The Right Way to Rise Uchiha

Chapter 5

Chapter 3: Clan Training

Today, after Kiyo Uchiha got up, he did his daily exercise and didn’t read a book after eating.

Instead, after some preparations, he went to the training ground of Uchiha Houshan.

It has only been four months since the opening of the ninja school, and today is the day when the Uchiha family conducts pre-training for six-year-old children.

As a big clan, the Uchiha clan trained a month or even two months earlier than other ninja clans.

It’s not that other ninjas don’t want to advance, but that the advance training is not only to allow the younger generation in the clan to refine Chakra in advance, but more to lay a solid foundation for them.

How to lay the foundation? Spend money! A lot of training every day, coupled with a medicated bath once a day, this is not a small amount.

Take the medicated bath once a day, although it is not as good as the medicated bath used by those children who have cultivated a year or two in advance, but it costs 5,000 taels per serving! This is all provided for free by the clan!

Uchiha Qing has two subsidies from the village and the clan, and only 8,000 taels per month! Even if most of the meals are made at home every month, plus some extra expenses, at least 3,000 taels are used a month!

In four years, Uchiha Qing saved only 200,000 taels.

And the training in the clan will last until one month before the start of the ninja school, that is, three months, a total of 90 days, 5,000 taels of medicinal baths a day, a total of 450,000 taels!

It is more than double the money that Uchiha Qing saved in four years!

Although it is said that a large part of the medicinal materials are collected by the clan, but that is also money! It’s worth selling. There may be some discounts for bulk purchases of other medicinal materials, but not too much.

This is just the money for each junior’s medicinal bath, and there are various expenses in other aspects.

Every year, there will be more than a dozen juniors of the right age, and it will cost more than 20 million taels for the training organized by the clan!

Smaller ninjas can’t afford it at all. With so much money, they only practice a few months in advance.

Uchiha Kiyo walked towards the destination while sighing at the atmosphere of the clan.

Soon, Uchiha Kiyo saw the meeting point from a distance, and there were already many juniors of the same age waiting there.

There was still half an hour before the time set by the clan, Uchiha Kiyo was not in a hurry and walked over slowly.

Don’t look at him being so lazy at this time, this is a rare time for him to relax in recent years, so naturally he needs to relax.

The other children were playing with each other, and seeing Uchiha Qing coming over was not without an invitation, but was rejected by Uchiha Qing.

Uchiha Kiyoshi really can’t play with a group of little kids, is it childish or not?

He is also not worried about his actions being suspected by others. There are still a lot of precocious children in the ninja world. After Kiyo Uchiha’s parents died four years ago, he has always been precocious, and no one doubts it.

When the appointed time was approaching, the two clothes were printed with the Uchiha clan emblem, similar to a table tennis racket, and a ninja wearing a Konoha forehead came to Uchiha Kiyoshi’s group of people.

One of the taller ninjas asked them to stand up, counted the number of people, and then started his own teaching.

First introduce yourself.

“Hello, I am the ninja arranged by the clan to guide you this time. My name is Uchiha Takashi, Joinin. Your chakra training and kunai throwing for the past three months are all taught by me. I The one next to him is Nobu Uchiha, who is a special Jōnin, like me, in charge of guiding you, but more focused on physique.”

Saying that, Uchiha Takashi pointed to another ninja who was not tall beside him.

Nobu Uchiha also introduced his responsible aspects to the little devils in front of him.

“Okay, little devils, we don’t need any troublesome self-introduction anymore, let’s start our main lesson today.”

In the same clan, Uchiha Takashi can also recognize it, so he did not ask them to introduce themselves, and he was not interested in these.

“Okay, the first thing we will learn today is the refining of chakra.”

Suppressing the excited group of little devils below, Uchiha Takashi continued to preach.

“As a ninja, the most important thing is chakra. The amount of chakra is directly related to the amount of ninjutsu a ninja can release, and it also affects the power of ninjutsu. So, next, you must practice chakra well, Raise your chakra as much as possible.”

Looking at the group of children below who seemed to understand but did not understand, Uchiha Takashi also explained patiently.

“…Okay, speaking of this, everyone should understand the importance of chakra, right? Next, I will talk about the extraction method of chakra.”

Under the fiery eyes of the following group of children, Uchiha Takashi did not delay, and slowly explained the matter of refining chakra.

“Chakra is a kind of energy formed by the fusion of physical energy and spiritual energy, which is essential for ninjas to use ninjutsu.

The main thing to pay attention to when refining chakra is to control the ratio of physical energy and mental energy. This ratio is generally different for different people. Only after finding the right ratio can chakra be blended.

