The Ring That Defies The Heavens

Chapter 61 - Undercover Adventure

秘 The location of this secret place is really a daddy. Even the remote birds can’t shit, and I don’t know how the curly monkey found this place!

“Om!” Jiang Fei slammed into a stone wall, but the stone wall was twisted. Jiang Fei directly passed through the stone wall and entered the mountain!

After entering the stone wall, the scenery in front of Jiang Fei changed, and he was already in a dim cave!

“His hiss …” The secret is not a copy. There is no entrance security zone. As soon as Jiang Fei comes in, he meets four or five poisonous snakes!

Spotted tiger snake (beast, common monster)

Level: 15

Height: 800

Attack: 68

Skill: Poison Attack

Note: Looks like weak snakes, but carries very poisonous!

Jiang Fei saw the mob’s attributes at a glance. The curly monkey also told him about this mob. The boy tried it three times, all of which caused the snakes to bite. The snake venom is very powerful!


“噗 …” Jiang Fei spit out a frost!


-1350! (Crit!)



After a moment of hardening, Jiang Fei struck a tiger and snake on the spot, and frozen the other three tigers at the same time!

Steel Fist!


Two shots in succession, Jiang Fei opened his bow from side to side and killed two tigers and snakes again!


-125! (Level 1 Vicious!)

“Bottom!” Although Jiang Fei killed three tigers in a blink of an eye, he let the last one take a bite!

Physical damage doesn’t matter. Jiang Fei’s defense value has exceeded five hundred. The Tiger Elite in the copy can’t break his defense, let alone these ordinary monsters and snakes!

But this level of fierce poison is really too fierce, the poison damage of up to 125 is more fierce than the bearman elite hit Jiang Fei! You should know that after a complete changeover, and the level is upgraded to the 21st level, those bear-elite elites hit Jiang Fei for less than a hundred injuries!

At this time, Jiang Fei had nearly two hundred physical attacks. Against this mob’s flat chop, he had 160 to 70 damage, coupled with the blood-sucking and tearing effects, he quickly killed the last snake!

The experience value given by the three little snakes is more than that of Jiang Fei’s single brush, which makes Jiang Fei lament that this secret realm is really very rewarding! However, Jiang Fei also found a more terrible place, that is, the snake venom is also superimposed, although the highest superimposed three layers, but the speed of blood loss is definitely not replenished by blood alone!

A little rest, after the life value is full, Jiang Fei moves on.

“Wow …” There was a sudden sound in his ear, making Jiang Fei stop.

Jiang Fei looked around, no one, no monsters, and Jiang Fei’s brows frowned.

“Wow …” was another whisper.

“Huh?” Jiang Fei, who was prepared, acutely discovered the source of the sound—underground!

“嘭!” Just not far from Jiang Fei, the land suddenly burst, and a dry hand came from deep inside!

“Kacha …” Soon, this hand crawled out of the ground, followed by his head and body. In a blink of an eye, a dry zombie appeared in front of Jiang Fei!

“Whimper …” The zombie uttered a low roar, and then rushed at Jiang Fei!

瘪 This dry zombie is not walking upright, but lying on the ground and using both limbs. The speed of movement is not as slow as Jiang Fei thinks, but it is comparable to the speed of the player.

Zombie Ghoul (Undead, Elite)

Level: 16

Health: 2200

Attack: 345

Skills: Tear wounds and become infected with virus.

Note: A monster that moves fast can cause bleeding and disease effects, and continue to cause damage.

At this time, the zombie monster has crawled to Jiang Fei’s eyes, and stretched out his dry arm with three-inch long claws and grabbed Jiang Fei!

当 “Dang!” Jiang Fei shielded his shield in front of him. Although he would be hurt in the same way, it would make his heart feel better after all!


-15 (Tear!)

-20 (illness!)

叮 “Ding! You are infected with the plague, and your movement speed is reduced by 15%!”

“Bottom! So fierce?” Jiang Fei didn’t expect a mere 16th-level elite, which was actually fiercer than those 17th and 8th-level elites in the copy!

Fortunately, there is only one mob faced by Jiang Fei. If it is a group, there is no treatment to follow, even if it is as hard as Jiang Fei, it will have to kneel!





-637! (Crit!)



Steel Fist!


This zombie’s attack power is so fierce that Jiang Fei dare not consume it anymore, so a series of skills were hit, and two ordinary attacks were made up, bringing down this zombie monster.

叮 “Ding! You killed zombie ghouls and gain 2750 experience points!”

“Ding! You got a zombie skeleton!”

Zombie skeleton: Pharmacist might use it!

Jiang Fei shrugged and threw this thing into the backpack. At a glance, this thing is only used for refining poisons. Although you ca n’t use it, it is quite valuable!

“Kaka …”

“Kaka …”

Every not far away, a zombie crawls out. Because of the coping experience, Jiang Fei is easy to kill. Seeing that the experience value has risen a little, the corner of Jiang Fei’s mouth can’t help but smile.

“Ka La … Ka La …”

The ground cracked again, but this time it was not a zombie ghoul but a brand new monster!

Zombie Demon Monk (Undead, Elite)

Level: 17

Health: 2700

Magic Attack: 435

Skill: Forked Lightning

Note: The zombies that have been demonized ~ ~ are very powerful!

全新 This brand new mob looks like a fat monk wearing 袈裟, but the exposed parts such as the head and hands have become rotten and look disgusting!

“Oh …”

还有 There are more than ten meters between the zombie demon monk and Jiang Fei. I saw this monster opening his mouth with a blood basin, and a lightning flashed towards Jiang Fei!


Jiang Fei’s magical defense is far from physical defense, so this attack was not lightly charged and fell into a paralyzed state!

“Your sister!” Although the paralysis only lasted for a moment, Jiang Fei saw that the light of the zombie demon monk flashed with electricity again, apparently he was already brewing a second attack!


Jiang Fei didn’t dare to let this guy attack. If he ran, he would have to be paralyzed once without taking two steps. When he was in front of the monster, he was probably half-blooded!



Although the cooling time is up to five minutes, the effect is surprisingly good!

Steel Fist!


After a skill attack, Jiang Fei began to hack!


-10 (Tear a layer)


+10 (Vampire)

Because it is a monster of the legal system, the defense of the zombie demon is not very strong! Jiang Fei’s attack effect is very obvious!

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