The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 186

Chapter 186 Xinghai Tech People Are Geniuses

In the Xinghai Aerospace Industrial Park, in a huge factory building, a huge aerospace carrier is under construction. Thousands of engineers and scientists are surrounding this aircraft, which is under construction and can already see the keel. .

“I seriously doubt that your Xinghai Technology has plans and plans to build an air carrier from the very beginning.”

Liang Youying is the general manager of the project. Looking at the huge factory building in front of him, and thinking about the advanced laboratories that have been in contact with Xinghai Aerospace, many equipment that can be used to build large ships, etc. He couldn’t help but said to Tang Peng beside him.

“Lao Liang, our boss actually planned to develop anti-gravity technology.”

“You can also see the power of this anti-gravity technology. Its future uses will be very large, and the military field is only a very insignificant aspect of it.”

“The real strength of it lies in the civilian field. Large-scale civilian anti-gravity aircraft will inevitably replace the current large civilian aircraft. This is a big market. We have no reason to have such a huge market after we have mastered advanced anti-gravity technology. Don’t you eat in one of the markets?”

Tang Peng smiled and explained to Liang Youying: “In addition, the most important thing is to develop private aircraft. In the future, this private aircraft can replace cars and become the means of transportation in the new era. Then the earth will truly become a global village. ”

“Of course, these are not the real goals of our boss. His eyes have already been set on the sea of stars. With anti-gravity technology, he can build interstellar spaceships, fly directly into space, and start the space age.”

“Your boss is indeed an amazing scientist!”

When it comes to Liu Yuan, even Liang Youying is very impressed. Liu Yuan has achieved what everyone has worked hard for in their entire lives, and it is also officially Liu Yuan’s breakthroughs in the field of technology. Only then can he continue to break the shackles. Let us take control of our own destiny without being controlled by others.

And now, everyone in the project team clearly knows that once the aerospace carrier and aerospace fighters come out, we will jump up and stand on the top of the world again.

“Haha, of course, he is a genius!”

When Tang Peng heard this, he immediately replied with a happy laugh.

“Not only is he a genius, but I found that all of you people from Xinghai Technology seem to have failed. All of them are geniuses.”

Liang Youying felt this.

The original cooperation with Xinghai Technology was that Xinghai Technology developed an anti-gravity device to assist Liang Youying to build an aerospace carrier and an aerospace fighter.

Liang Youying did not expect Xinghai Technology’s scientists and engineers to help solve other problems. After all, Xinghai Technology is good at genetic technology and electronic technology.

Even many scientists think that Xinghai Technology has had shit luck, so they can get the anti-gravity technology out. They feel that they can learn it casually, just look at the anti-gravity device on Xinghai Technology and listen to the relevant information. The theory can fully understand the anti-gravity technology of Xinghai Technology.

As a result, the anti-gravity device on Xinghai Technology’s side can be dismantled by you, and the anti-gravity device will be assembled in front of you, and even tell you the relevant theories, but you just don’t understand it, let alone thoroughly understand it. .

Originally, I was thinking of stealing the anti-gravity technology of Xinghai Technology, but I ended up being at a loss and couldn’t figure it out. Many scientists in the group were stumped.

Only scientists from Xinghai Technology can understand anti-gravity technology, clearly know the principle, core of anti-gravity technology and how to play its role.

They couldn’t steal their teachers, but instead they were scientists and engineers from Xinghai Technology. Even though they were all very young, they were basically young boys who had just left the campus.

Many people are not even famous universities, they are ordinary college graduates.

In the past, they were not even interested in accepting them as students, let alone collaborating on such a big project.

But soon, Liang Youying and the others were surprised to find that these young people who have just walked out of the campus for a long time, although they do not have many titles, have not published papers in internationally influential journals, and even some even English is very poor.

However, their learning ability is extremely amazing. Many things are just random, they immediately understand, and they can draw inferences from one case very quickly. rapidly expanded in this field.

The learning ability, strong scientific research ability and hands-on ability they showed all deeply shocked Liang Youying and others.

In other places, people of their age may still be graduate students, doing some so-called dispensable research with their supervisors, and there is no chance to really sharpen them and get exercise.

