The Right Way to Rise Uchiha

Chapter 451

Chapter 429: As A Species

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“By the way, the Uchiha family, can they take the same path as the sky?”

Both sides are mainly eyes, and the road with Sun Xiangtian is also able to catch up.

However, compared to the white eye, the writing wheel eye still has side effects.

“So, arrange a matching ideological education class for them?”


In Uchiha Kiyoshi’s plan, Sun Xiangtian’s road is mainly based on Tenseikan, and Tenseisen is regarded as an existence similar to the magic weapon of life, so as to enter the Tao.

This is also the most suitable way for the sun to the sky.

If it can be successful, Uchiha Qing’s system of cultivating immortals can be expanded, and there will be an additional path to enter the Tao with tools.

Of course, compared to the so-called entering the Dao with a tool, there is still a difference on the Rixiangtian side.

His so-called utensils are his own eyes, which are part of his body.

It’s easy to think of a system – the body as the seed.

Well, the specific meaning may be almost, but there is still a connection between the two parties, both of which are tapping their own potential.

Of course, this connection is still a bit far-fetched. The reason why I think of this word is also related to Uchiha’s current cultivation situation.

Isn’t the way that the Dantian evolves into a small world that he is currently studying, a way of exploring the potential of the inner world?

Dantian relies on the body to tap the potential of the dantian, which is to tap the potential of the body.

Taking the body as a species is the cultivation system in a famous novel by Uchiha Kiyoshi in a previous life, a system created by Emperor Huangtian to tap the potential of the physical body.

“So, I can learn from this path to some extent.”

As a species?

Isn’t my dantian rooted in the body?

sea of bitterness? Does Dantian count? Anyway, the location is about the same, it should be counted.

In the future, Uchiha Qing may be able to learn a lot from the realm on the other side of the bridge. After all, although Dantian is also dependent on the body, it is not strictly a part of the body.

However, the ideas can still be learned from.

For example, if you engrave Tao and truth in the sea of suffering, you can also engrave the rules of perception in your dantian.

Quadruple Secret Realm? Dragon Transformation Secret Realm? The whole dantian on my side corresponds to the whole body. The so-called four poles and transforming dragons are just the corresponding parts of the dantian, and it is not impossible to learn from them.

In the dantian, the four poles are set up to maintain the stability of the dantian, and then the dragon-shaped crest is the core of the entire dantian world, supporting the entire world.

If you insist on analogy, you can refer to the setting of Honghuang. In the prehistoric world, there are four holy beasts at the four poles and Buzhou Mountain at the center.

Well, that’s reasonable.

Uchiha Kiyoshi feels that…

dizzy have to.

This, the level of the ninja world is so low, is it a joke to get involved with the sky?

I don’t necessarily have to cultivate to the realm of the four-pole secret realm, and the ninja realm is invincible. How can I cultivate further?

Of course, Uchiha Kiyoshi was just complaining.

The so-called analogy is actually to find a direction for him. Dantian evolves into a small world, and he has no experience, so he needs to learn from it.

It is not that there are no other novels that have the so-called inner world, but they are not suitable. For example, in a certain global high-level martial arts, Uchiha Kiyo borrowed the qi and blood unit from it, and also learned the chakra splitting method to exercise his chakra control ability. The protagonist in this novel is the one who opens up the inner world, but what the **** is that? In what origin universe is developed without dead ends in all directions, and gradually a small world is formed. I go, Uchiha Kiyoshi does not know how to do it.

One is developed steadily step by step, Uchiha Qing this is the evolution of a space, and there are still gaps.

In comparison, although there is no so-called inner world in the sky, at least his sea of suffering and dantian have similarities, and the cultivation direction can be referred to.

There are other novels, and there are many in Uchiha’s mind, but there are not many sincerity that can be used for reference. The setting of fantasy is very mysterious, it is very fantasy, how to set it in it. In Uchiha’s words, that is how the world in these novels is stipulated, you can do whatever you want, and it is difficult to copy it in other worlds.

Therefore, compared to the cultivation method, what Uchiha lacks is the direction.

He doesn’t follow the methods in other novels, he just looks for directions.

Really learn from!

