The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 257

Chapter 260 Huge Influence

Xinghai Industrial Base, a huge open space here, many news media reporters came here early after a night’s rest, because the Houyi will return to Earth today.

Compared with half a century ago, the beautiful fruit people took several days to return, and Xinghai Technology returned from the moon in less than a day, but the speed was not known by how much.

Of course, in itself, there is no comparison between the technologies of the two parties. One is traditional rocket technology, and the other is anti-gravity technology belonging to the interstellar age.

Landing on the moon is just a piece of cake. It is not much different from traveling to the moon. Even Liu Yuan, the richest man in the world who is full and has nothing to do, went to the moon to collect collections. In terms of technology, there is no difficulty at all.

While everyone was waiting anxiously, in the blue sky, a small dot quickly landed here, and soon, it became a big black dot in everyone’s field of vision, and then it was like a huge black cloud. , the closer it gets to the ground, the slower it falls, as light as a feather without any weight.

Finally, in the center of the huge open space, the huge body of the Houyi slowly landed. After a while, its hatch slowly opened, and a team of medical teams and biological detection teams who had already prepared for a long time quickly confronted each other. The Houyi ship is disinfected, inspected and tested inside and outside.

This is for the sake of safety, in order to prevent biological viruses, bacteria and the like from alien planets from invading the earth. Although these things cannot exist on the moon at all, it is still necessary to carry out some careful disinfection and testing.

In addition, bacteria and viruses carried from the earth to the moon may mutate under the irradiation of various cosmic rays and radiation on the moon. What was originally harmless to humans has become extremely harmful. of bacteria and viruses, which is also difficult to say.

In fact, some scientists outside the fruit are not completely nonsense. It is not wrong to be cautious in every step of human exploration, because today’s human beings are still too fragile.

Liu Yuan was the first to walk out of Houyi.


Greedy Meng took a few mouthfuls of the earth’s air, feeling the breath and taste of freedom.

On the surface of the moon, it is really uncomfortable to wear a spacesuit all the time. When there is no air, everything is desolate and silent, which makes people extremely uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

After Liu Yuan came out, there were some scientists, astronauts, engineers and news media reporters who went to the moon with them. There were hundreds of people when they went there, but only a few dozen people came back this time.

Most of the people are still on the side of the moon. On the one hand, they are building a lunar base. On the other hand, they are exploring the resources of the moon and conducting some scientific experiments and research on the moon.


Of course, when I stepped out of the Houyi and waved to the camera, the scene immediately burst into applause like a tidal wave. This is the applause for the explorers and pioneers, and also the applause for the upcoming interstellar era.

According to the plan of Xinghai Technology, a press conference will be held on site after Houyi returns.

Liu Yuan brought everyone to the press conference with the huge Houyi in the background.

Looking at the tens of thousands of news media reporters in front of him, Liu Yuan thought for a while and said slowly, “This is a great moment!”

“It’s the beginning of our human beings who really step out of the earth and go to the vast starry universe!”

“The distance between the earth and the moon is 380,000 kilometers. In the universe, such a scale is an extremely trivial scale. Now, we have sold such a trivial step, but this step is a historic one. A great step.”

“This is a great moment in history and inscribed in history!”

“Perhaps countless years later, when our descendants are all over the sky and the universe and the sea, and look back at this moment today, even though it is such a small step, it is also a leap forward for the history and progress of our human civilization. One step!”

Just as Liu Yuan finished speaking, the applause resounded like a tidal wave again.

“When I’m in space, you look in any direction, and you can see countless twinkling stars. I always wonder, on the other side of the starry sky, at the end of the galaxy, in the vast universe, what will happen? What a wonderful story.”

“Earth, it’s just an insignificant planet in the vast universe. Our human eyes should not be limited to the earth.”

“We should look at the universe and the sea of stars, keep climbing on the road of science and technology, master more powerful technology, see the more colorful world in the universe, feel the vastness of the interstellar universe, and see the splendor of the universe civilization. , to wander the boundless vastness of the sea of stars in the universe.”

Applause sounded again.

At this moment, countless people couldn’t help but respect Liu Yuan.

Liu Yuan is the richest man in the world. He is young and rich. Many times, people always wonder, if someone like Liu Yuan is like him, what are his ideals and goals?

