The Right Way to Rise Uchiha

Chapter 517

Chapter 493: Change The World

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Uchiha’s correct way to rise!

After ten years of insight, Uchiha Kiyoshi has naturally a lot of insights.

The rules of reincarnation were perfected to the extreme by him.

Today, he’s going to do something big.

Completely rectify the order of the Pure Land and Ninja World!

This is beneficial to the whole world. On the one hand, it promotes the development of the world, and on the other hand, it also benefits itself.

In the last Pure Land Rebellion, the gods joined forces to open up the two worlds, and the changes brought about are not small. The two worlds have gradually merged, and the rules have also been greatly affected. There are certain benefits.

Uchiha took advantage of this opportunity to have a good understanding, and the progress is not big. Among them, the yin and yang aspects of the yin and yang that brought the most obvious changes, Uchiha’s progress did not know how to describe it.

He feels that he can now play the previous three without any problem.

Well, it should be fine.

For so many years, Uchiha has retreated directly near the gate of hell, where the two worlds meet, and the changes in the rules of yin and yang are the most obvious. It is the best place for him to practice.

In fact, not only the yin and yang rules, but other rules are also manifested here, and the difficulty of perception is greatly reduced. Of course, the premise is that they can withstand the environmental crisis here.

As time passed, everything stabilized, and the benefits of these rules became more and more dwindling, and then only the crisis of the intersection and the opportunity of the intersection itself remained.

In the past ten years, Uchiha has been perfecting reincarnation, and he is also perfecting yin and yang.

The so-called reincarnation cannot skip the changes of yin and yang. If you want to rectify the pure land, it is essential to further the rules of yin and yang.

“Now I should have the conditions.”

Uchiha Qing informed the four apprentices that something would happen to stabilize the situation,

If there is no accident, there will be no accident.

At the same time, it also reminds them that when changes occur, there may be changes in the rules, so seize the opportunity to feel it.

Stepping out one step, Uchiha Kiyo entered the gate of hell. Space transformation, appearing in the pure land.

The vast white pure land has been very peaceful in the past ten years. After experiencing Uchiha Qing’s successive slaughter of gods, everyone recognized the power of this man.

Especially the other people who are also gods, the evil **** of death plus the six immortal brothers, the four peak combat powers of the Pure Land, plus a large number of other gods, have not been able to defeat, they have completely given up hope of resistance.

In the past ten years, they have been very quiet, they have not started a war in the Pure Land, and at the same time they have not gone to annex the forces of the dead gods, they are really afraid.

I am afraid that Uchiha Qing will come to harvest.

Not all the gods participated in the battle, and there were many gods who did not go. They either lost their ambitions, were simply afraid, or were speculating.

“The latest expansion of Pure Land has been completed.”

Uchiha Qing can feel that because of his own reasons, the part to be expanded has been completed, and this part of the expansion is all used on the two-world channel!

The channel is already solid enough.

“Next, it’s up to me.”

Above the golden core, a rule is manifested, that is the rule of reincarnation.

Uchiha Qing temporarily merged the rules with the rules of reincarnation between heaven and earth. He is the controller of the two rules and the pioneer of them. There is no problem in doing this.

The two rules are intertwined, and Uchiha’s perfection in the past few years has been transported out by him, and the rules of reincarnation between heaven and earth are instantly perfected.

Uchiha Qing retracted the rules of reincarnation.

Next, it is the transformation of the world of the ninja world, and it is better to have less participation in your own rules.

Manipulating the rules of reincarnation between heaven and earth, Uchiha Qing stirs the void, and the five elements of yin and yang are transformed into chains, forcing a large number of rules out of the void. Above the rules of reincarnation, each has a branch, which is connected to these rules. .

Even if they resisted, they obeyed under the strong suppression of the Yin-Yang and Five Elements Rules.

After all, no one controls the rules.

The reincarnation rules are connected and integrated with most of the rules of the entire world.

Since then, the reincarnation rule is definitely one of the most influential rules among the many rules in the entire ninja world.

As for those living gods, Uchiha Kiyo ignored it, and he continued with his plan.

The rules of reincarnation extract nutrients from the rest of the rules to supply their own growth.

