The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 Rapid Progress

In Ningcheng No. 1 Middle School (4) class, a mock college entrance examination English test is in progress. Similar to this mock test, it is done almost every day.

In high school, basically, in the second year of high school, all the knowledge points of the three years of high school have been taught, and in the third year of high school, they are all consolidating and improving. Impact next year’s college entrance examination.

Liu Yuan looked at the English test paper in his hand. In the past, Liu Yuan’s English was very poor.

There are many reasons for this. One of the reasons is that the foundation is very poor. The rural areas are not as good as the cities. The children in the cities start to contact English at a very young age, and they start to lay the foundation at a very young age. Able to speak and communicate in English.

The countryside is different. There is no such condition and environment at all. At the stage of primary school, there is basically no contact with English, and English is only taught in middle school.

In addition, Liu Yuan has no interest in learning English, and he is quite resistant in his heart. A good descendant of the dragon, what kind of bird language should he learn? If he doesn’t go abroad, who will he tell it to?

In addition, because of his poor family, Liu Yuan does not have enough living expenses, and his nutrition has been unable to keep up. When he grows up, he has to face high-intensity learning and his memory is not very good.

This is very disadvantageous in learning English.

The learning of English is firstly built on the basis of reciting a large number of words. With the accumulation of a large number of words, we can distinguish between verbs and nouns, then distinguish between subject, verb and object, and then the more difficult past tense, present tense and the like.

If the foundation of the first level of reciting words is not solid, then this English is definitely not good.

Liu Yuan is such a situation. He has poor memory and is very difficult to recite words. He is not good in exams and is not interested. In the past, his English grades were extremely poor, and he could not even pass a pass.

But it is different now. After the transformation of the genetic optimization solution, the brain has been continuously developed. Liu Yuan’s memory is extremely amazing, and he has the ability to remember.

Since the beginning of the school year, Liu Yuan has been focusing on English. With the help of inheritance seeds, he has recited the Oxford Dictionary in just a few days, established a huge and powerful word bank, and directly crossed the level of recitation. .

At the same time, with the help of seeds, I spend most of the day learning English in my mind, watching the lectures of excellent teachers in the country. With strong memory and thinking ability, I can easily pass the next few Difficulties.

At this moment, in Liu Yuan’s eyes, the English exam paper that used to be a headache has become very simple.

In the past, when I saw a sentence of English, I could only recognize some of the words, and I didn’t know the rest at all. I could only roughly guess the meaning of the sentence. Well, it’s no wonder that the results are good.

But now, at a glance, I instantly understand the meaning of this sentence, and then at the question, the answer seems to be written directly on the paper, and it is easily made.

Even the hearing, which was the most feared in the past, is very clear and simple in Liu Yuan’s ears at this moment. Just as those scholars said, it is not listening at all, but reading the answer.

As soon as you finish listening, scan the question, and write the answer directly, you don’t need to think about anything at all, it’s very simple and easy.

As for reading comprehension, with a large vocabulary, reading comprehension becomes extremely simple, as if reading something elementary school students learn, and you can know the answer without even thinking about it.

“English is not a big problem~”

“It may take a while to get a full score in the test. The main thing is to practice this word. If you write ugly words, you will definitely have to lose points. As for the rest, there is no problem.”

Liu Yuan can still be distracted and think about things while listening.

In less than a month, English has no problems at all, it has become simple and easy, and even Liu Yuan is now constantly practicing oral English to achieve pure pronunciation.

Learning a language is not just for exams, it is more about applying what you have learned. It is not enough just to be able to do questions. The key is to be able to speak, write, and be able to speak and use proficiently.

Liu Yuan was summarizing his studies, while Wen Lianying, an English teacher, quietly came to Liu Yuan’s side and watched Liu Yuan’s answer carefully.

Liu Yuan was a blockbuster in the last admissions test. Not only the students in the class were paying attention to Liu Yuan, but even the teachers were paying more attention to Liu Yuan.

Among them, the English teacher Wen Lianying is the person who cares most about Liu Yuan, because the head teacher Lu Xiao specially explained to Wen Lianying, so that she can pay more attention to Liu Yuan’s study.

If Liu Yuan’s English scores can also improve by leaps and bounds, Liu Yuan has the hope of hitting the top famous schools. If this ordinary class can produce a student who is admitted to the top school, these teachers can boast for a lifetime.

