The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 269

Chapter 272 Global Release 1

A few days later, still in the original position of manned moon landing, Xinghai Aerospace Technology Group once again held a new product launch conference, and invited influential news media reporters from all over the world to come to participate in the two events of Freelander and Sun Xingzhe. The launch of the mid-range aircraft.

At the same time, a large number of auto dealers around the world were invited to come here to visit the new product launch conference. The purpose is naturally self-evident, that is, I hope everyone can cooperate and cooperate to manage the Freelander and Sunwalker together. aircraft.

After being invited by Xinghai Aerospace Technology Group, Xu Hui, the boss of Baochen Automobile, was overjoyed. He brought his manager Gu Haoyu and his team to Ningcheng County two days in advance, while visiting Ningcheng, a rapidly rising mountain city, was also trying to find a way to find someone to help introduce the top management of Xinghai Technology Group.

He used to be an agent for BMW cars. It can be said that his life is quite good and he has made a lot of money. However, after Xinghai Technology released Skywalker, a powerful anti-gravity aircraft, the sales of mid-to-high-end cars were immediate. fell into freezing point.

From the release of Skywalker last year to the present, although he desperately carried out discount sales, the number of cars sold was still very few. The market is watching and waiting, waiting for Xinghai Technology to release mid-range aircraft.

Xu Hui also clearly realized that the era of automobiles has passed, and he tried every means to get in touch with the aircraft manufacturing company to see if he could represent an aircraft in the future.

Unexpectedly, this time, Xinghai Aerospace Technology Group took the initiative to contact him and invited him to participate in this new product launch conference. The meaning expressed is clear enough.

Xinghai Technology’s two top aircraft, Skywalker and Windrunner, are operated by Xinghai Technology itself. Because the price is too expensive, after a year, there are not many vehicles sold worldwide. Xinghai Aerospace Technology Group is here. It is entirely possible to serve these customer groups by itself.

Those who can afford the two aircraft, Skywalker and Windrunner, are real bosses, and they can live well. You must know that the cheapest Windrunner is also priced at tens of millions, and Skywalker is priced at 2 billion.

Therefore, in this market, Xinghai Aerospace Technology Group is operating by itself, and the services related to Skywalker and Windrunner are also being done by Xinghai Aerospace Technology.

But the two aircrafts of Freelander and Sunwalker are different. Xinghai Aerospace Technology Group estimates that the annual sales volume will not be less than 6 million vehicles, and our fruit sales alone can account for about half of them.

With such a huge sales volume, there is no doubt that it is necessary to find agents and cooperate with agents. It is impossible to operate and sell them like Skywalker and Windrunner.

As a former BMW car dealer, Xu Hui is aware of the huge market demand for mid-to-high-end cars. If he can successfully win an agency spot in the magic capital, he will basically be able to lay down and make money in the future.

Of course, there are many people who are eager to try like Xu Hui. They are all former agents of major luxury car brands, and now they are invited to participate in the new product launch of Xinghai Technology.

In addition, there are a large number of foreigners invited by Xinghai Technology, all of them are the original luxury car brand agents in various regions of the world, and they are quite powerful in their respective regions.

I have also been looking forward to the stars and the moon, and I hope that Xinghai Technology can launch cheaper aircraft earlier, so that they can have a bite to eat.

The car really doesn’t sell.

Even if many people need cars now, everyone will choose to wait, because cars are already obsolete products.

You spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy a car to go home, and in a year, you can buy an aircraft that can fly in the sky for hundreds of thousands of dollars. How would you choose?

Martin, who started his business as the first agent of Xinghai Technology’s weight loss products, was also invited this time and brought his team to Ningcheng County.

As a beautiful fruit person, Martin has a love-hate relationship with Xinghai Technology.

What he loves is relying on the genetic weight loss products of Xinghai Technology. Martin’s wealth is growing day by day, and even if the beautiful fruit is in a mess, it does not prevent him from making money at all.

What I hate is that because of Xinghai Technology, his motherland suddenly fell from the position of the big brother. For nearly a year, almost all fell into a state of disorder, all kinds of problems and problems. Conflicts erupted all at once

The green coins collapsed, and the massive wealth evaporated cleanly overnight. The order collapsed and fell into boundless chaos. Even if an army was dispatched to maintain order, it was still very chaotic.