Is it money?

Is it fame and fortune? Now it seems that it is obviously not the case. Just like Liu Yuan’s speech at Xinghai Technology, perhaps his ideal and goal is already Xingchenhai.

He is completely different from other rich people in the world. Some people are just misers, and they are meaningless to the progress and development of human society.

“I’ll go, Mr. Liu Yuan is a bull’s fork, a sea of stars. I used to think that he was putting a fork in, but now it seems that I am the ambition of Yan Que’s An Zhihong Hu.”

“Thinking about it is very exciting, feeling the vastness of the interstellar universe, and enjoying the colorful world, but unfortunately, I still have to move bricks, pay my mortgage, and support my family in Hukou.”

“At this moment, I am smoking a cigarette for ten yuan, eating a steamed bun that costs one yuan, and earning a salary of 3,000 a month. I even dream of going to the sea of stars.”

“Look at the meaning of Liu Yuan, there must be aliens in this interstellar universe?”

“Theoretically speaking, there are not only there, but also a very large number. The earth is definitely not the only intelligent life in the universe, and it is absolutely impossible to say that it is the only life planet in the universe. Nothing is known about it.”

“I don’t know what aliens will look like.”

“Are you saying that in the future, we will have a war with aliens?”

“There is bound to be a war. The beginning of any civilized race is in the form of war to contact each other and know each other, because since ancient times, the history of our earth has been like this.”

“Stop, stop, chat, chat, how come the aliens are here.”


Liu Yuan’s speech was being broadcast live on major online platforms, and various discussions were flashing rapidly.

At this moment, people began to discuss the interstellar universe and alien civilizations. In the past, what people discussed most was the hardships of life, the level of income, money and material things, beauty and morality.

Invisibly, the topic of discussion became the sea of stars and the interstellar universe, like a clear stream injected into the turbid sewage.

“Mr. Liu Yuan, do you believe in the existence of aliens and alien civilizations?”

Here at the scene, it’s time to ask questions, and some reporters start to ask questions.

“I don’t think it’s a matter of belief, but it is certain that there will definitely be alien civilizations and aliens. It’s just that the vast starry sky blocks our communication and exchanges.”

“Just like the era of HNA on the earth, the vast ocean blocked the mutual communication and understanding between Europeans and Indians. When they were separated from each other by the vast ocean, they all wondered what the end of the ocean would be like?”

“Our current situation is also the same. The sea of stars blocks our communication and communication with alien civilizations. When whoever masters the technology and warships in the cosmos first, can be the same as hundreds of years ago. Like a European, galloping in the sea of stars.”

Liu Yuan thought about it and said with great certainty.

Liu Yuan’s words are only half of what he said. Whoever masters the technology of navigating the interstellar universe first will be able to colonize the interstellar space. On the contrary, if you are a village like an American Indian, then you are doomed to have a tragic and rough fate.

Everyone at the scene listened carefully, and couldn’t help but be slightly surprised after listening.

When everyone is still immersed in the peace of the earth and economic recovery, when everyone is still immersed in housing loans, car loans, and all kinds of early consumption.

Suddenly, Liu Yuan’s words were like a wake-up call, telling everyone, stop playing, stop sleeping, if you don’t work hard, the colonists from the stars may reach the earth, and they will be like hundreds of years ago. Europeans, in general, treat you as a slave, as livestock and as private property.

They will destroy your home, slaughter your family, take all your wealth, and make you their slave and tool.

At this moment, the most flustered people are probably those from Europe and the United States. Their ancestors were the biggest beneficiaries of the earth’s great voyage and colonial era. They are very aware of the huge benefits and wealth that the colonial era brought them.

Now, listening to Liu Yuan’s words, it was as if he had been severely knocked awake.

Think about it now, whether you care too much about the hegemony on the earth, whether you are too addicted to searching for the leeks and wealth on the earth, but gradually forget about the crisis outside the earth.

Think about your ancestors, how brave and fearless they used to be, wandering in the sea, dancing with the wind and waves, and this is what they are now and where they are today.

If one day, when an alien civilization descends on the earth, what will be our fate?

PS: Do you think it makes sense?

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