It has just been perfected, and there is still a lack of filling in the power of rules. With the addition of the power of stock rules, the rules of reincarnation are getting stronger and stronger.

And Uchiha Kiyoshi used this time to try to master other rules through the rules of reincarnation.

Not to mention complete mastery, but at least the mobilization is essential, because what he needs to do next is equivalent to the transformation of the entire world.

Uchiha Kiyo continued to try to control all the rules simply.

He himself has mastered a large number of rules and is very experienced in this area, and at the same time his realm is enough to support so many rules.

In the past ten years, Uchiha’s insights have included various aspects, but mainly in reincarnation and yin and yang.

Then the convenience of the reincarnation rules, Uchiha Qing instantly completed the control of a large number of rules,

At this moment, he seems to have become the controller of the entire world, able to manipulate the entire world to complete various operations.

However, he knew that all this was false, and once his actions had any destructive actions on the world itself, he would be severely resisted by the world.

Even if it is serious, Uchiha Kiyoshi himself will be treated as an enemy.

The reason why he can enter this state now is entirely by the light of the rules of reincarnation.

Because it has been partially integrated, the process of absorbing the power of rules this time is very fast.

The boundless power of rules, I don’t know how long the power of rules has been accumulated, was mobilized by Kiyoshi Uchiha, and it permeated the entire pure land.

All levels are shrouded in the power of rules.

The surviving gods all looked in the direction of Uchiha Kiyo in horror, and warned wildly in their hearts.

They feel that what Uchiha Qing will do is not a good thing for them, not only not a good thing, but also a very bad thing.

But do they dare to resist?

Except for a few complaints, no one really dared to resist.

Uchiha Qing was too lazy to pay attention to these gods, and behaved well to save their lives. If he really resisted and made trouble for himself, then don’t blame him for being rude.

In terms of dealing with gods, Uchiha Qing has never included lakes.

What gods are just a group of strong people who have mastered the rules. In Uchiha’s eyes, they are not strong, and naturally there is nothing to fear.

The power of rules enveloped this pure land, including the connection point with the ninja world.

With the mobilization of Uchiha, they resonated with the rules of reincarnation, all the rules worked together, and the Pure Land began to change under the operation of the rules.

The original layer of pure land was smelted by the power of rules and turned into a whole.

The power of the rules is the fuel, which integrates the entire pure land into one. The rules change, but they are still within the control of Uchiha. Under his control, the rules actively respond to the changes in the world, and they respond to changes and adapt to the changes. new pure land.

The changes in the Pure Land are very dynamic, and the entire ninja world can feel the movement.

Uchiha had arrangements early in the morning and it didn’t cause any panic.

The pure land continued to be smelted, and the original pure land of countless levels was completely smelted into a whole by him. The boundaries were not sealed, and there was still the possibility of continued expansion.

The whole process lasted a day and a night.

If it weren’t for such a long period of time, so many rules have stored such a huge power of rules, and Uchiha Kiyo couldn’t have achieved such a feat.

After the pure land smelting is completed, the integration of the reincarnation rules itself and other rules has become more and more thorough, and the two sides are more compatible.

The ninja world also began to change.

Uchiha Kiyoshi spread his perception to the ninja world through the connecting channel, the gate of hell.

No, it feels inappropriate to do so. He directly enters the space channel of the gate of hell, uses the power of space to stabilize himself, and is always on the balance point of the connection between the two worlds.

The rules of the two worlds began to change under the reconciliation of Kiyo Uchiha.

Although the rules have been adapted to the appearance of the connection point in the past ten years, it is not completely. In addition, this time Uchiha Kiyoshi has made a major transformation of the whole world, and new changes are needed.

The three continents of the ninja world were merged by Uchiha Kiyo.

In order not to affect the life of the ninja world as much as possible, he tried to make all changes gentle. In general, the transformation of the ninja world is not very big.

More, Uchiha Kiyoshi is making the Pure Land more adaptable to the ninja world.

Yin and yang are opposed, yin and yang are balanced, and various insights are practiced by Uchiha Kiyo, who is performing real operations on the arrangement of the two worlds. He is corresponding to the two worlds, trying to apply all his insights to the transformation of this world. among.