There may be nothing in the daytime, but at night it is particularly chaotic. The zero-yuan purchase has spread to every corner, and production, life, school, etc. have all stopped.

During the whole process, I don’t know how many people died or how much wealth was lost. It was only in the last few months that the situation began to slowly recover and get better. But today is not the same as it used to be, not anymore.

Without the support of green coins, it has lost its status as an international currency, and is no longer nothing but plundering wealth from the world. At the same time, many high-tech industries have encountered strong competition from Xinghai Technology and Xiawei.

The industry itself is empty. There is no manufacturing industry, whole-body service industry and financial industry. The financial industry is directly over. Without the support of green coins, the financial industry cannot play at all.

It can be said that even after the chaotic situation is over, it is still difficult, because there are too many unemployed people, and there are simply not so many jobs to meet the huge employment demand.

For them, once the unemployment rate reaches a certain level, it will become extremely chaotic. People have to eat. When there is no food to eat, anything can be done, not to mention the proliferation of guns here. There is a tradition of zero yuan shopping.

I don’t know how many people are suddenly given biubiu on the street. It’s extremely chaotic, and I can’t manage it.

So Martin hates Xinghai Technology very much. It is precisely because of everything in Xinghai Technology that it is today, but it is still necessary to make money. He is still here, wondering if he can get an agent in a certain area. right.

In any case, making money yourself is the most important thing, and as for national affairs, there is nothing you can do about it.

In addition to the invited guests who came to participate in the new product launch of Xinghai Technology, there were also some people who came by themselves without being invited.

Among them, Ernst, the president of Niche Motor, and Ichiro Tiantoyo, the chairman of Tianfeng Motor from the Japanese country in the east, were not invited, but they came uninvited.

They were arranged to sit together, Ernst, Ichiro Tian and others looked at each other, and they all saw helplessness in each other’s eyes.

As soon as the anti-gravity aircraft came out, it had a strong impact on the entire automobile industry. Because Xinghai Technology was unwilling to cooperate with people outside Guowai in any way, the automobile manufacturing giants outside Guowai were suddenly facing elimination.

Both the market value of Niche and Tianfeng have shrunk to about one-tenth of their original value, and almost all factories have been in a state of shutdown, even though they have strong support behind them to keep them going.

But if the underlying problems are not resolved, it is only a matter of time before they go out of business.

For this reason, the Guo family behind each of them also tried their best to save the two car companies.

The importance of car manufacturing is self-evident, and it is simply possible to let them fall, which is a major blow to their respective economies and manufacturing industries.

Especially on the German side, the population is only 80 million, but one-eighth of the people’s jobs are related to the automobile manufacturing industry to get rid of the elderly and children. The working population may be less than 60 million, which means that the automobile industry Once it falls, it will definitely be a fatal blow.

For this reason, it is normal to use any method.

But the times have changed, no matter what method they use, Xinghai Technology will not eat hard and soft, never leak water, and always adhere to its own principle, that is, the huge cake of aircraft manufacturing will be stuffed in its own pot. A little chance for outsiders.

Even now, many, many countries and regions have made it clear that they will not allow Xinghai Technology aircraft to enter their market, and even threatened to ban aircraft from flying from their airspace.

But Xinghai Technology is not open to cooperation. I like to buy or not. Anyway, my current production capacity is not enough, and my domestic market may not be enough to sell it. It doesn’t matter if you sell it in your market.

What’s more, do you think this will limit people’s consumption?

If you think too much, the aircraft will crush the car in every aspect. Even if you don’t want to accept it, you have to accept it, because your own people will buy it instead of choosing to buy the backward car.

This is the strength of Xinghai Technology. It doesn’t even matter if you are banned from selling other products. Anyway, Xinghai Technology is not bad at the moment. Anyway, even if you don’t let me sell my products, consumers will find ways to buy them from other places. My product.

They have been studying anti-gravity technology for a long time. They purchased Skywalker aircraft to study anti-gravity technology, but who knew that the protection measures on Xinghai Technology’s side were extremely exhausting. Once the anti-gravity engine was disassembled, it would be completely destroyed. The core The parts are automatically destroyed, and even imitation is impossible, let alone figuring out the theory of anti-gravity technology.

No way, even if there is not much hope this time, I still come uninvited, just to see if there is any possibility of cooperation, the auto industry cannot fall!

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