The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 114

Chapter 114 Major Research Projects In Biotechnology

“Chen Hao, your idea is very good, but do you have any good plans?”

In the quiet research institute, Liu Yuan and Chen Hao took a walk together, discussing programming in Chinese.

In fact, Liu Yuan also hopes to be able to come up with Chinese programming. In the future, future generations of the province will have to learn bird language alone to learn computer programming, so he is also very supportive of Chen Hao’s idea of Chinese programming.

“My plan is to find a group of linguistic experts and mathematicians to study this matter together, not to find software programming people to join, but to learn software programming, their thinking mode has been fixed and it is difficult to break through the original thinking mode. ”

Chen Hao thought about it and said.

“It’s a good idea, just let me know if you need support.”

After listening, Liu Yuan nodded in support.

The human mind is a very magical thing.

In the beginning, a person is a blank piece of paper, you can instill a variety of thoughts, ideas, etc., with strong plasticity.

But once a person’s thinking mode is confined to a certain thought and mode, it is very difficult for him to break away from the old mode of thinking.

This is like a person who has been brainwashed. He will always feel that the content of brainwashing is the truth and will always be right.

His eyes and thinking are always limited to the indoctrinated thoughts and patterns, and he cannot see the advantages and correctness of other thoughts and thinking patterns, nor is he aware of his own mistakes and deficiencies.

It’s like the dark Middle Ages in European history, when the church controlled people’s thoughts, and the whole of Europe was dark without any light.

Under the control of this extreme religious ideology, they even believed that people would get sick if they took a bath. Therefore, Europeans at that time did not like to take a bath. They only washed three times in their lives, once for birth, once for marriage, and once for death.

This has also led to the incomparably dirty and stinky cities in medieval Europe, and perfumes and spices have thus become popular until the rise of the Renaissance, which advocated the liberation of ideas and the spirit of humanity.

This gradually broke the church’s domination of ideas, and at the same time, the emancipation and breakthrough of ideas also led to the rapid progress of European mathematics, art, literature, medicine, physics, etc., and helped Europeans to dominate and colonize the world in the future. Foundation.

Now, on the side of the software engineering team, Liu Yuan feels a little bit like this.

It’s not that Song Cang, Jiang Wannian and the others are not good, but because they are constrained by traditional English programming, it is difficult to break the shackles of this ideological concept, and naturally it is difficult to make rapid progress.

Perhaps using Chinese programming can break through the existing situation and open up a new history and glory, which is also very possible.

Chinese programming is also possible. There are countless civilizations in the universe that use languages and characters similar to Chinese. They can also program, and so can Chinese.

“Yes, boss~”

Chen Hao was very excited. The boss assigned such an important task to himself. That is to do it and get the Chinese programming out.


After leaving the School of Software Engineering, Liu Yuan walked and walked to the Institute of Biological Sciences.

Biological science is what Liu Yuan is doing.

Until now, Xinghai Technology has relied on three technologies on the biotechnology side, genetic diet pills, Kecarin and AIDS vaccine.

Without these three money-sucking tools, Liu Yuan would not have started anything.

However, Liu Yuan has not been here for a long time. He has been busy with the chip side and mixed with Li Chun.

“Boss, you are finally willing to come to our biological research institute to see, I thought you forgot us all.”

“Yeah, the boss hasn’t come over for a few months.”

“Where are you in the chip research institute every day, where is there time to remember us?”

Seeing Liu Yuan’s arrival, people from the Institute of Biological Sciences couldn’t help but complain.

“I’ll treat you in the evening, and you can choose the location.”

Liu Yuan looked at the people in the Institute of Biology and replied with a smile.

There is no way, my energy is limited, in order to get the chip as soon as possible, it is almost every day in the chip research institute, or else this lithography technology does not know when it will be able to break through.

“It’s almost there~”

“I heard that last night, boss, you invited people from the Chip Research Institute to have barbecue. How about we also have barbecue?”

“Yes, yes, eat barbecue. Everyone eats it with an open stomach tonight, and the boss will be poor for one meal.”

“It seems a bit difficult!”

“I think it’s okay, just make the mission expensive, and then get the boss drunk, and don’t come to see us for a few months, it really shouldn’t be.” “Yes, yes, that’s it. Happy decision.”

Everyone started to discuss.

“Has there been any results recently?”

A barbecue finally made everyone let go of themselves, and Liu Yuan also called over several project team leaders of the Institute of Biology.

