The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 122

Chapter 122 The Powerful Ternary Computer

The aftertaste of the New Year has not gone away, and Xinghai Technology has started to get busy again.

Xinghai Science and Technology Research Institute, many scientists and engineers are gathering together, looking at a computer in front of them, which is a computer made of ternary.

The chip is also manufactured by Xinghai Technology using the maskless lithography machine developed by itself, and also adopts the ternary architecture system independently developed by itself.

It can be said that Xinghai Technology has completely mastered all the key core technologies of this computer. The chips, systems and architectures are all independently researched by itself.

“It’s really not easy. In a blink of an eye, more than a year has passed, and we have actually researched the ternary computer.”

Li Chun was overwhelmed with emotion, thinking about how fast time flies.

He still remembers the moment when Liu Yuan found himself and told himself about his dream of building a chip. At that time, he thought Liu Yuan was joking and wasting time.

But the desire and impulse for chips in his heart made him finally agree to go crazy with this young man.

Originally thought that it might take eight years, ten years, or even twenty years to research this chip technology.

Who knows that it has only been a year, and Xinghai Technology has completely mastered independent chip technology, from wafers for manufacturing chips to lithography machines, and then to other related technologies.

Just one year, just one year.

Xinghai Technology has completely opened it up. Now Xinghai Technology has begun to build several chip production lines in Xinghai Technology Industrial Park, and will soon be ready to announce this big news to the world.

In addition to chip technology, these young people from Xinghai Technology have even come up with ternary computing, rebuilt the system and chip architecture of ternary computers, etc. They are even still studying Chinese programming. The hexadecimal computers will all run with Chinese programming.

If it was a year ago, Li Chun felt that it was like a fantasy, and it was impossible.

However, now, all this is in front of me. The ternary computer in front of me will be the first ternary computer in this century. At the same time, it will amaze everyone and let the world take a look at the ternary computer. of power.

Anything is possible.

As Liu Yuan said, take dreams as horses, live up to the times, and the sea of stars.

Just like climbing a mountain, when you look at it from a distance, the mountain is very high and high, you are as small as an ant, and you feel that it is impossible to climb up.

But the moment you walked step by step and finally reached the top of the mountain, you would find that it was nothing more than that.

Li Chun feels this way now.

Chips, I always thought that they had extremely high technological content, and it was impossible to manufacture them.

Just relying on hundreds of researchers from Xinghai Technology to come up with a chip is simply a fantasy.

However, now, when you have really mastered all the technology of the chip, and look back, it is actually nothing more than that.

I once thought that 7n-level chips were already very good, and 5n was the most advanced level in the world. However, now Xinghai Technology’s chip technology has only reached 1n-level at the beginning.

In the future, after technological development and progress, Xinghai Technology’s chip technology can also break through to the picometer level and create more powerful chips.

Everything is just that.

But think about it again, we have been working on chip technology for so many years, but why can’t we do it all the time?

Why do we spend 300 billion green coins every year to import foreign chips?

There are too many, too many complications in it.

Xinghai Technology has a research team of only a few hundred people, and it took a year to come up with it.

This is not only because Liu Yuan is willing to invest and support, but more importantly, here, everyone can be more relaxed, more carefree, and wholeheartedly, a group of like-minded people work hard and strive for a goal.

The number of people is small, but the quality is extremely high.

Li Chun learned what a genius is here. Many students who graduated from ordinary colleges and universities can’t speak English well, but they are real science and engineering geniuses. The talent they show is amazing.

Of course, the most amazing thing is Liu Yuan. He is like an all-rounder, he knows everything, and he can learn everything, and he can quickly draw inferences from others. It is precisely because of Liu Yuan that he can successfully overcome one by one. Difficulties, and finally researched the chip technology.

Li Chun has to admit that he really likes it here now.

I like the simple life here, and the life without any troubles here.

You don’t need to worry about houses, cars, etc. You can walk to work and exercise, and you don’t need to worry about money.

At the year-end bonus at the end of last year, Li Chun directly received a year-end bonus of more than 100 million yuan. The company also helped to bear the personal income tax. In the future, there is no need to worry about money matters.

Even if his children want to buy a house in the imperial capital, there is no pressure.

More importantly, the working atmosphere here is very relaxed and pleasant, without the slightest pressure and tension, and there is no need to deal with complex interpersonal relationships. The boss is also engaged in research, and he does not think of himself as a boss when he is willful.

