The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 143

Chapter 143 Landing On The Moon In 3 Years

Control the command hall.

“Boss, we succeeded!”

Tang Peng shouted excitedly when he saw Liu Yuan coming.

“Congratulations, you are the best!”

“I am here to announce that I will give out 500 million funds as a reward. Everyone in your team has a share.”

Liu Yuan looked at the crowd and threw out 500 million with a slap.

Well, as a qualified boss, the reward is naturally more generous. Last time Li Chun’s team came up with chip technology, Liu Yuan also directly threw out a big reward, and everyone in the team got a big gift package.

“The boss is mighty and domineering!”

When Tang Peng and the others heard it, they couldn’t help cheering, and everyone shouted in unison.

A bonus of 500 million does not seem to be much, but the entire aerospace research team led by Tang Peng only has more than 300 people. After all, this person can almost all receive a reward of more than 1 million. Undoubtedly a big prize.

The house is allocated, and meals can be solved in the research institute. It can be said that there is almost no place to spend money. The salary and benefits are high, and this time another huge prize has fallen on the head, which is a proper net income.

Especially the people in the team are still young people, all of them have just graduated not long ago, which is undoubtedly a huge encouragement.

The boss Liu Yuan, he is not the kind of person who wants the horses to run and does not give them enough food. If he wants to let the researchers do research in peace, he must solve their worries, and don’t be stingy with the rewards that should be given. .

What Liu Yuan can’t do to generate electricity for love.

I don’t have any other skills, and I can’t give anything else. The only thing Liu Yuan can give is money, but this is something that everyone likes and needs now. Who will let this society measure whether a person is promising or not? The standard is how much money you make.

Soon, Liu Yuan took Tang Peng and others to the Xinghai Aerospace Press Center, where many news media reporters were already waiting patiently.

According to the rules, regardless of success or failure, it must be announced to the outside world. The launch of the rocket on Xinghai Aerospace went very smoothly. Basically, it should have been successful, and it will definitely be announced to everyone.

“I’m coming!”

When the smiling Liu Yuan and Tang Peng arrived, everyone immediately cheered up.

“Everyone, I’m very happy to announce that the first rocket launch of our Xinghai Aerospace was a complete success, and the Rocket Giant 1 successfully put the satellite into the predetermined orbit!”

Liu Yuan looked at everyone and announced the good news to everyone with an extremely loud voice.


Immediately, there was a tidal wave of applause from the center of the venue, and then these reporters raised their hands and prepared to ask Liu Yuan a question.

Liu Yuan glanced around, of course, taking care of his own people first.

“Hello, I’m Li Jingya, a reporter from Guojia News Station. What I’m asking about is Xinghai Technology’s plans in the aerospace field?”

Li Jingya, who stood up, said the questions she had prepared for a long time.


“Our Xinghai Technology has a long-term plan in the aerospace field. In the future, we will use technology to peak people’s travel methods. In the next three years, we will land on the moon and establish a permanent base on the moon. ”

Liu Yuan thought for a while and said.

“Subverting the way people travel?”

“Go to the moon in three years and establish a permanent base on the moon?”

Everyone was slightly shocked when they heard it.

“I’m going, this Liu Yuan is also floating, and he even started to run the train with his mouth full?”

“Subverting the way people travel?”

“Do you want everyone to fly in the sky in the future?”

“Even if you can develop a flexible enough aircraft, it is estimated that everyone will not be able to refuel, and it will subvert the way of travel. This is a bragging.”

“There are still three years to go to the moon, I believe you, this is just a rocket successfully launched, and it is still on the moon. If it was so easy to land on the moon, everyone would have gone to the moon long ago.”

“It is also necessary to establish a permanent base on the moon. Do you know how far the distance between the earth and the moon is?”

Everyone thought about it for a while, and suddenly felt that Liu Yuan was bragging.

After several successes, Liu Yuan, a genius, began to learn to brag.

“Three years to the moon and establish a permanent base. Is this possible?”

Li Jingya thought about it and said.

“Everything is possible!”

Liu Yuan replied very confidently. After speaking, Liu Yuan motioned for a reporter to get up and ask questions.

“Do you have any plans to go to Mars in the future, or, like Musk, have plans to immigrate to Mars?”

“This issue may be a bit far off. In the short term, our goal is to go to the moon, establish a permanent base on the moon, and if possible, mine resources on the moon.” “As for Mars, it is far from Our Earth is still too far away, but in the future, we will definitely go to Mars.”

Liu Yuan thought for a while and replied.

“I thought he would directly say that he wanted to immigrate to Mars, but he was modest, knowing that Mars is far away.”