Xu Yunpeng, Zheng Yuan, and Hou Lun were dug from Professor Kang Hai’s laboratory. Zeng Xuan and Li Qianliang were trained by Xinghai Technology. They each led five research groups.

Because it is his own business, Liu Yuan also passed on gene-related technology to them early, so he let them let go of their hands and feet to study.

“Boss, I’m researching the use of gene technology to treat congenital defects, and I haven’t made much progress yet.”

Xu Yunpeng was the first to report to Liu Yuan, and he seemed a little embarrassed. The research institute often heard that a certain research group had made major breakthroughs, but his own side had not made much progress and breakthroughs.

“Well, stop your research for a while, I have a new task for you on my side.”

After hearing this, Liu Yuan nodded slightly. Congenital defects is a very big topic, but the market prospect is actually very small. If it can produce results, it is easy to win the Nobel Prize.

Since Xu Yunpeng has not achieved much, he should not study it at all. Even if there is a breakthrough in this topic, the market value is very small, and the input and output are not proportional.


After Xu Yunpeng heard this, he nodded helplessly.

“My side is currently mainly researching bioenergy technology, and the progress is not bad. A new type of organism has been developed. Using genetic technology, several high-yield bioenergy plant genes have been collected and integrated, and they are still being cultivated. Among them, oil production and oil products are not yet known.”

Zheng Yuan also reported his research projects to Liu Yuan.

“Bioenergy is a very promising project. Now the world’s oil is less and less, and the oil price is getting higher and higher. If bioenergy can be researched to replace the existing oil, the market will be huge.”

When Liu Yuan heard this, his eyes lit up.

The so-called bio-energy technology, the popular understanding is the use of energy plants to produce energy technology.

The so-called energy plants refer to those plants that directly convert carbon dioxide and water into oxygen-free hydrocarbons through photosynthesis. The chemical composition of the milk or extract of such plants is similar to that of petroleum, so it is also It is called “petroleum plant”, and because most of these plants are woody plants, it is also called “energy tree”.

The molecular structure synthesized by such plants is similar to petroleum hydrocarbons, such as alkanes, cycloalkanes, etc. Hydrocarbon-rich plants are the best source of plant energy, with low production cost and high utilization rate.

At present, there have been discovered and appreciated by energy experts, such as succulent, green jade tree, sago palm, simund wood, Brazilian rubber tree and so on.

For example, the milk secreted by Hevea brasiliensis is very similar to petroleum, and can be used directly as diesel oil without refining. The annual output of each tree is as high as 40L.

We have a special vegetable oil in Hainan. The trunk of the nanhu tree contains a light brown flammable oily liquid similar to kerosene. Drill a hole in the trunk, and the liquid will flow out, and it can also be used directly as fuel oil.

Beautiful fruit has planted more than one million hectares of fast-growing oil forests, and established a research base for oil plants such as cottonwood, alder, black locust, and eucalyptus; there are 12,000 hectares of leucaea trees on the Nanyang side. Can receive 10 million barrels of oil.

It can be seen that in the field of bioenergy, many people have been researching and have achieved certain results. This is a huge supermarket, and the energy issue is a major issue related to the national economy and people’s livelihood.

“Look back, let me see where you are. If this bio-energy technology can make a huge breakthrough, we won’t have to worry about being strangled in energy in the future.”

After thinking about it, Liu Yuan also said.

“That’s great. If you have the boss, our research will definitely break through quickly.”

As soon as Zheng Yuan heard it, he immediately expressed a warm welcome. Liu Yuan is a monster and a genius in many aspects. He is a veteran in biotechnology, and he is best at this.

“Li Qianliang and I are mainly studying the use of genetic technology to develop drought-tolerant plants that can grow rapidly and control desertification.”

Zeng Xuan and Li Qianliang looked at each other and also stood up to report their research to Liu Yuan.

“Plants to control desertification?”

“This is also a very promising research topic. The area of deserts in the world is very large. If this technology can be researched, there will be hope for desert governance in the future.”

After listening to Liu Yuan, he also affirmed that desert control is not only based on the persistence and struggle of the people who control the desert.


In fact, it is also possible to control deserts from the perspective of biotechnology.

The development of drought-resistant and fast-growing plants is also very helpful for desert governance. Some places are not without precipitation, but gradually desertification and desertification are caused by artificial overgrazing and reclamation. These areas are completely possible. Governed.

There are many countries affected by deserts in the world, and this is also a very profitable project.

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