“Ready to test~”

Liu Yuan glanced around and looked at the team in front of him. Except for a few professors such as Li Chun and Jiang Wannian who are relatively old, the others are very young faces, full of vigor and vitality.

Although the team is very young, the combat power is absolutely outstanding, and it is not a waste of many precious medicines that he has taken out of the inheritance seeds, which is to develop the brain and the body.

It took a year to finally get this ternary computer out.


With Liu Yuan gently pressing the start button.

Everyone looked at the huge display in unison, and saw that the numbers on it were changing rapidly at an unimaginable speed.





When they saw the numbers displayed on the monitor, everyone present couldn’t help cheering.

FLOPS is the number of floating-point operations per second (also known as the peak speed per second), which is the abbreviation of the number of floating-point operations per second (English: Floatg-pot&ions per sed; abbreviation: FLOPS).

It is an important indicator to measure computer performance. 1 petaflop is equal to 1 trillion mathematical operations per second. The larger the number, the stronger the computer’s ability.

Like the world’s fourth-ranked supercomputer, the Sunway TaihuLight supercomputer, its peak value can reach 93,000 TFlops per second, and the computing speed is extremely terrifying.

The ternary computer made by the Xinghai Science and Technology Research Institute in front of me has a peak computing speed of 30,000 TFlops per second.

It seems that it is nothing compared to the supercomputers in the world, because the top ten supercomputers in the world have tens of thousands of data casually.

However, the ternary computer in front of me only has more than 5,000 core processor chips, and those supercomputers in the world.

Each one occupies a very large area, and many need to be installed in an entire building. The number of core processor chips is often hundreds of thousands, or even millions.

Like Sunway TaihuLight, the number of core processor chips has reached a terrifying more than 10 million, and Tianhe-2 also has nearly 5 million chips.

The second-ranked Suit in the world also has 2.4 million core chip processors, and its peak operation exceeds 140,000 TFlops per second.

It can be seen that these supercomputers in the world are all piled up with massive chips. The more chips, the more powerful they are, the more powerful their computing power will be.

Of course, there are also technical gaps that can be seen here.

Our Sunway TaihuLight uses tens of millions of chips, and the peak computing value is only more than 90,000. The Suit of Beautiful Country uses only 2.4 million chips, and its peak computing value exceeds more than 140,000.

After all, they are at least five or six times stronger than us in the field of chip technology. Of course, this is only a calculation of data, and the actual gap may be even greater.

The ternary computer in front of him only uses thousands of 1-nanometer chips manufactured by Xinghai Technology itself, and its computing power can reach 30,000.

After such a comparison, you will know whether this ternary computer is really good or not, and you will understand why the people present cheered.

The performance of this ternary computer is really powerful!


“When it reaches the peak of 30,000, it can be used as a supercomputer. After that, our research institute can calculate some data and so on, and we can use our own supercomputer.”

“I can’t believe that for such a small thing, it can be compared to the world’s supercomputers.”

“Sure enough, we calculated in advance that the ternary computer is theoretically more concise and efficient than the binary computer. Coupled with the 1-nanometer chip we produced, there is a miracle in front of us.”

“It’s just more than 5,000 chips, plus the design and architecture of the ternary computer, its computing speed is so terrifying, I can’t believe it, it’s too powerful!”

Li Chun, Jiang Wannian, Song Cang and others were all very excited. It has not been a day or two for everyone to study this computer. After their own efforts, they have come up with such a powerful computer.

How can you not be excited, how can you not be excited.

As for Liu Yuan, at this moment, he also showed a satisfied smile.

Although the computer in front of me is nothing, it is definitely a good start, and the power of the ternary computer is beginning to show.

“In the future, this supercomputer can be adjusted at will. It will not hurt at all to build a supercomputer with tens of thousands of chips. Every project team can build one.”

“And based on the current data, the ternary computers created by these tens of thousands of chips can completely explode those so-called supercomputers.”

Liu Yuan thought while rubbing his chin.

Thinking about the crazy moves on the earth to use millions or tens of millions of chips to build supercomputers, Liu Yuan feels distressed, it’s all money.

Chips are very expensive. All of a sudden, millions of chips are used to get a supercomputer. This is a money-burning game, and only those big rich countries can afford it.

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