In the end, the Pure Land and the Ninja World were completely transformed by Uchiha Kiyo into the opposite worlds of Yin and Yang.

According to the assumption in his mind, Uchiha Qing began a deeper transformation.

The rules are not perfect, but his reincarnation rules themselves have many of these branches.

As long as you want to build a framework, with the passage of time and the perfect structure, the world itself will improve the rules of reincarnation. At that time, Uchiha Kiyoshi will be able to prostitute for nothing, improve his own rules of reincarnation, and then engrave them on himself in the world of Dantian.

“The dead cannot be resurrected.”

This is the first rule, but it’s not too rigid. Uchiha Qing still left many loopholes. For example, if his power is strong enough, this point can be disregarded.

“The soul returns to the pure land!”

This is already being implemented, and Uchiha Qing doesn’t need to worry too much.

“Good and evil always pay off.”

Uchiha Kiyo established **** in the Pure Land.

“Everything has reincarnation!”

The soul is reincarnated again and again, one life has passed, and a new life is about to come. According to the accumulation of the previous life, the birth of the next life is determined.

The most basic of this is the need to clear the memory.

The Ninja world has no rules in this regard, and Uchiha Kiyo will not be able to completely clear the memory of the moves, but he feels that it is unnecessary to completely clear the memory.

In the various legends of the past life, there are also ways to retrieve the memory of the past life, indicating that everything is not erased, but just covered up, so Uchiha only needs to do it in the same way.

And he handed this heavy responsibility to Kaguya.

Her unlimited monthly reading is just right.

Even **** was actually created by Uchiha Kiyo to cooperate with her infinite moon reading.

real hell? Hehe, it’s too difficult to build, let’s build a fantasy world directly.

Unlimited Monthly Reading does not need to clear the reincarnator’s memory, it only needs to overwrite it. Some illusions can do this. As the pinnacle of illusions, it is not difficult for Infinite Moon to do this.

The reason for using unlimited monthly reading is actually a matter of scale.

This kind of reincarnation is going on every minute and every second, and it is carried out on a large scale. Other means are definitely not enough, and only Infinite Monthly Reading can do it.

Of course, as compensation, Kaguya could only be given some rights to the Pure Land.


A big beauty was arranged by Uchiha Qing to be a Meng Po, so there is no such thing as a Meng Po in this world, otherwise Uchiha Qing himself would be a little guilty.

“No, I have a guilty conscience. In the novels I read in the past life, it seems that there is really a real face of Meng Po. In fact, she is a beautiful woman. The external appearance is just the reason for her position. It’s just an appearance.”

Well, Madam Meng is a great beauty!

The infinite monthly reading covers the memory, and uses illusion to clear everything. As long as you can get rid of the illusion in the next life, you can “awaken” the memory of the past life, which is consistent with Uchiha’s impression that the immortal can awaken the memory of the past life.

In addition to memory, Uchiha Qing also needs to make arrangements for the reincarnation of the soul.

Referring to the resurrection technique, he is quite familiar with this aspect.

There is a big branch in the rules of reincarnation, which is about reincarnation.

After the soul is “purified” by Infinite Moon, it will return to the ninja world through the gate of hell, and will be reincarnated in a specific group according to the cause and effect of the previous life.

The so-called specific groups are naturally people and animals of different races.

“It’s pretty tiring.”

The whole process lasted for a full ten days and ten nights, and Uchiha Kiyo didn’t have any rest, and he maintained a high degree of tension throughout the process.

This is a change at the rule level, and the impact on the ninja world is not so obvious. Except for the existence of some foundation-building levels, few people can really discover the changes in this world.

Near the gate of hell, the Holy Land of Immortal Dao and the Holy Land of Martial Dao, the monks at the foundation-building level felt all the changes wholeheartedly.

Uchiha Kiyo had already arranged everything before he acted, and naturally he would not forget to harvest the benefits.

The changes and changes of the world, and the perfection of the Yin and Yang realms, is a qualitative change that affects all levels, and the chance is too great.

“So strong!”

