The Ring That Defies The Heavens

Chapter 2949 - street fighting

“It must be related to those mobs, but it does not rule out the possibility that some officers will be responsible for theft!” Said the officer.

“Guard the burglary ?! Damn! I’m preparing to punish those maggots!” Colonel Kono exploded as soon as he heard that, before he heard that some officers had stolen food and firearms, but they did not have time to deal with them. The maggot actually gave him an even pot!

“Find me and their family, and I will hang them!” Colonel Kono growled.

Soon, a large number of military and police swarmed out. The troops stationed in the warehouse were very easy to check, but the officers and soldiers had already run along with Andalya, so there was no place to catch them, but the families of these soldiers were miserable. Now, they don’t want the officer to have the opportunity to take their family along.

So the family of these soldiers became the punching bag of Colonel Kono.

In the square in the city center, Colonel Kono hanged the families of these soldiers, not only their parents, wives and children, but also their three aunts and aunts, and their relatives within generations were sent to the court!

Under the wrath of Colonel Kono, everyone in the city is in danger!

Colonel Kono said that Bai is still a rude soldier, and he is a talent to fight, but he is too emotional when dealing with these matters, and many orders are directly given without much consideration.

This time, although he hanged thousands of people in one breath, greatly enhanced his prestige and made the people fear him, but it also made everyone in the city heartbroken, and most terribly, Kono The root cause of such a large-scale action by the Colonel also spread.

All materials were stolen, and there was no food or clothing in the entire urban area, and everyone lost everything!

There are two ways in front of Colonel Kono, and the distribution of supplies continues according to the ration, but the remaining materials are only 20%. Although the continued distribution can comfort the people, he will soon run out of everything.

The second way is to reduce the rationing, with the current material reserve, and then ensure that everyone is full, so we can only keep everyone hungry, so I will stay there until Colonel Kono finds it Lost supplies or a bumper grain crop for the next season.

These two paths have advantages and disadvantages. The first way is a gamble. If Colonel Kono fails to retrieve the lost food in time, if the rebels in the slums are not defeated in a timely manner, his ruling area will be completely Crash.

Although the second way is relatively secure, it will also make him uncomfortable, because there is too little grain left. In order to ensure that the next season’s grain harvest, Colonel Kono can only reduce everyone’s quota, then, He could not even guarantee the combat effectiveness of the army.

In the end, Colonel Kono met with his officers and implemented the third scheme, which is the combination of the first two schemes, to limit the rationing of ordinary people and the distribution of military rations as usual. As a result, the problem Kono faced was He insisted that he would not be satisfied with the next season’s grain harvest.

However, Colonel Kono is still capable, after all, he can at least see the current direct solution to the crisis-to wipe out the insurgents and recapture the food they have taken away.

Although some officers said before that the food was hijacked, they might be stolen by the officers who kept the warehouse, but the food would eventually fall into the hands of the rebels. After all, the officers did not dare to get so much food, and they did not dare It was sold to Colonel Kono, so the final sale was only the rebels in the slums.

“Gather me troops! Attack the slums!” Colonel Kono assembled almost all the troops, and the army went directly to the edge of the slums.

It was just because of the two-day pause that Lina had long led her insurgents to rebuild the barricades and various fortifications. The military and police wanted to attack, and they had to start again!

“Boom boom …” The rumble of cannons sounded near the slums, and the military and police launched an attack.

The pace of military and police attacks has accelerated a lot this time, because the resistance of the insurgents does not seem to be as determined as before!

“What is it?” Colonel Kono frowned, and the battle was much simpler than he thought.

“Miss, do we have to retreat?” At this moment, Doros was asking Lina.

“It doesn’t matter, have our women, children and non-combatants evacuated?” Lina asked calmly, as if the sound of cannons in her ears didn’t exist.

“They all evacuated. They are now stationed in the suburbs, where there is enough food and supplies!” Doros said.

“Then we can fight without concern!” Lina nodded, and then she stood up and shouted, “The brothers, for your family, for the sake of your family, They are full and warm, so that they will not be oppressed by exploitation! Hold the guns in your hands! Fight for a happy tomorrow! “

“Fight for tomorrow!” All the rebel soldiers roared like a thunder!

“Well!” As Lina waved her hand, nearly 50,000 rebel soldiers followed their captains and quickly integrated into the streets of the slums.

Although the number is superior, due to the great difference in military literacy, too much equipment, and the extreme lack of heavy weapons and mechas, Lina did not intend to slam the police and police. She learned the guerrilla warfare skills from Jiang Fei It was taught to the core members under their hands, and then they led ordinary armed members to form a guerrilla group of one hundred people, and guerrillas with the military and police in the streets of the slums!

Once the guerrilla warfare is started ~ ~ it is actually a drain, because almost all guerrillas are out of control and sneak attack, and the military and police have to die a few accidentally. In this way, the original number is not dominant Colonel Kono will soon feel the pressure.

On the other side, the military and policemen who sang along the way were enjoying the thrill of victory. Suddenly, a cold gun was shot from the street corner or the roof of the building, making these policemen scared and frightened, although the rebels’ marksmanship was really It is not worthy of compliment, but this cold gun can scare the police and police who are advancing fast by relying only on scary people.

After all, no one wants to hit the next cold gun on his own head!

“Damn! Who fired? Where are the enemies?” The officers frowned behind their bunkers as well, and ordered their soldiers to move on, but those soldiers were not stupid, and no one wanted to grind foreign workers. Go out to die.

“The energy gun suppresses one round!” In desperation, the officers could only use energy guns to open the road. After a round of shelling, the cold gun was indeed suppressed, but the soldiers and policemen didn’t advance a few steps, and the cold gun in the corner rang again. Already.

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