The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

The three-day vacation passed in a flash, and a red Benz slowly stopped at the gate of Ningcheng No. 1 Middle School.

“I’m going back~”

Dong Feifei looked at Liu Yuan with some resentment, who was picking up her schoolbag and preparing to get off the bus.

For the past three days, she really gave up her face to accompany Liu Yuan, living in Liu Yuan’s simple brick house, sleeping on a hard bed, her whole body was sore, and the weeds everywhere in the countryside cost her tens of thousands of new dollars. The skirts I bought were all scratched, and I couldn’t eat or sleep well.

But she didn’t care about it, the key was that she took the initiative to post it, but Liu Yuan was always like a piece of wood, she didn’t understand anything, she was really angry.

She wanted to go back in a fit of anger, but when she looked at Liu Yuan next to her, she was extremely reluctant. Although Liu Yuan’s brick house was simple, as long as Liu Yuan was there, she also felt full of warmth and sunshine.

This has not yet separated, she is already anxious, this time back, she will definitely not think about tea and rice again, and she will be haunted.

“Go back and play again when you have time.”

Liu Yuan picked up his schoolbag and prepared to get out of the car without any heart.

Just as he was about to get out of the car, Dong Feifei grabbed Liu Yuan and kissed him directly.

“What an idiot, a fool, I’m mad at me!”

Seeing Liu Yuan in a daze, Dong Feifei laughed happily, then thought about it and asked, “First kiss?”

“Women are really troublesome~”

Liu Yuan couldn’t help but touched his forehead, picked up his schoolbag and got out of the car, his head is so big!

“I’m leaving~”

A smile appeared at the corner of Dong Feifei’s mouth, and she stepped on the accelerator and went back to the city.

Walking on the campus, Liu Yuan couldn’t help wiping his lips.

Women are really troublesome. During the three-day vacation, I didn’t accomplish anything by myself. I originally planned to do something for my grandparents, and then hurry up and study.

As a result, Dong Feifei came, and told her grandparents that she was her girlfriend. She stayed at her house for three days, and everyone in the village knew about it. She had to play with her for three days, which was really troublesome.

“Three days of time were wasted, and we must hurry up next time.”

“There are so many things to learn. Try to spend three months to learn all the knowledge points and content of high school, and then start to study the courses of the university.”

Liu Yuan planned silently in his heart.

At the same time, in the office building of the third group of the school, Peng Hua and Chen Xinwei, the head teachers of the two key science classes, were somewhat unbelievably holding the transcript rankings of this monthly test.

“Is it a mistake?”

“This first place is actually from the ordinary class?”

“For a long time, let alone the first place in the school, the top 50 in the school are dominated by key classes. It is absolutely impossible for students from ordinary classes to be admitted to the top 50.”

“Now that he has surpassed Lu Jun and Wang Yunxia all of a sudden, and ranked first in the monthly test, there must be a problem. I seriously doubt whether this person named Liu Yuan knew the answer in advance and became the first by copying the answer.”

Peng Hua looked at the name ranked first on the monthly test ranking list and expressed his doubts.

The only opponents in the eyes of Class 1, the key class that I have brought, are Class 2 led by Chen Xinwei, Lu Jun from Class 1, and Wang Yunxia from Class 2. Both of them are the first or second overlord every time, and they are the most powerful this year. And a scholar who wants to be admitted to the top two universities.

Now suddenly there is a person named Liu Yuan from the ordinary class, overtaking the two at once, ranking first in the monthly test, of course he has to be suspicious.

“Yeah, this must be a mistake. How can students in ordinary classes be first in the test? Before, there were students who were in the top 30 in the test, but there was absolutely no way that they could be ranked first.”

Chen Xinwei also expressed disbelief, doubting whether this person named Liu Yuan knew the answer in advance and became the first by plagiarism.

“Can’t students in ordinary classes be the first in the exam?”

The conversation between the two was heard by Lu Xiao, who immediately retorted.

“Mr. Lu, it’s not that we don’t believe it, it’s that this suddenly appeared, but it makes people not believe it.”

Peng Hua looked at Lu Xiao and knew that Liu Yuan was a student in his class.

“The last time he was ranked 66th in the school in the entrance examination, that time was because his English score was not satisfactory, which delayed him. This time, his English score was 133 points. There were no shortcomings in each class, and he was the first in the age. It’s normal.”

Lu Xiao held the list in his hand and looked at Liu Yuan’s score above, and was quite proud.

For the first time, the students in this ordinary class overtook all the students in the key classes and won the first place in the school. He, the head teacher, also had a bright face, especially looking at the faces of Peng Hua and Chen Xinwei, he even wanted to Find a place to have a good smile.

Let you usually look down on the students in ordinary classes, and look down on us teachers who lead ordinary classes. Now you should know that ordinary classes can also send talents to overwhelm the top students in your key classes.

“He just passed the English test last time, but this time he scored 133 points. This is a terrible improvement, isn’t it?”