Following the footsteps of Uchiha Qing and embarking on the path of evolutionary cultivation, they became more and more able to feel how powerful Uchiha Qing must be to do these things.

This is not a simple realm.

This is the power of perception.

“Daozu, I am afraid that it is not only the realm of Jindan that can be compared!”

Someone exclaimed.

“Indeed, according to the inheritance of the Holy Land, one can be promoted to Jindan if one’s spirit, energy and spirit are complete. If one’s talent is strong, one can understand the rules, or capture the rules of the world itself, one can imprint it on one’s own Jindan.

And these geniuses may be much worse than Daozu.”

Someone agrees.

“It’s hard to imagine how Daozu did it back then.”

“Yeah, to create such a system, and to be able to cultivate everything to this extreme, is worthy of being a Taoist ancestor!”


The foundation-building cultivators are not stingy with their own words. Anyway, they will not lose a piece of meat.

Hi Xiangtian, Lin, Uzumaki Ryo, Uchiha Kai, the four of them are Uchiha Kiyoshi’s disciples, and they are always at the forefront of cultivation. Although San Ren and others have enough background and burst out quickly, they have only cultivated to the late stage of foundation building in ten years.

“I didn’t expect Lin to come this far.”

The little girl who came from a commoner back then was about to become the first cultivator to enter Jindan after Daozu!

Sun Xiangtian can’t compare to Lin.

“It’s time to try.”

Uchiha’s voice appeared, and Lin also moved. She had already found the origin of her soul, but for the greater good, she never recovered.

At this moment, the teacher’s transformation of the rules of yin and yang is a period of great opportunity, which is of great benefit to her promotion to Jindan.

Collect the source of the soul, instantly fuse, and be as complete as one.

Lin’s dantian burst into a dazzling light.

Unlike Uchiha Kiyoshi’s process of forming an elixir, Lin took the most orthodox path. Form Dantian in Dantian.

Of course, there is also the reason why Uchiha Qing didn’t find where his dantian was at the beginning.

The three energies of Jing, Qi and Shen are intertwined to form a golden core in Lin’s dantian.

In terms of rules, Lin also mainly cultivates the rules of yin and yang. The research on sealing techniques has brought a lot of benefits to Lin, Ri Xiangtian, and others involved in the work. The rules of yin and yang are somewhat rudimentary. The cultivation of the land and the opportunity at this moment are too great for them.

Uchiha Qing himself did not have this treatment at the beginning.

The predecessors planted the trees and the latter enjoyed the shade.

Uchiha has no complaints about this. After all, he has come all the way and has his own gains.

On Sun Xiangtian’s side, Uchiha Kiyo pulled the rules of reincarnation for him to observe.

Since it is Tenseigan, it must be worthy of the name.

This rule cannot be swallowed up by him, after all, it is related to the whole world, but it is no problem for him to comprehend it.

Uchiha Kiyo himself is also feeling now, as the initiator of all this, his harvest must be the greatest.

Not to mention superfluous insights, simply manipulating and mastering so many rules is a very novel experience, which is very helpful for him to build his own Dantian world system.

How the rules of the whole world work and how to build it, Uchiha Kiyo intends to refer to the ninja world itself.

The rectification of the yin and yang worlds has been preliminarily completed.

Next, Uchiha Qing personally guarded the connection point between the yin and yang worlds, sitting in the center of the entire world, maintaining the continuous operation of the new order.

As time goes by the world gets back on track and the rules continue to evolve.

Fortunately, it seems that Kiyo Uchiha killed a large number of gods last time. Their unspent beliefs are scattered between heaven and earth, and are invisible to the world to speed up the deduction and improvement of the rules themselves.

Time has passed, the rules have been perfected, and Uchiha’s harvest has accumulated over time.

Around the gate of hell, there are even foundation-building cultivators who have gained a lot, and their insights drive their cultivation. The monks who had just entered the foundation-building became the foundation-building completion, and the cultivators who had completed the foundation-building in the later stage of the foundation-building were successively formed elixir.

None of this affected Kiyo Uchiha.

He is also constantly realizing that compared to these second-generation monks, his harvest is greater than their combined!

Ask for a monthly pass!


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