The Ring That Defies The Heavens

Chapter 2960 - Defeat

When a thousand soldiers and soldiers set their minds and charged without fear, the gap between the two sides’ combat literacy became manifest.

Although there are many people in the rebel army, the untrained militia is the militia, and the combat effectiveness of the regular army is incomparable. The coordination of only one rifle can show a huge gap.

On the side of the insurgents, the infantry and artillery cooperated. The infantry started to charge after the artillery bombarded, because once the charge was early, it could be accidentally injured by the artillery. This delay also gave the opponent time to react. Although they were suppressed by the fire just now, once you stopped the fire, they returned to the shooting position. When your infantry charged, they were able to Continued counterattacks would still cause relatively large casualties.

However, the military and police are different. After long-term training, they have long had an amazing tacit understanding. Therefore, when the rifle was coordinated, the sound of artillery did not fall, and the infantry began to charge, and the artillery shell The landing point is very accurate, and it will hardly cause accidental injuries to the charging infantry. In this way, there will be no reaction time for the insurgents. Many insurgent soldiers are blocked behind the bunker and let the rushing military police shoot them.

Because the military and police had no intention to fight before, the rebels did not feel too much pressure when they fought against the police. On the contrary, they did not defeat the rebels by virtue of their number advantage. The poor have the illusion that the military and police are not powerful, they are all paper tigers.

But today, the really powerful military police gave a lesson to these poor people of the rebel army, so that they understand what is professional!

Especially when the mech regiments in the military and police forces joined the battle, they even showed a crushing posture on the battlefield.

Although many of the mechs of the military and police were destroyed by the insurgents in the warehouse, Kono’s troops still retained more than fifty powered mechs. These steel giants, all covered with weapons, were in the army and police. His hands were used to the extreme, and every time he took the lead, he could tear the rebels’ defense line.

“Not good … Mecha rushed up …”

“Quick withdrawal! Quick withdrawal!”

After all, the soldiers of the insurgent army were not real soldiers. They were very brave when they won, but once the war became passive, or even when the situation was obviously unfavorable, these poor soldiers would not immediately fight.

The instinctual space in my heart began to drive these insurgent soldiers, leaving them involuntarily hind legs!

Everyone who has been a soldier knows that there is a saying that defeating soldiers is like falling down like a mountain, and defeating soldiers is like a flood! It means that once there is a defeat, it is like a flood. It can’t be stopped at all for a thousand miles, and if anyone dares to stop, it must be overwhelmed by the flood!

This was the case of the insurgent soldiers. They were frightened by the fierce military and police charge, turned around and ran away, which made Varian and other insurgent generals anxious in their eyes, but they could not stop the defeat at all.

The insurgents who had compressed the military and police to the city hall suddenly suffered a defeat on the east line, and they drove a thousand miles, which led to the military and police forces approaching the east line temporary headquarters located northeast of the city hall.

“Boom boom boom …” The sound of artillery boomed, and the tents of the temporary headquarters were shaking constantly.

“Boom!” An energy cannon hit a building near the headquarters, the earth and rocks shattered and smashed into the headquarters tent, making a rattle.

“Miss, retreat!” Varian advised.

“No! I’m here! Order the troops to resist resolutely! Block them!” Lina said firmly.

“Miss, our troops broke down by four-fifths. The only person who can’t stop the other side is better to retreat first. After the troops are gathered, we will make a comeback!” Varyan advised.

“We cannot withdraw. Once we evacuate, the troops will be completely defeated, and the soldiers in other directions will be confused, and the consequences will be unthinkable!” Said Lina.

“But …” Before Varian’s words were finished, he was interrupted by an energy cannon.

“Boom!” This energy cannon exploded not far from the tent, and the splashed earth and rocks even overturned a corner of the tent.

“Miss, evacuate! Enemies are coming up soon!” Varian said.

“But …” Lina still didn’t want to leave. She was very complicated at this time. She didn’t know that it was better to evacuate now, but there was a thought in her heart that she was dead, because then, she could No need to meet Jiang Fei in a hostile capacity.

“Come, take the lady to the rear!” Varian said at this point, he directly ordered the guard to step forward, and then set up Lina and ran back.

“Miss, rest assured, I will do my best to block the enemy!” Varian’s eyes showed a determined look. He loved Lina and was willing to give everything for her, even life!

Here, Lina was forcibly taken away to the rear, while Varian took his own guard battalion with a total of more than 300 people responsible for blocking Kono’s military and police forces!

Varian’s guard battalion has been regarded as elite among the insurgents. They not only have high morale, but also have the most luxurious equipment. The guard battalion of more than 300 people actually has nearly a hundred energy cannons.

But even this kind of army, when it was engaged in a firefight with the military and police, it was also a one-sided end. Although the soldiers in the guard camp were not afraid of death, they depended on nothing but blood and blood. The police’s frontal assault and circuitous encirclement ~ ~ were soon surrounded, and eventually including Varian, all killed in battle!

Lina was forced to pull back and listened to the sound of the gun behind her. She had guessed Varian’s ending. Although she never said anything, Lina could not possibly know Varian’s feelings for her, so in Knowing that Varian was dead, Lina could not help but tear up.


“Step on …”

The mechanized forces of the military and police were chasing very closely. The truck that Lina was riding on could not throw the other away, and the military and police forces at this time were like crazy. They kept biting Lina’s trail tightly. Chase after.

Seeing that the distance between the mech unit and the convoy was getting closer and closer, Lina was very sad. She had thought that victory was in sight, but she did not expect that Kono’s counterattack would completely defeat her army.

“Did I haven’t learned his essence? If it was him, I would definitely not have come to the front command …” Lina muttered to herself, at this time her troops had been dispersed, no Someone might have rushed out to save her.

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