“You didn’t run the train with your mouth full.”

Everyone nodded when they heard it, Mars is indeed too far away.

“Mr. Liu, you are the richest man in the world. Why haven’t I heard of your performance in the field of charity?”

“I think doing charity also depends on how to do charity. I use all my money in the field of high technology to promote the continuous development of our technology to a higher level. I think this is also a kind of the way society contributes.”

Liu Yuan looked at each other, hesitant, there were always people who came to trouble him. In the future, he should try to do as little as possible, and there would be more people who would find fault.

“Mr. Liu, with your wealth, you can provide free AIDS vaccines to all people in African tribal areas. Why don’t you do it?”

“Why should I do this?”

“I have money and what does it have to do with them. Do I need no cost to produce vaccines? Do I need no scientific research investment to study vaccines?”

“Why don’t you give away all your fortune?”

Liu Yuan looked at the other party, asked coldly, and then signaled to his own people to ask questions. He must not let these foreigners ask questions again. It’s too bad.

“Mr. Liu, will Xinghai Aerospace research recyclable rocket technology in the future?”

“Well, we have no plans and plans for this, because the launch cost of rockets is too high and it is not conducive to space exploration.”

Sure enough, he is still reliable, and the questions asked are quite satisfactory.

“If you don’t study recyclable rocket technology, you even threaten to go to the moon and build a lunar base?”

“I’ll just say you’re running the train with your mouth full. If you don’t rely on rocket technology, what technology can you rely on?”

Hearing Liu Yuan’s answer, some people couldn’t help but despise Liu Yuan.

Sure enough, this guy is all the same. Once he gets some success, he starts bragging and runs the train with his mouth full.

He also landed on the moon and established a lunar base, but he did not study the recyclable rocket technology, which immediately exposed Liu Yuan’s bragging.

“Everyone, I still have something to do. If you have any related questions, you can ask Tang Peng, the chief executive of Xinghai Aerospace.”

Liu Yuan looked at the reporters outside Guowai, all of them raised their hands, but he was too lazy to talk to you anymore, I won’t play with you anymore.

After speaking, Liu Yuan also left directly, too lazy to waste time with them.

“Liu Yuan, why don’t you Xinghai Technology sell 1-nanometer ternary chips? Are you afraid that someone will develop your technology?”

“Excuse me, why is the price of your Xinghai Technology’s products sold overseas several times higher than your domestic sales? Is this fair?”

“Are you willing to donate all your property after you die?”


Seeing that Liu Yuan was about to leave, how could these people let Liu Yuan go like this, and they all hurried to catch up, surrounding Liu Yuan with a mess of random questions.

Liu Yuan’s face darkened when he heard someone talking about what happened after his death.

Ma Dan himself is only 20 years old now, so he told Lao Tzu about this. I really wanted to greet the eighteenth generation of your ancestors.

I didn’t even bother to pay attention to them. With the help of the security guards, Liu Yuan also flashed people directly. These reporters were like dog skin plaster, they couldn’t stick, or they couldn’t get rid of them.

“Liu Yuan~ Liu Yuan!”

Liu Yuan had just left the venue, and as soon as he came out, he met Qian Xia, an old classmate who had been waiting for him for a long time.

“Old classmate, long time no see, great changes.”

Liu Yuan looked at Qian Xia and said with a smile.

“No matter how big the change is, you don’t like me.”

When Qian Xia heard this, Duduzui said helplessly.

“Cough, what can you do to me?”

Liu Yuan coughed awkwardly, and quickly changed the subject. Women can’t be provoked. Li Xue, Li Dan, Lin Hanqing and their affairs have not been settled yet, so they can’t provoke people.

“The fans in my live broadcast room asked me to come and visit you, and I wanted to ask you for some autographs by the way.”

As soon as Qian Xia heard it, she hurriedly said, and immediately ordered the people in her team to quickly switch the screen.

“Hello everyone, my old classmate Liu Yuan is next to me. If you have any questions, please ask quickly, there is not much time.”

As soon as Qian Xia’s words were finished, the live broadcast room exploded. Qian Xia really interviewed Liu Yuan and played the live broadcast together, and the information in the live broadcast room began to soar rapidly.

Liu Yuan, who was on the side, was also speechless. His old classmate was going further and further on the road of live broadcast, and he even dragged himself to live broadcast. When he looked at the questions raised by everyone in the live broadcast room, Liu Yuan was also dumbfounded.

Some people asked how to get Liu Yuan to make a bunny together. Some people asked what cosmetics Liu Yuan used. Some people asked Liu Yuan if he still lacked girlfriends. Seven, eight, nine or something…

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