Chen Xinwei hurriedly found out the score ranking of the last entrance examination, and found Liu Yuan’s score. Looking at the English score above, he expressed serious doubts.

“Yeah, it’s only been over a month, how can his English score improve so much?” Peng Hua also nodded.

“What’s impossible, I just watched him make rapid progress.”

“I am very familiar with Liu Yuan’s situation. His parents died early and he was raised by his sick grandparents. In the past, he not only had to study, but also worked part-time, picked up garbage to earn tuition and living expenses, and was always worried about his grandparents. sickness.”

“So I have never been able to devote myself to my studies. This summer, he went to the construction site to smash walls to earn enough living expenses and tuition fees. His grandparents’ illness has also recovered, so he can devote himself to his studies. Naturally, it will advance by leaps and bounds.”

“Last time, math was very difficult, and he was the only one in the whole school who got full marks.”

When Lu Xiao told Liu Yuan’s situation, many teachers around him immediately sympathized with Liu Yuan.

“It turns out that it’s really rare~”

“Yeah, it’s really rare.”

“I am his English teacher. I see his progress in my eyes. I can guarantee that he is definitely not cheating.”

English teacher Wen Lianying also stood up and spoke for Liu Yuan.

“I don’t think anyone can be stupid enough to copy and become the number one in the school.”

Lu Xiao also followed suit.

The surrounding teachers also nodded their heads when they heard it. There is still some plagiarism. Some students are very competitive. Every time they take an exam, they think of copying other students’ answers, but it is impossible to say that plagiarism has become the first in the school.

“So it goes on like this?”

Peng Hua and Chen Xinwei looked at each other and were still very upset.

“if not?”

Lu Xiao had a full smile on his face, looking at the two of them, he was about to laugh happily.

Picking up a transcript, and taking the math test paper from last month’s exam, I also walked into the classroom.

In the classroom of Senior Year 4 (4), Liu Yuan was explaining math topics to the female students in the class. As for Hu Huirong, he was already used to living in the world, and he didn’t know that he was moved to that corner.

Soon, Lu Xiao walked in, and the classroom was quiet. Everyone looked at the test papers and transcripts in his hands, knowing that he was going to announce the results of this monthly test.

“This monthly test, our class did very well, especially Liu Yuan, who scored full marks in mathematics, 135 in Chinese, 133 in English, 275 in science, and 693 in total, ranking first in the school!”

When it came to the end, Lu Xiao’s voice became excited and loud.

He was the head teacher of an ordinary class, and there was a student under his command who overwhelmed all the top students in the key class, and won the first place in this monthly test.

This matter has been enough for him to brag about for a long time, and the key is that he wants to laugh out loud when he thinks of the pig liver faces of Peng Hua and Chen Xinwei just now.

After speaking, Lu Xiao also took the lead in applauding. Suddenly, everyone in the classroom looked at Liu Yuan and applauded.

“I rub it~ Niu Cha, 693 points, the first in the whole school~”

“Those top students in this key class were slapped in the face, they were already upset, and now they are the first to be robbed, I guess they are going to die of anger, let’s see if they will look down on others in the future. .”

“It’s really a fork. The last time I scored 627 points, this time it went straight to 693 points. It improved by a few points all of a sudden, and I beat the pack and won the first place.”

“The first is actually in our fourth class, in our ordinary class, haha, Niu Cha~”

“Liu Yuan, I love you~”

The classmates in the class were also very excited, as if they had won the first place in the school, and the first place in the school was actually in their ordinary class. How could everyone be unhappy, they were going crazy, and even some girls were screaming. Shouted to Liu Yuan.

Even Li Dan, at this moment, is a little star full of admiration, and when he looks at Liu Yuan, his eyes are full of admiration.

No. 1 in the whole school, she knows too well how difficult it is. Even when she was the best in the grades test, she barely made it to the top 100. It was really hard to be the first in the whole school.

Now Liu Yuan is able to beat the crowd to win the first place in the school, which is really encouraging, and immediately felt excited, as if he was Liu Yuan and won the first place in the school.

The applause lasted for several minutes before Lu Xiao signaled everyone to be quiet.

“Liu Yuan, keep working hard and try to get better in the exam. Your goal should not just be the first in the whole school, you have to sprint towards higher goals, such as being the first in the province!”

Lu Xiao looked at Liu Yuan, who was not arrogant or impetuous, and was very pleased. After thinking about it, he also set a new goal for Liu Yuan.

“First in the province?”

“Science champion?”

When the classmates heard this, they all looked at Liu Yuan in unison again, as if they had seen a god. The first place in the province. This is a peak that all high school students will never be able to climb, even the top academic tyrants. Dare to lie.

Now the head teacher actually thinks that Liu Yuan has the hope of taking the first place in the province. Even if it doesn’t happen to him, it’s exciting enough. After all, this is an era when grades are truth and grades are justice.

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