What I’m going to talk about next is how to feel the energy of the body and the energy of the mind…”

Perhaps it was because the following group of children listened in a daze. Uchiha Takashi explained, while letting them ask questions and give answers. In this way, the following group of children can be regarded as a preliminary understanding of what Uchiha Taka said, physical energy. And mental energy, and how it feels.

Takashi Uchiha finally let them understand, and he was relieved. To be honest, this really tested a ninja’s skills. It’s like teaching a child math, if you don’t have a certain level, you really can’t teach it. Generally, ninjas may not be able to do better than Uchiha Takashi.

Uchiha Takashi nodded in satisfaction.

“Very well, it seems that everyone has figured out the knowledge of physical energy and mental energy. Next, what I want to talk about is how to integrate chakra.”

“Of course, don’t look at how hard it is to refine chakra. Once you have the first successful fusion, your body will remember this ratio, and you won’t need so much effort to refine chakra in the future.”

It was another big explanation, and as the children nodded, Uchiha Takashi was relieved.

“Finally finished, the next thing should not be so difficult to talk about.”

Comforting himself in his heart, Takashi Uchiha turned his gaze to Nobu Uchiha next to him.

“Kunai’s throwing will officially start tomorrow. Next, what you have to do is the practice of taijutsu, which will be left to Uchiha Shin.”

After Uchiha Takashi finished speaking, the following group of children heard that they wanted to practice physical skills, and some of them were directly discouraged. Of course, some children were full of energy and full of confidence.

Seeing this, Uchiha was not accustomed to those discouraged children, and directly deterred them by force, forcing them to start training in physical arts.

“The so-called taijutsu is a fighting technique that uses the body augmentation of Chakra and then engages in battle, or directly uses a powerful body to engage in battle.

There are no shortcuts in the cultivation of taijutsu, that is, day after day, diligent study and hard training.

The most important thing in physical art is physical fitness and combat experience.

For the next three months, you will have to do a lot of physical exercise every day, as well as a lot of battles. Of course, the clan will provide you with medicated baths to ensure that your body will not be damaged.

Well, today’s first class, you will do physical exercise first.

Each person runs 20 laps around the training ground, and the punishment for not finishing it, hehe, I think you definitely don’t want to experience it. ”

A group of six-year-old children, no matter where they can stand the intimidation of Uchiha letter, are determined to complete the task.

Besides, Uchiha’s training ground is smaller than Konoha’s training ground, 5 kilometers for one lap, 100 kilometers for 20 laps? It’s not hard to do… is it? hehe… it’s not difficult…

Some careful children did a careful calculation, and sure enough, they didn’t know, but they were startled. 100 kilometers, are you kidding me?

Unfortunately, with the announcement of the start of Uchiha letter, even if it was extremely reluctant, he had to start running.

Uchiha Qing kept a low profile during this process. He actually understood Uchiha Takashi’s guidance once, but he also listened carefully to Uchiha Takashi’s explanation after that. Explaining from different angles can always make your understanding more thorough.

As for the tasks that Uchiha letter gave them, Uchiha Kiyoshi was not very worried.

For the past four years, Uchiha Kiyoshi, who has been exercising, can be said to be the best on the field. He can still run 100 kilometers in one day.

On the contrary, Uchiha Kiyoshi was very happy. Since Uchiha Shin dared to set up a 100-kilometer mission with these six-year-old children who had basically never exercised or had little exercise, it meant that the medicated bath provided by the Uchiha clan The effect must be better than you imagined.

Following Uchiha letter’s order, several energetic children rushed out first, obviously a grade faster than other children. The remaining few people are also desperately in front of the chaser.

Uchiha Qing did not accelerate blindly, but tried to maintain a uniform speed and control the speed to about 70-80% of his fastest speed.

In this way, Uchiha Qing did not fall behind, and it was the same batch as the few who were chasing after him desperately.

Uchiha’s choice was also very correct. The other children had only run two or three laps, so they had to slow down and gasped. And Uchiha Kiyoshi, in addition to being a little tired, his speed was not affected, and his breathing was even.

Seeing this, Uchiha also secretly praised, “Knowing that he runs at a constant speed from the beginning, he is a smart child.”

As time went on, the number of laps ran increased, and Uchiha Kiyo gradually began to pant and sweat profusely. However, Uchiha still gritted his teeth and continued to run at a speed.

Uchiha knew that if he wanted to break through his physical fitness, he had to break the limit again and again, but this would inevitably cause damage to his body. Under normal circumstances, when he had not mastered medical ninjutsu, he could not afford it. from the high medical bills.

So this time he was given an opportunity to train him, and after the medicinal bath provided by the clan, Uchiha Kiyo planned to exercise his body well in the past three months.

Ask for collection! !

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