The Ring That Defies The Heavens

Chapter 2940 - Military control

The more the police and the police catch, the larger the size of Lina’s community, and seeing that the prisons in the gamma space are not enough, but there are still a large number of people willing to join the Lina’s community, and these people have been restricted to the poor from the previous Gradually expanded to ordinary people.

A debt crisis and a devastating inflation, these two economic and financial crises are like two nuclear bombs, shattering the gamma space bomb, breaking down countless enterprises, and unemployed workers, and even the poorest people are scarce. Eat less and eat less.

In this case, it is useless for the government to publicize it. Unless you can provide enough food and supplies to guarantee the basic life of the people, only a piece of law or violent interference by the military and police will not solve the problem. of.

And Lina is holding real gold and silver. If she mixes with her, she has food and can buy food, which is better than any publicity.

A few days later, Colonel Kono changed his strategy. He saw that he couldn’t catch the mastermind behind this society, so he changed to the Luan policy, and he let people talk, as long as the society’s owner is willing to show up, In cooperation with the government, then he must be able to sit on high officials and ride on horses.

But the problem is that Lina is not from a mud-legged family, she has also received the elite education since she was a child, and she is well versed in An. She knows that as long as she shows up now, she will definitely not end well.

And even if Kono’s travel promise is not to deceive Lina, will Lina surrender with her father’s revenge? Wouldn’t it be better for her to stay in Jiang Fei’s house if she wanted to be conscious of Gou An or Ronghua Wealthy? Although the two are essentially nothing, who knows that she is the woman of the second character Ralph in the entire gamma space?

Neither Lina’s life nor her mind would allow her to surrender, so Colonel Kono’s plan for peace and security was also doomed to fail.

A week passed and I saw that Lina’s community was getting bigger and bigger, but Colonel Kono was at a loss. At this time, the governor was anxious. After all, no dictator could tolerate hundreds of thousands of disobedient people around him. The people exist.

However, Colonel Kono, the officer in charge of the military, had an uneven affair, so the governor had to call Jiang Fei again.

“Master, are you looking for me?” Jiang Fei soon came to the mansion of the archon and saw the archon himself.

“You know what happened recently, what can you do?” The governor asked.

“Sir, do you mean that huge community?” Jiang Fei asked.

“Yeah, in just a few days, they have grown to nearly 300,000 people. This is terrible!” Said the consul.

“It’s just a bunch of defenseless hungry people. Since some people are willing to spend money to help you support them, what can you do?” Jiang Fei said.

“This is not like what your kid can tell. Wouldn’t you see that this is a huge hidden danger? Once the leader of this community incites them to do something, hundreds of thousands of people will riot together, but it will be very difficult to handle. Yes, “said the consul.

“My lord, I said before that there is no good way to deal with these hungry people, either to help them or let them develop, but now we have no money, no food, we ca n’t help these hungry people, they do n’t Followed by those who can eat enough food. “Jiang Fei said.

“Speaking of it, you still have to implement military management and unified material distribution!” The governor took a deep look at Jiang Fei. He didn’t know why Jiang Fei was doing this very much, and it was not good for him. Once military control was in place, it was Colonel Kono in power and he had to stand aside.

“My lord, it ’s not easy to learn less than humble jobs. I can only think of this method to stabilize the current situation. You must know that after military control, I am tantamount to being suspended. This is definitely not a good thing for me, but this is what I can think of. The only way to solve the problem. “Jiang Fei said.

“Ah! Even if I were willing to do this, the wealthy businessmen and senior officials would not be willing to do so. They would not hand over the money and supplies.” The sigher sighed and said what he really thought.

“My lord, you are the fan of the authorities. You just need to make sure Colonel Kono is willing to support you, and then give certain benefits to officers at all levels and all military police. I think they will be willing to follow you, and once you have the army, Those executives and wealthy businessmen just said nothing! “Jiang Fei sneered.

“Yeah! The army is in my hands, and I’m afraid of what they are doing!” The governor patted his thigh.

“Master, if you want to stabilize the society, now there is only one way.” Jiang Fei said.

“Okay! I’ll call Kono over here!” The governor nodded, and then someone asked Colonel Kono.

Jiang Fei and the consul drank tea in the living room, which was about half an hour. Colonel Kono arrived. These days, he was not in the military camp. When he speculated about Yuelingjing Futures, he also I’ve got a lot of cash, so I’ve been busy processing it recently.

“Master, are you looking for me?” Colonel Kono saluted the governor.

“Well! I have something to discuss with you this time!” The governor nodded and asked, “What’s going on in the army lately.”

“More stable!” Colonel Kono said, because the army’s material rationing is a separate system with sufficient reserves, the economic crisis has not affected the barracks.

However, this stability can not be maintained for a long time. After all, not all soldiers are orphans. They also have a family to support. It is not enough to be full.

“This way ~ ~ You pass the order on. From today, the salaries of all officers and soldiers have doubled and paid with Yueling Jing!” The consul is also a very ambitious person. He knows that he is the most The key issue is to keep the army firmly at your side.

“Thank you, Lord, I thank you for your grace on behalf of those officers and soldiers!” Kono immediately got up and said, this time he is also a beneficiary, after all, he is also in the army sequence, although there are a lot of gray gains, but who still thinks they have made too much How much?

“Then it’s another thing!” The governor said to Kono with a serious look.

“Sir, please, please!” Colonel Kono said.

“I intend to exercise military control throughout the space! Forcibly confiscate the materials and Yuelingjing in the hands of wealthy businessmen and senior bureaucrats!” The concierge stated his purpose.

“Master, is this appropriate?” Although Kono was not happy in his heart, he still had to do what he did. Once the military administration was implemented, he would become a real figure!

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