The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 27

Chapter 27

“You will regret it in the future!”

Seeing Liu Yuan without turning his head, Tang Qian also called out.

In this world, there are still fools who can’t live with money. With Liu Yuan’s own conditions, he is completely sure of persuading the boss to offer Liu Yuan a treatment of tens of millions.

As long as you work in the company for a few years, you are familiar with the rules of the game in the next industry, you can come out on your own after the contract expires, be a star, make a movie, sing anything, and it will be easy to be hundreds of millions at that time. Why do you have to be a scientist?

The annual income is not much. In the first-tier cities, it is difficult to buy a house. The house price is several million or tens of millions. Do you think you can afford it with that salary?

I’m really too young, and I haven’t suffered in society yet. I didn’t seize such a great opportunity. You must know how many people have sharpened their heads and want to become Internet celebrities, stars, and famous. Opportunities are not grasped, and conditions are wasted like this.

“I definitely won’t regret it!”

Liu Yuan left very confidently.

“A very special young man.”

The head teacher Lu Xiao also smiled when he watched Liu Yuan go back.

To be honest, he was actually worried that Liu Yuan had gone the wrong way.

But the conditions offered by Tang Qian are indeed very attractive. Coupled with Liu Yuan’s own conditions, he can indeed take the road of Internet celebrity and star.

On this road, you can become famous and make money quickly. No one on the Internet has ridiculed that Shuang is a unit of measurement. One cool is equal to more than 2 million, and Yiwei is equal to more than 1.3 billion. How terrifying the income is, is far beyond what ordinary people can imagine.

Therefore, if Liu Yuan wants to develop in this area, he will not discourage him, because Lu Xiao understands the importance of money. He has worked hard as a teacher for many years, and the salary is actually very low, that is, in a small county. Such a place, if it is in a big city, can’t even afford a house.

Liu Yuan’s family was poor, and he thought he would not be able to stand the temptation of money, but now it seems that he still underestimated Liu Yuan.

Of course, he was also pleased.

Although being an internet celebrity and being a star brings money quickly, he also thinks what Liu Yuan said makes sense. Everyone wants to be an internet celebrity and become an internet celebrity. Is there any hope for this country?

Liu Yuan returned to his classroom and thought silently.

“The rejection just now was very decisive, but it seems that I really don’t have much money now.”

Silently calculated, I earned more than 10,000 yuan in the summer vacation, and after paying the tuition fee, plus the living expenses during this period, I only had a few thousand yuan left.

This little money, even if I live frugally, it is estimated that it will be enough for the living expenses of the next semester.

“Still trying to make money~”

“Actually, I have many ways to help you make money~”

In his mind, Seed knew Liu Yuan’s embarrassment and replied enthusiastically.

“I know, but I still hope that my money can come cleanly, and it only makes sense to make money by myself.”

Of course Liu Yuan knew the power of seeds.

The inheritance seed of the civilization of the gods, let alone the earth, can come and go freely, even in the entire galaxy, and even in the wider universe.

There are countless scientific and technological materials and items in the inheritance space, and the seeds themselves are super artificial intelligence, not to mention the network that invades the earth, even the network of a more powerful cosmic civilization has no problem at all.

With its help, it’s not too easy to make some money.

However, Liu Yuan has always felt that money is only meaningful if it is earned by himself, and it is more secure to use it if it comes right. This is what Liu Yuan’s grandparents have always taught.

You can’t steal or rob. You have to rely on your own hands to make money, rely on your own wisdom and wisdom, and the money you make in this way is clean money.

“Let’s go with you~”

Seeds don’t matter.

“Find out the scientific and technological information related to genetic intervention for me, and I have to develop a drug for the treatment of cancer by myself.”


Soon, a lot of relevant technical materials appeared in Liu Yuan’s mind, and Liu Yuan immersed himself in it, constantly learning these knowledge beyond earth technology.

During the day, Liu Yuan learns the scientific and technological knowledge in the inheritance seeds in his mind. At night, when the roommates in his dormitory are all asleep, Liu Yuan enters the seed space to conduct related experiments and study the treatment of cancer. medicine.

As for sleeping, Liu Yuan doesn’t need to sleep much now, one or two hours a day is enough.

In the experimental inheritance space of seeds. Liu Yuan is concentrating on observing the cancer cells in the test vessel, and is also ordering the seeds to make related records.

