The Ring That Defies The Heavens

Chapter 2880 - Trial begins

After returning to his place of residence, Jiang Fei was lying in bed, and he began to recall what happened in the office of the Archon today.

“It seems that I still underestimate the Archon!” Jiang Fei nodded secretly.

For a long time, Jiang Fei thought that he had turned the consul around, but how can anyone who can rule one be stupid? Lina can guess that Jiang Fei has a connection with the three-dimensional world, not to mention the consul, but fortunately, Jiang Fei had already prepared in the beginning, so he was not panicked and took the already prepared speech directly. come out.

Because people in the gamma space have never thought that people in the three-dimensional world can come to their territory actively, and even in their cognition, such a bottom-up active leap cannot be achieved, so whether it is Li Na is still a ruling officer. None of them ever thought that Jiang Fei was a person who came to Gamma Space from a three-dimensional world and had the ability to go back.

It is precisely because they have never considered this possibility at all, so although they have suspicions about Jiang Fei, they are within a certain limit, and as senior people, they have never thought of self-sacrifice, so when Jiang Fei said that he was willing to stay in this space. After living in this space, none of them was in doubt.

When thinking about a thing, people often subconsciously substitute themselves in it and think about it. If they are in that position, what choices will they make, whether it is the consul or Lina, if they Are clones whose memories have not been completely erased, then they will certainly be at ease, live here as a gamma space person, and then use these memories to seek a better life for themselves, just like Jiang Fei is now Do it like this.

It is precisely because of this positional thinking, that Jiang Fei and the selfish people such as Lina feel that Jiang Fei is justified.

“Although I’ve been confused for a while, I can’t take it lightly. Since the consul has a suspicion, there will be something in his mind. It is impossible to trust me as much as before, so I must cover it up better. “Jiang Fei thought secretly.

Regarding the trial that will start tomorrow, Jiang Fei also considered it. The sheriff was obviously not rescued, but in order to attract Lina, he decided to make it clear to help the sheriff, although he had no right to help the sheriff. The death penalty, but as Lina said before, helping the sheriff to find a relatively decent method of death, he can still do it.

The night passed and Jiang Fei slept for a while in the middle of the night, but did not sleep too hard.

The next morning, Jiang Fei opened his eyes. After washing, he didn’t go to breakfast and drove to the place where the court was located.

The entire Gamma Space is a city, so it’s not that big. All the administrative organs are near the administrative department, so Jiang Fei can be regarded as a light road.

“The Inquisitor!”

“Early inquisitor!”

After Jiang Fei came to the court, everyone took the initiative to say hello to him. After all, no one does not know that he is the hottest red man in front of the consul.

“Huh!” Jiang Fei kindly nodded to everyone who greeted him, although he didn’t know what those people were doing.

After waiting in the lounge for a while, someone came to inform Jiang Fei to start the trial. Although Jiang Fei did not understand the procedure of the trial at all, but as the consul said, he was going to the court, except for the final reading. Beyond the verdict, other times, naturally, there are professionals to handle everything.

After Jiang Fei took office here, a lot of people came to the court one after another. In addition to the public prosecutor and other judges, a large number of journalists and civilians came from the auditorium. He made it clear that he was relying on public justice sheriffs, pushing all previous negative responsibilities on him, and channeling public indignation to the sheriffs, thereby reducing the pressure on the current government.

After about twenty minutes, everything was ready, and one of the judges on the side shouted, “Bring the defendant!”

Then the bailiff brought both the sheriff and Lina. Jiang Fei looked down at the sheriff and Lina from the top. Obviously, both of them were simply dressed up. Lina was fine, Her previous condition was not particularly bad, at this time it was not much different from when Jiang Fei met her yesterday.

But the sheriff is not the same. He is obviously taken care of it. The messy beard stubble has been shaved, the oily face has been washed, and he was even given it Blow a relatively clean head shape.

Obviously, the consul didn’t want people to grasp the handle, saying that he abused the sheriff, or even tortured into something. Now that he is a winner, he can arrange the crimes of the sheriff at will, so he pays attention to these details, and doesn’t want to just because of these small things Influence his reputation.

Soon, the sheriff and Lina were taken to the defendant’s bench. They did not carry any torture equipment. It is reasonable to say that such a recidivism to the sheriff must be handcuffed and shackled, but in order to show his kindness, No torture was given to the sheriff’s father and daughter at all.

Although the Archon did this for his own benevolent reputation ~ ~, in fact, this also left the sheriff and Lina a last look, after all, they were also the top characters in the gamma space If they go to court with their elbows and feet, it will be a shame to them.

“Now ask the prosecutor to read the indictment!” The judge yelled.

Then the prosecutor next to him began to read the count of the sheriff. This is a 35-page indictment. According to the description in the indictment, the crime of the sheriff is almost impossible, and it is a pity!

Jiang Feijing listened quietly. The contents of this indictment were half-truth and half-false, and even the fake part was not a desire sheriff. It was just that the clerk had put all the responsibilities on him. Obviously, by the death of the sheriff, the consul intends to pass on all class contradictions to him and then eliminate them together.

The 30-page indictment was read by the prosecutor for nearly two hours. The reporters below are okay. After all, they are doing this job, but the people who are watching ca n’t carry it. At the beginning, these people were listening. The sheriff’s crimes were still in a state of excitement, one by one can’t wait to eat his meat and his blood, but later, everyone was exhausted of all their patience by this lengthy indictment, and they all began to fall asleep.

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