of them was completely submerged.

The bull-shaped beast screamed in pain, and looked at Uchiha Kiyo again, constantly attacking.

It is a pity that he is not as flexible as Uchiha Qing, and he was seriously injured at this time, so naturally he did not hit once.

Under the guidance of Qing Uchiha, he finally fell into the pothole prepared by Qing Uchiha in advance, and was stabbed by the spikes underneath. He was dying, and he was about to die.

Uchiha Kiyoshi was also preparing to go down and give the other party a final blow, but unfortunately, he didn’t expect the other party to have strength, and he swung his tail over.

Uchiha Kiyo only had time to cross his hands on his chest and mobilize Chakra to his arms.


Uchiha Kiyoshi was thrown a meter away and fell heavily to the ground.

“Huh! Fortunately, the response was timely, and there was an arm guard on the arm, otherwise it would have been miserable.”

Uchiha Qing climbed up with difficulty, grinning, feeling the condition of his arms, and heaving a sigh of relief.

I saw Uchiha Kiyo dropped two armguards on his arms, and there were traces left after being beaten.

Despite the protection of the arm guards, Uchiha Kiyoshi was seriously injured, and his arms are still a little numb, and he can’t use force.

“It’s really dangerous this time. I’m careless. In the future, before the enemy has no response at all, we must not relax, and it’s better to try again.”

With a wry smile, Uchiha Kiyo began to move his arms, hoping to relieve himself soon.

Uchiha Kiyo couldn’t use his hands, and he didn’t dare to approach the bull-shaped beast any more. He sat down directly by the pit and dealt with his injuries.

Although he was not attacked by the beast, Uchiha Kiyo suffered some minor injuries while dodging, so he started to deal with it at this time.

After half an hour, the bull-shaped beast finally stopped moving, and Kiyo Uchiha’s hands were able to use force.

First, he removed the remaining three traps around him, then came to the bottom of the pit, and stabbed the opponent a few times with Kunai in his hand to make sure that the opponent was completely dead, and Uchiha Kiyo began to approach.

First remove the Kunai under the beast, and then Uchiha Kiyo lifted the beast with all his strength and threw it out.

Jumping out of the pit, Uchiha Qing carried the body of the beast on his way home.

Along the way, some people were surprised to see Uchiha Kiyo, a six-year-old child carrying a beast two or three meters. After entering the Uchiha clan, several neighbors praised Uchiha, saying that Uchiha can kill such a big beast at such a young age, and he will have a future when he grows up.

When he got home, Kiyo Uchiha put down the body of the beast and did not deal with it immediately, but went out and ran towards Konoha Hospital.

Although it has been dealt with and the medicine has been applied, Uchiha still intends to go to the hospital for a check. He doesn’t want to leave any dark wounds or the like. Anyway, the cost of just checking at Konoha Hospital is not high.

At Konoha Hospital, Kiyo Uchiha looked at the medical ninja in front of him and asked nervously, “Doctor, I don’t have any dark wounds on my body, right?”

Keiko also replied with a smile, “Don’t worry, the injuries on your body are only some skin injuries. UU reading has no hidden injuries, and it has been handled very well. Apart from the skin injuries, your body is also very healthy. Better than their peers!

By the way, did you deal with these wounds yourself? The handling was jerky, but overall it was very professional. ”

Qing Uchiha smiled ‘shyly” when he was praised, and lowered his head and whispered, “Really? I usually learn some medical knowledge, and I will be a medical ninja in the future, saving lives and wounds.”

Keiko also praised Uchiha Kiyo after listening to it. Although a big boy wanted to be a medical ninja or something, he didn’t seem to care.

In the ninja world, there is nothing to learn about medical skills, but in medical ninja, most of them are female ninjas. First, female ninjas are more careful and seem to have an advantage in chakra control. Second, male ninjas are dreaming With the existence of positive rigidity, even if Chakra control is qualified, medical ninjas are generally not selected.

Keiko didn’t look down on Uchiha Kiyo, at least she was very enlightened.

Uchiha Qing was also “encouraged” and left happily.

“Well, the seeds have been planted, and it depends on luck whether you can be allowed to work here in the future.”

After leaving the hospital, Uchiha Kiyo was also muttering to himself.

In the future, I only need to emphasize my medical ninja dream when I come to the hospital occasionally. When it reaches a certain level, I will mention it to this Keiko to see if I can come here to work or do an internship, as long as I can give you money.

On the way back, Uchiha Qing also bought a set of barbecue grills on the way, and spent 14,000 taels, but these Uchiha Qing can only spend. After buying this, I can save a lot of money on meals in the future. This is called sharpening the knife and chopping wood by mistake.

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