The Ring That Defies The Heavens

Chapter 2937 - 1st Tip

“Is it feasible?” The archon looked back at his staff.

The two staffers looked at each other and nodded. “It should be possible.”

“Okay, you go on,” the administrator said to Jiang Fei.

“Then it is to print the currency and dilute the debt!” Jiang Fei said.

“Do you print currency?” The sheriff hesitated.

“No, everyone’s debt is now enough to keep them from turning over in their lifetimes. It will definitely not work in this way. Only a large amount of additional currency can dilute the debt and let them take a breath.” Jiang Fei said.

“What do you think?” The Archon looked back at the others.

You need to know that additional currency issues represent dilution of wealth. These people are local tyrants, so the main dilution is their assets.


“You’re robbery!”

Several senior officials and the rich refused.

“If you don’t agree with this, there is no possibility to continue talking about it. Either take the first plan to directly abolish debt, or print currency and dilute debt. At present, if you want to maintain social stability, this is the only thing. There are two options. “Jiang Fei said.

“Why are we losing money both horizontally and vertically?” A rich man called.

“Huh! Short-sightedness! What makes you suffer? How did you make money? Still not relying on this stable society and the relationship between the government and you? If the political situation is turbulent and the society is uneasy, you think what you have Still wealth? At that time, I am afraid you will not lose it if you want to lose it! “Jiang Fei sneered.

“But …” A rich man still wanted to argue, but was severely interrupted by Jiang Fei.

“It’s nothing! You can enjoy the blessing with the Archon Master by co-authoring it, can’t you help the Archon Lord to worry about it?” Jiang Fei directly buckled a big hat.

“This …” Those rich didn’t dare to answer anymore, because they continued to argue with the consul, after arguing.

“Ralph, don’t you have any other ideas besides these two methods?” The governor rounded off.

“My lord, you have to learn less if you are humble. I can only think of these two methods. If you or they have a better idea, I am willing to cooperate fully.” Jiang Fei said.

“This …” The archon glanced at all of them, and those people did not dare to touch the archer’s eyes because they had no idea whatsoever.

“Sir, it’s better not to drag on this matter, because the drag will hurt the market more.” Jiang Fei said.

“Hmm …” The consul was silent, and neither of the two plans was a good idea, because they would hurt their high-level interests.

But in contrast, the first plan is obviously impossible to implement, because then, the Archon would lose all the support of the senior management, and his own interests would be greatly lost. Although the second solution will also pay a price, it is considered acceptable by comparison.

“In this case, then take the second plan.” The governor finally clapped, but he did not expect that Jiang Fei continued to dig a big hole in this plan.

If the governor adopted the first plan, many of the strategies designed by Jiang Fei would probably be defeated. However, Jiang Fei also determined that the governor and those senior officials would not make that choice, so all his plans are aimed at The second set of programs was launched.

After obtaining the permission of the consul, Jiang Fei’s plan began to be implemented. First, all banks with bad debts that could not continue to operate were taken into public ownership, and then a large amount of additional currency was issued.

After the increase in the amount of money, it was put on the market in a way of increasing salaries. Soon, those with wages will not worry about it, because the increase in the amount of salaries has caused their debt pressure to be not as great as before. After the crisis, they became impoverished, but at least they could survive.

But more people have not benefited because they have quit their jobs before and concentrate on speculating on Yuelingjing Crafts and Futures, so naturally they ca n’t have any income without work, so they added new currency Welfare will not be their turn.

Many of these guys jumped off the building in despair, and many of them lived on the streets with their families and mouths, and lived a life of insecurity.

With the gradual increase in currency issuance, more and more people enjoy the benefits. Those who have not been able to enjoy the first wave of currency benefits also benefit from the increased amount of currency on the market. Their debt crisis has been reduced, but the relative But another crisis broke out.

Although increasing the amount of money to dilute debts, it has also caused extremely serious inflation. Things that originally cost one yuan now need dozens or even hundreds to buy, and this trend is getting worse.

Because this time Jiang Fei did not deliberately limit the issue of additional currencies, the oversupply of the currency was extremely serious, especially after officials saw that the issue of additional currencies could indeed reduce the debt crisis, and they even increased the additional issuance. Quantity, thereby plundering the only wealth in the hands of the people.

“It’s almost there, it’s time for Lina to do it!” Jiang Fei’s mouth evoked a smile.

Almost the day after Jiang Fei smiled, Lina opened the first bag that Jiang Fei gave her. The label on this bag was-opened when the currency depreciated to 1% of the previous one!

“He is so accurate!” Lina opened the bag while lamenting the power of Jiang Fei’s unclear prophet.

“Encourage everyone to abandon the currency issued by the bank and re-use Yuelingjing!” The content on the note is simple.

“Is that so?” Lina was dubious ~ ~ Although she did not understand Jiang Fei’s intentions, she also knew that this must be purposeful, so after reading the bag, Lina started to act.

During this time, Lina has taken root in the slums. She has attracted a large number of small punks. These people were punks before, but then started to speculate on Yuelingjing Futures. Now that the futures are scrapped, they will all go bankrupt. As a result, those who couldn’t find the rut had to return to the old business.

Lina has money and guns, and she has enough hands-on skills and management experience, so she quickly became these confused leaders.

“Go, when you collect protection fees again, stop those junk banknotes, and give me the moon spirit crystal! And when I buy and sell things in the future, I will use this to check out.” Lina’s opponents foolishly said.

“Sister, isn’t Yue Lingjing obsolete? What do you want that for?” One asked foolishly.

“You can do what you want to do? Ask so much? What do you know?” Lina rolled her eyes. In fact, she didn’t know the reason, but since Jiang Fei let it do, then It must make sense.

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