The Ring That Defies The Heavens

Chapter 2909 - Regain memory

In Lina’s eyes, Jiang Fei has begun to prepare for rebellion. He is now furiously collecting money for the sake of a sufficient material basis for future rebellion.

But is Jiang Fei’s goal? That is of course impossible. He doesn’t even want to be the emperor of the universe empire. He will see the position of a small gamma space consul?

The reason why Jiang Fei did this is naturally his intention, but he is not planning to talk to Lina at this time, because Jiang Fei knows that Lina is vengeful at this moment. If she let her know her purpose, if these little girls Detonate ahead of time, but that’s troublesome.

After all, Jiang Fei still has a lot of preparations to complete. First of all, he has not convinced Natasha. After learning the real identity of the girl, Jiang Fei has been determined to help her retrieve the lost memory and bring She went back to the three-dimensional world.

So before these tasks are completed, of course, Jiang Fei cannot detonate his final plan in advance. He still needs time to prepare.

In addition, Jiang Fei’s purpose in coming to gamma space is not simply to destroy. Although making the world chaotic here can also stabilize the three-dimensional world for a period of time, this is not a long-term solution after all, because even the gamma space is chaotic. In the end, they will have a day of stability again. At that time, once they have retrieved the relevant technology about the life extension center and even restarted the development team’s games, Jiang Fei will still be restless in the three-dimensional world.

So only killing the snow beast is the way to do it once and for all. As for the future of gamma space, that is not something that Fei Jiang needs to worry about. As for those in gamma space, do they give up technology, return to the primitive era, or sacrifice the population? The number gradually dies in the process of enjoying scientific and technological achievements, it depends on their own choice.

Jiang Fei is not a saint. He can’t control the lives of these unwilling guys, so the purpose of his trip has become to kill the snow beast and solve the hidden dangers in three-dimensional space.

However, Jiang Fei has not yet determined the location of the snow beast. The life continuity center that was previously suspected is underground. He has explored twice but found no suspicious points at all. This makes Jiang Fei very anxious. If he is not sure about the snow beast, In the chaos, it was even more difficult for Jiang Fei to find the snow beast.

After dinner, Jiang Fei told Lina some more about guerrilla warfare, and then he went upstairs to wash and sleep, lying on his bed, and Jiang Fei was considering another action plan.

“Where is the Snow Beast hidden? Is it really no longer the life extension center or the underground of Life Building? There are many small buildings and houses within a kilometer of the surrounding area. Is it hidden in these places? If so, It’s too difficult to find … “Jiang Fei frowned.

“If it doesn’t work, then you have to take the most primitive and direct way …” Jiang Fei took a deep breath, and the consul was extremely secretive about the matter of Snow Beast. If he was forced to ask, the other party would doubt Jiang Fei’s identity. In case that the other party is a strong person, then once he commits suicide or refuses to confess, Jiang Fei completely loses the opportunity to obtain the position of Snow Beast.

Although Jiang Fei also knows that in addition to the ruling officer, there are several veteran figures who also know the location of the snow beast, but the identity of these veterans is confidential. Once the ruling officer is dead, unless Jiang Fei becomes the new ruling Officer, otherwise these guys will not show up.

“Wait for a while, if I still can’t find the trace of Snow Beast, then I can only follow Lina’s wish!” Jiang Fei finally made up his mind. Recently, he will be busy with Natasha’s affairs. Once Natasha’s affairs are dealt with, he has no trace of the snow beast, then he can only force an executive change and overthrow the ruler’s rule.

At that time, once Jiang Fei became the new governor, and his identity was solidified, the hidden elders would naturally show up and tell him the secret about the snow beast. After all, one of the chief tasks of the governor is to take care of the snow beast. , Because the snow beast represents the future of gamma space!

After making this decision, Jiang Fei’s attention focused on how to restore Natasha’s memory. To help Natasha’s memory, first of all, she must know how her memory is erased. of.

This device that erases the soul’s memory must be at the center of life extension.

“It seems that we have to go to the site tomorrow to see if we can find this instrument in the warehouse. If we can understand how it works, then it is logical to retrieve Natasha’s memory!” Closed my eyes and went to sleep.

Wake up the next day, and after eating the breakfast prepared by Lina at home as usual, Jiang Fei is ready to go to work.

“Keep your eyes on the company, and you should increase the price when you need to increase the price. Don’t worry about scaring away customers. They now want us to increase the price!” Jiang Fei told Lina before leaving, at this time outside the secondary market The prices of those Yuelingjing artworks have increased by more than 50%, so even if the original order price of Lina doubles, they do not need to worry about the order at all.

There is a saying in Jiang Fei’s hometown: Common people are born strange, the more expensive they buy, the cheaper they sell.

The meaning of this sentence is that ordinary people rarely take the initiative to think about the reasons for the price increase of items. They follow the trend, and when they see something going up, they follow the trend and buy it, thinking that the thing will continue to rise. When things drop, even if you lose money, you have to follow suit ~ ~ I’m afraid they will eventually fall into their own hands, so they will be cut by leeks by the predators who control the capital.

And this kind of thing is the same in the gamma space, and the common people will follow the trend, so now Yuelingjing works of art, no one will think about how much it is worth, anyway, everyone thinks that this thing can continue to rise in price, so Will buy desperately.

Because the price continues to rise, within a few days, the purpose of the rich people buying Yuelingjing artwork is no longer value preservation, which has obviously become a very efficient investment method.

And because Lina’s art company deliberately limited production capacity, this made it even more valuable. This hungry marketing method also has a top master in Jiang Fei’s hometown. The boss used this trick Compared with other people ’s low-cost online sales that sold out in one second, and their own means to increase prices and resell them, Jiang Fei’s two hits are almost the level of kindergarten.

Although Jiang Fei’s methods are not high-level, he is not in order to make money, so he is very satisfied with the current situation.

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