“The answers are all right, the speed of doing the questions is extremely fast, and this progress is too fast.”

Wen Lianying was slightly surprised when she watched Liu Yuan write out the answers on the test paper almost without thinking.

These days, she has been paying attention to Liu Yuan, and she is also shocked by Liu Yuan’s growth rate. In the last week, Liu Yuan seemed very difficult to solve the problem, but by the next week, it has almost become the most difficult to pass the customs. Strong king, simple and easy.

Up to now, Liu Yuan’s English questions are just like the students in the key class. He is very relaxed and confident. Sometimes he has already made the answer before the listening is finished.

“Maybe it’s really possible to hit the top two universities~” Wen Lianying kept watching, nodding straight as she watched.

Liu Yuan’s answering speed is very amazing. After listening to the broadcast, the next questions are not difficult for him at all. The multiple-choice questions are almost completed in one stroke, and they are completed in just a few minutes. This speed, It’s horrific.

As for reading comprehension, the speed is also quite fast. With a swipe of your eyes, you immediately start to do the questions. The answers are written out one after another, and it feels like you know the answer in advance.

“If I hadn’t watched his rapid progress step by step, I would never have believed that such a genius exists. The speed of progress and learning ability are truly terrifying.”

There was a sigh in my heart.

“The next monthly exam will be interesting. According to this trend, the title of No. 1 in the school may fall to him.”

“It is estimated that Peng Hua and Chen Xinwei will be furious and half-dead, thinking about it makes people happy.”

Peng Hua and Chen Xinwei are the head teachers of the two key classes in Ningcheng No. 1 Middle School, and they have always been in a competitive relationship with each other. For students and teachers in ordinary classes, they naturally ignore them. After all, teachers who can lead key classes are basically All are senior teachers.

As for the teachers in ordinary classes, many of them are still first- and second-level teachers, and some are even novice teachers who have just left the campus, and are only a few years older than the students.

Thinking of this, Wen Lianying also laughed, then walked away slowly to see how other students answered the questions.

Liu Yuan, who finished the English test paper early, seemed a little bored. He spent a lot of time in intense study. He recited words every day, learned English, and practiced oral English. It took Liu Yuan a lot of time.

The foundation of English is really too great, it is equivalent to re-learning English in high school. Fortunately, with strong learning ability and brain, in less than a month, English is cleared.

Quietly took out his old computer, opened it, and there were a lot of text messages in it.

“Little brother, are you in class again? I’ll come to your Ningcheng for a vacation in a while. I heard that you are an old revolutionary base. How about being a guide for me?”

“It’s really troublesome to send text messages every day. You belong to that middle school and class in Ningcheng. I’ll buy you a new mobile phone and send it to you when the time comes, so that you can have a prestige video.”

As soon as I saw this text message, I knew it was sent by Dong Feifei.

“I don’t have time to be your guide. I have the phone myself, so I don’t need to spend money for me~”

He quickly sent a message back to the other party, and before Liu Yuan could read the next one, the other party responded immediately.

“It’s class time now? If you don’t study well, you even play with your mobile phone secretly. Be careful that the teacher confiscated it.”

“If you don’t tell me, I won’t be able to find out?”

“Wait for the delivery~”

The other party finally made a smug expression.

Liu Yuan did not reply to her again and continued to read other messages.

“Let’s have milk tea together after self-study in the evening. The one across from the school is very good. It’s delicious~”

This is from Qiu Tingting. She likes to drink milk tea the most, and she drinks it almost every day.

“Let’s go to the cafeteria to eat together after class?”

This is from Lin Yao, and now I have to eat with Liu Yuan every day, so many people are saying that the two are in love.

“This exam in our school is so difficult. I did poorly in the exam, and I’m in a terrible mood. When are you free, can you make a phone call to chat? You must answer my call today, if you still don’t answer me If it’s on the phone, I, I won’t study hard.”

This is Chen Ya, who I met while working in the city and having a late-night snack. I send messages to Liu Yuan every day.

However, Liu Yuan often does not pick up, and does not want to waste time with the little princess in this city.

“Women are really troublesome~”

Liu Yuan looked at the text messages. The side effects of the genetic optimization solution were too great. More and more female classmates contacted Liu Yuan secretly. They received a lot of text messages, envelopes, cards, etc. Several women I met at the next night’s supper have been in touch every day.

PS: Power outage for a day today, crash~

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