Even after graduate school, if you can enter some laboratories and research institutions, you usually only start from the most basic and simple things, and it is difficult to get the opportunity to exercise yourself.

Gu Kun, especially some experiments that need to consume precious materials and require funds, it is difficult for them to get opportunities at all, and they often spend most of their time racking their brains thinking about how to publish a few more papers, in order to increase Your own reputation, or racking your brains to learn English, preparing to go abroad to study, either gilding or immigrating quickly.

These young people from Xinghai Technology are different.

Xinghai Technology does not pay attention to so-called papers, and since they entered Xinghai Technology, they are not allowed to publish any academic and scientific research-related content and information without permission.

So they don’t need to worry about this, whether they can get a promotion and a raise depends entirely on your learning ability and work ability. If your performance is outstanding, you will be promoted to level 1 or level 2 scientist soon, and the salary is directly in millions. The level, plus the year-end bonus, are all in the tens of millions.

As for the opportunities for exercise, there are more. The research funds given by Xinghai Technology are very sufficient. At the same time, there are a large number of laboratories and scientific research equipment. Some of them are dedicated to a certain project team, and some are It is specially shared by everyone, and anyone can apply for use and do some experiments and research that they like.

Xinghai Technology’s research equipment, laboratories, etc. are all the most advanced, and Liu Yuan spent a lot of money to build them, and even some are made from inheritance seeds.

They are willing to spend money and let them do research on their own hands and feet. The most experimental, they have been exercised, and the theory and practice are combined.

Therefore, the scientists and engineers of Xinghai Technology do not need to publish papers for the so-called reputation, nor do they need to learn any foreign languages. As for studying abroad and immigrating, forget about it.

Everyone is living a comfortable life here in Xinghai Technology. Why do you need to immigrate? After immigrating, your life is really better than that in Guo Nei?

No worries, no need to worry about life.

Of course, the most important thing is that Liu Yuan developed their brains and improved their physical fitness, which is very important.

With a high degree of brain openness, their learning ability is stronger, their thinking is more active, their brains are clearer, and scientific research work is more effective.

This is why Liang Youying and the others suddenly discovered that they could not steal a teacher, but as a result, many of their skills were learned by the scientists and engineers of Xinghai Technology.

Many related fields and disciplines such as aerodynamics, aerodynamics, materials science, etc., these scientists and engineers of Xinghai Technology have learned very quickly.

In just half a month, many people were ignorant novice at first, but after half a month, they are all top experts in the field, and they can even compete with Liang Youying and the others to find everyone. Inappropriate design.

It is so impressive that Liang Youying often hears people sighing: “The back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves, and the new people in the world drive out the old people.”

“Haha, you just found out.”

“I’ve known for a long time that all of us in Xinghai Technology are geniuses. Otherwise, why would we come up with a 1-nanometer ternary chip within a year?”

“Otherwise, why do we research bioenergy technology in a very short period of time?”

“Because we have a lot of talent.”

When Tang Peng heard this, he couldn’t help laughing happily.

It is very rare that Liang Youying can be praised like this. He is a national treasure at the same level as his mentor, and his vision has always been very high. Only a true genius can enter his eyes.

“Yeah, they’re all geniuses.”

“If it weren’t for you, the construction of our Kunpeng sky carrier would not have been so fast.”

“From the fact that even the drawings are blank, the plan has been set, and even the keel has been laid. The next step is to keep filling in the details. It is estimated that it can be built in another month.”

Liang Youying nodded as well. She is indeed a genius. The construction of the aerospace carrier and aerospace fighter has encountered many difficulties and difficulties. The scientists and engineers of Xinghai Technology have played a key role in many key places. to speed up the research and development and construction of the air carrier.

It was originally estimated that it might take half a year to design, develop, and build. Now it doesn’t even take two months, and it can be completed next month. This speed is unbelievable, but it is the truth.

“The aerospace carrier is not as difficult as the aerospace fighter. It has anti-gravity devices, and it flies in the sky. It is much simpler than building an aircraft carrier.”

After Tang Peng heard it, he immediately said with a smile.

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