The Ring That Defies The Heavens

Chapter 2955 - No worries

“Slap …” Colonel Kono did not remember how many cups he had dropped, and he hadn’t had a few days since he put military control in place.

“Damn! Are you so wasteful, how hard is it to deal with this mob?” Colonel Kono yelled.

“Colonel, they are not mobs at all, these guys are well-trained troops! They are so cunning, we simply run around with their noses, we can’t catch these guys at all!” The officers below complained. Although they came from a military academy, Gamma Space is just a little bigger. What do they know about guerrilla warfare?

Suddenly encountered such a head-to-head confrontation, who put a cold gun behind the butt, these officers of Kono were silly. They had no experience in dealing with guerrillas, so they did n’t know how to deal with it. Run wherever things go wrong, can this not be scolded by people holding their noses?

“Colonel, the morale of those soldiers is getting lower and lower, you have to figure out a way.”

“Yes, the families of those soldiers don’t get enough food, and they have no intention to fight …”

As the so-called house leak happens to rain overnight, Colonel Kono was originally annoyed by the guerrillas. Now there is a big problem in government affairs, which makes Colonel Kono irritable.

“Morale is low, and the family needs food? Oh, my **** wants food!” Colonel Kono shouted, and the officers below could also feel that his boss was getting more and more irritable, so they were all He lowered his head cautiously, one by one did not even dare to breathe.

Colonel Knoo paced back and forth in the office. He felt his head was about to explode. Originally these cunning guerrillas had left him burnt out. Now he has to deal with these logistical issues, which makes him even more upset.

“Go, go to the Archon, talk to him about the food problem, and let him solve it!” Colonel Kono finally dumped this difficult problem directly to the Archon.

“Yes! Colonel!” The officer soon ran to the mansion of the governor. Today the governor can almost be said to be under house arrest by Colonel Kono.

“What? Let me find a way to solve the problem of food? Didn’t all the food be taken away by Kono?” The governor almost crooked his nose when he heard the officer’s intention.

At this moment, the Archon simply hated Jiang Fei, because it was his idea that led Colonel Kono to military control of the city. Now it is easy for God to send God to God, and the Archon has been overhead by Colonel Kono. Now, Colonel Kono turned around and gave orders to him.

“That’s what the Colonel said anyway, Master Regal, you take care of it!” The officer shrugged, then left the Registrar’s face, regardless of the complexion.

“Asshole! Pop!” After the officer left, the governor threw the tea bowl directly.

“Sir, you’re angry!” The staff next to him advised.

“Too much! This Kono is simply lawless!” The governor’s spirit was shaking.

“Sir, this is not the time to think about this, you still want to think about how to solve the problem,” said the staff member.

“Solve it? How to solve it? Kono’s **** has levied all the food. Now he lost the food and asked me for it. Where can I get it?” As soon as this was mentioned, the fire of the governor would not come to one place .

“Sir, at this time, there may be only one person who can solve the immediate dilemma,” said the staff member.

“Who?” The Archon asked immediately.

“Ralph!” Said the aide.

“Don’t mention it to me! If it wasn’t for his hesitant idea, could I let Kono lead his soldiers into the city?” The governor became angry as soon as he heard it.

“Master, don’t worry. Although this stubborn idea came from Ralph, you have to admit that this guy is a ghost, wants to get food, wants to deal with the soldiers in Kono, and wants to solve the riots in the ghetto I’m afraid he has to let him go! “Said the staff member.

“Huh! Even if he is so amazing, he can solve all the problems, but what if he becomes another Kono?” The governor asked.

“Sir, although this possibility is not ruled out, can the situation you face be worse?” The aide’s words completely moved the governor.

Yeah, even if Ralph wanted to seize power, he won the power of Kono. Now the ruling officer has been suspended. He is now a puppet. Even if he changes to another person to govern, his status will not be lower. .

“But the question is where is he?” The consul asked.

“This is indeed a problem, but the subordinates will do their best to find it.” The staff member said.

“Well, if you find him, bring him!” The governor nodded.

So where is Jiang Fei at this time? At this time, Jiang Fei had taken Natasha out of the city and came to an abandoned farm on the outskirts. The original owner had nowhere to go.

After settling down on the farm, Jiang Fei found a nearby rebel army where he put supplies, and then used mental skills to mix in at night, stealing a lot of weapons and equipment and food. Although the total amount was not particularly large, but It was enough for him and Natasha.

With these weapons and food, Jiang Fei took Natasha to settle on the abandoned farm, and he needed to continue to observe the form of the battlefield.

“Lina should win soon, and I have to start preparing!” Jiang Fei took a deep breath, while he was taking care of Natasha ~ ~ and did not stop paying attention to the situation .

At this time Colonel Kono’s military and police forces became more and more slumped, and because the families of the soldiers were not full, many soldiers began to secretly contact the rebels. After all, Lina had ready-made food.

In this situation, as long as Lina does not make a particularly big mistake, she will win the war! As for Colonel Kono’s defeat, it is only a matter of time.

“Handsome brother, is my brother really dead?” Jiang Fei didn’t know this was the first time Natasha asked the same question. It seems that her brother’s death really hit her very hard.

“Natasha, don’t be too sad, after all, you still have my brother!” Jiang Fei comforted.

“But you are not leaving, handsome guy?” Natasha said pitifully.

“Have you forgotten? The handsome guy said, I will take you even if I leave,” Jiang Fei said to Natasha.

“Hmm!” Natasha nodded. This time she did not refuse Jiang Fei again. The death of her brother left Natasha completely unconcerned in the gamma space.

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