The Ring That Defies The Heavens

Chapter 2897 - Goodbye natasha

After arriving at the country house of the Archon, Jiang Fei stopped the car, which he borrowed from the Archon, who had already returned to his residence at this time.

When Jiang Fei entered the villa, he found that the eight members of the development team selected by him had already arrived, and Natasha’s brother had not yet arrived. However, at this time there is still some time before noon, so the time limit given by Jiang Fei was not reached.

“Sir, you are here!”

“Sir, morning!”

A few guys who arrived earlier hurried up to say hello.

“You came early enough!” Jiang Fei laughed.

“No, no, we just arrived.” The four members of the development team laughed. In fact, the earliest one has been here for almost three hours.

“The others haven’t arrived yet, let’s sit for a while.” Jiang Fei greeted these people into the villa and sat down in the living room.

Because the villa was borrowed by Jiang Fei from the consul, the housekeeper and waiter here were notified. After Jiang Fei brought in, they immediately brought tea or coffee.

“Come here, don’t hesitate to wait. After everyone arrives, let’s talk together.” Jiang Fei greeted these people and sat down again.

“Master Xie …”

“Thank you Lord …”

The four guys sat down while thanking each other. In the villa of the Archon, it was naturally a good thing. Whether it was tea or coffee, these were the best things. Everyone drank tea while chatting and waiting for others. The arrival of people.

At the beginning, these four guys were quite restrained. After all, Jiang Fei’s identity was unusual. At this time, he was the second person after the ruling officer, so everyone complimented most, and others didn’t dare to say anything .

But after a long time, everyone talked more casually. After more than an hour, laughter began to spread in the living room.

One after another, members of the other four development groups also arrived, including Natasha’s brother.

“Sorry, I have made you wait so long.” Those guys who came late apologized.

“It’s okay, I came early, and you didn’t arrive late.” Jiang Fei waved to these people to sit down, and then said to them: “This time the matter is urgent, so you have to work overtime, It’s well-equipped here. Just start working directly. I need a management system. The demand is like this … “

Then Jiang Fei described his needs again. In order to delay some time, Jiang Fei’s requirements are not low, and there are still conflicts in some places. His purpose is to keep these people here for a period of time so that he can have a chance to go. Get in touch with Natasha alone without worrying about her brother coming back at any time.

“Sir, please rest assured, we will complete it as soon as possible!” Several members of the development team gave a rough look at the requirements and agreed with their mouths. They came to slap Jiang Fei’s flattery, and they also felt that they were a management System, this is not difficult.

“Okay, I’ll ask the housekeeper to arrange your residence. You will start work this afternoon. After the system is ready, let them contact me. After I have completed the inspection, everyone will be able to go home!” Jiang Fei said.

“No problem, we must do it as soon as possible!” Said a guy headed.

“Then there is labor!” Jiang Fei laughed.

“Yes, it should!” Several people said politely.

After Jiang Fei asked the housekeeper to arrange the room and office of these people, he left the villa and returned directly to Crystal Street.

After stopping at the street, Jiang Fei went straight to Natasha’s house.

“Papapa …” Jiang Fei patted the door. He heard the footsteps coming downstairs, but no one answered.

“Natasha, it’s me!” Jiang Fei shouted loudly in the door.

“Handsome guy?” Natasha asked softly.

“Yeah!” Jiang Fei said with a smile.

“Pop …” The door opened a small slit, and Natasha looked out of it with one eye out, and she saw Jiang Fei at a glance.

“Wow! The handsome brother is really you!” Natasha became excited all of a sudden. Although Jiang Fei came to her every three minutes during this time, her two days were different. Her brother suddenly said that he was going On a business trip, she may not be able to return in the past few days, so let her stay at home honestly, no one is allowed to go, and no one is allowed to open the door.

So after her brother left, Natasha was actually a little nervous and a little scared. After all, when the sheriff rebelled before, the raid of the clones really frightened the little girl.

So my brother couldn’t go home for a few days, which naturally made Natasha’s heart panic.

But at this time, Jiang Fei came, which made Natasha’s heart calm at once. Jiang Fei brought her a sense of security that was even more than that of her brother, and that natural intimacy, Let Natasha like to be with Jiang Fei very much.

“Handsome guy, wait a minute!” Natasha slammed the door shut. After removing the chain from the door, she opened it again.

“Have you missed me?” Jiang Fei asked with a smile.

“Think!” Natasha yelled, and then flew directly into Jiang Fei’s arms.

“Go! Let’s go in and say!” Jiang Fei came into the house holding Natasha. Jiang Fei also had a special feeling for this little girl. It was difficult to describe in words, as if this little guy had a relationship with him. .

After arriving in the house, Jiang Fei brought the door, and he took Natasha to play in the living room for a while, because Natasha’s brother could not return, so he was very relieved.

“Handsome guy, why didn’t you bring me delicious!” Natasha said with dissatisfaction, because every time Jiang Fei had brought her delicious food before.

“No more today ~ ~ Let’s go out to eat in a while!” Jiang Fei said with a smile.

“But my brother said that I shouldn’t go out …” Natasha said in a tangle.

“Cut! Your brother told you not to open the door!” Jiang Fei rolled his eyes, then smiled and said, “What am I afraid of when you are with me!”

“Oh!” Natasha nodded, and then got excited all of a sudden. She made several requests to Jiang Fei at one go. There were three or four places to go.

“No problem! The handsome guy has been with you for the past two days. You can play wherever you want!” Jiang Fei said with a smile. He had already handled the affairs of the city hall almost before, and the remaining small things Children’s assistants can also solve it, so the time is quite generous.

“Long live! That’s great!” Natasha picked it up all of a sudden.

“Let’s go! Let’s go eat delicious first!” Jiang Fei didn’t tell Natasha directly about the business, but decided to take her out to play first, and wait until she had fun.

(End of this chapter)

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