There are also interior and exterior scenes, and Uchiha Kiyoshi has seen similar settings, but he doesn’t know much about these things themselves. After all, when it comes to setting things, who is going to study it in depth when reading novels?

Most readers have taken it at a glance, and there is no problem with logic.

The kind of unique exploration of cultivation, the scientific system of immortality, the kind of Uchiha Kiyoshi that needs to be established step by step will pay attention. Moreover, paying attention does not mean that he has to conduct more in-depth research.

“Alas, in the final analysis, it is still more helpful to cover the sky.”

After thinking for a long time, Uchiha Qing also set his own direction.

Engrave your own perceptions in the Dantian space, cultivate the rules to a certain level, and meet the most basic needs of a world, and you may be able to complete the transformation of the space into the world.

In one year, his harvest is not small.

In the distribution of meridians, Uchiha Kiyo also found almost all the circulation related to space, and understood their function.

The study of space goes a step further.

At the same time, Uchiha Qing also successfully completed the opening of the space several times. Unfortunately, because there is no suitable carrier, the space finally collapsed.

Well, to be honest, the space opened up is too large to carry.

In this regard, Uchiha Kiyoshi is also very distressed.

This space is opened up, and it is really difficult to control the size.

With his method, he can open up a space in a short period of time, and the required strength cannot be small. In this way, the space after the opening will not be small. Unlike Dantian, which has the nourishment of the human body, it has actually been nurtured and formed. The space will not be too small, and with a long time of wear and tear, the strength required to open up the weak points of the space is not too large, and the dantian will not be forcibly opened up.

“The time is too short, and the research is still incomplete.”

Uchiha Qing is also considering that he may need to find a suitable carrier.

“The chakra metal does not increase the bearing capacity of the space. This thing purely depends on the hardness and the size of the volume.”

Moreover, because of the uncertainty of the size of the space to be opened up, the bigger the better.

Uchiha Qing can only keep his eyes in the air.

“Should the meteorite be big enough? In other words, I have been in the ninja world for so long, and I have been to the moon, but I haven’t explored the starry sky yet.”

Although the moon is more readily available, considering that he will soon fill the sea of death with the moon and merge the two continents, Uchiha Kiyo gave up the moon.

Go to the starry sky and look for meteorites.

“By the way, I haven’t noticed it for a while, isn’t the moon a little bigger?”

Scratching his head, Uchiha Qing was a little puzzled.

Now in broad daylight, the moon can be clearly seen, and it is a little bigger than before.


Rain country.


“Nagato, your body is completely saved!”

Yun went to Yunyin Village, successfully obtained the research results of Yunyin Village, and brought it back to Akatsuki. After using it for Nagato, he found that the effect was indeed there, but it only changed the skin and bone shape of the opponent.

The previous self-cultivation technique allowed Nagato to get rid of the death of the outsider, but the whole person is still in a skinny shape.

The result of Yunyin Village was to activate Nagato’s cell activity smoothly, making his body rejuvenated again.

However, there is vitality, but there is not enough vitality.

To this end, Yun once again pulled them to carry out research in this area.

That’s right, they. Although Nagato’s body hasn’t improved completely, he can cooperate with Yun and the others to develop a self-cultivation technique.

Yun has a heavy child and can control natural energy. At the right time, he discovered the supplementary effect of natural energy on vitality.

However, this speed is too slow. In order to better absorb natural energy, they set their sights on the self-cultivation technique.

This is also the cloud’s proposal.

Well, the end result is gratifying.

The technique of self-cultivation decomposes natural energy, and the female part provides vitality for the body.

Nagato and Konan couldn’t understand this point, but it would be nice if they could make a difference.

They are not Uchiha Kiyoshi, they have to study everything to the essence, and they are willing to give up after studying everything thoroughly.

Self-cultivation can greatly improve the efficiency of the body’s absorption of natural energy, which is enough.

Subsequently, they improved the self-cultivation technique and increased the power of the self-cultivation technique.

“Huh, Nagato, the efficiency of the improved self-cultivation technique has greatly increased, and it should be enough to restore your body in a short period of time.”

At this moment, Nagato’s body has recovered a lot, and the gray-white hair is no longer withered, at least there is vitality, and there are even one or two red strands.

Everything is getting better.

Of course, after getting better, it may be a disaster for others.

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