“Seed, make a record~”

“The division rate of sample No. 1 has slowed down, and the division rate is less than one-tenth of the normal rate. It is speculated that the drug has played a certain role and can successfully slow down the expansion and division of cancer cells, but the cancer cells are still full of vitality and not weakened. sign.”

“It may be valuable to make targeted drugs similar to Gleevec. Although it cannot be completely done, it can inhibit the activity of cancer cells, which is also very valuable, and can also have the effect of curing diseases and saving people.”

“The splitting speed of sample No. 2 has accelerated, and the splitting speed has accelerated by about 2 times compared with the normal situation, but at present, it seems that it has no effect on aging at all, and the genetic intervention has failed!”

“Sample No. 3 has a mutation, which is very different from normal cancer cells. The gene intervention was successful, but it failed to interfere with the reproductive genes and failed to regain the highest number of divisions.”

In the huge experimental inheritance space, Liu Yuan carefully checked each experimental sample and also made detailed records.

Doing research is actually very boring and tedious. Many times, it is a long and hopeless experiment. Over and over again, it is a very test of a person’s character. You have to be calm and patient. The key to staying lonely is to keep groping and wandering in the dark without losing hope.

Of course, Liu Yuan is different. He can learn the advanced scientific and technological knowledge in the inheritance seeds while conducting related experiments and operations according to these advanced scientific and technological knowledge. This means that he has already seen the road ahead in the dark night. Guide yourself, so progress is very fast.

In addition, the laboratory in the inheritance seed has many scientific instruments far beyond the earth, which allows Liu Yuan to analyze the experimental objects more clearly.

For example, in the experimental inheritance space, there is something called a gene editing instrument. Put the experimental materials in, and it can quickly write the DNA of the other party. This instrument alone has provided Liu Yuan with great help. It is possible to know the DNA of cancer cells in a very short period of time, and to know the genetic changes of cancer cells after one’s experiment, so as to know whether the intervention method adopted by oneself is successful or not.

It is also known that the part of the DNA of cancer cells is the gene that determines its infinite proliferation and infinite division. It is only necessary to intervene on this part of the gene, which is naturally very fast in research.

“Seed, you have to help collect more biological samples from the earth. I feel that these are not enough on hand.”

While conducting research and observing experimental samples, Liu Yuan also instructed the seeds.

“No problem, give me a few more days, and I should be able to collect the genes of most of the creatures on earth.”

“The robots I sent are busy in every corner of the earth.”

Seed replied very readily that all the experimental materials Liu Yuan needed were collected by the invisible robot he dispatched around the world.

There are many methods of genetic intervention. Even the current technology on earth has found a lot of methods. Among the inheritance seeds, there are more and more various methods.

Drug stimulation, radiation interference, ray interference, gene fusion, etc., all kinds of methods can interfere with the genes of organisms, so that they can change or mutate in the direction they need.

However, many methods are not very practical or have too many side effects. For example, one of the methods of treating cancer is chemotherapy. While killing cancer cells, chemotherapy can also cause huge side effects to the human body. pain.

Therefore, it is not an easy task to develop a practical drug with few side effects.


Liu Yuan continuously observed samples one by one, and at the same time borrowed advanced instruments in the experimental inheritance space for evaluation.

When Liu Yuan came to sample No. 66, his eyes suddenly lit up.

“Sample No. 66 has obvious signs of aging and death, and the cell viability is greatly reduced, and it no longer divides and proliferates!”

Liu Yuan came to the spirit, and immediately ordered: “Seed, call up the experimental record of sample No. 66~”


Soon, the experimental record about Sample No. 66 came directly into Liu Yuan’s mind.

“Yesterday, the rate of proliferation and division was very slow, and today it no longer divides at all, and the cells show signs of weakness and death.”

“Haha, great, finally let me research it.”

“Gene writing instrument, check the genetic status of sample No. 66.”

Liu Yuan laughed excitedly.

These days, I have been conducting various experiments every night, and I finally let myself develop a drug that can make cancer cells age and die.

“Sample 66 has exhausted the number of divisions and is about to die of aging.”

Soon, the gene of the sample No. 66 was written by the gene editing instrument. Originally, the cancer cells lost the maximum number of divisions, which means they can theoretically live forever, proliferate and divide indefinitely, but now they not only have the maximum number of divisions again. , and because of its rapid division, it has reached the point of natural aging and death in a very short period of time.

“Haha, it’s a success! It’s fast, it’s cool~”

Liu Yuan immediately clenched his hands excitedly.

ps: It’s pure fabrication and can’t go into details, just take a look at it~

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