The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 289

Chapter 292 White Gold

“Like the rare earth mine we are mining now, it contains rubidium oxide. The current market price, even for this kind of water mine, its price is more than 1 million tons.”

“The price of water mines varies greatly depending on the rare elements they contain,” he said.

After the rare earth elements in it are all diluted and entered into the solution, these solutions are then flowed into the final reaction tank, the oxalic acid solution is added, and after a while, the primary rare earth ore can be obtained.


In the huge rare earth factory, the reaction pools are filled with rare earth-rich soil and rock powder, soaked in ammonium sulfate solution, and this process takes several hours.

Xinghai Mining Group also uses strong acid and alkali to extract rare earths, but because it is extracted in a factory, Xinghai Mining Group can effectively control it.

Both waste water and waste residue can be treated by scientists’ methods, which can reduce the pollution to the environment to a minimum, and can even basically say that there is no pollution at all.

And these places are almost barren, and within a few decades, the acid and alkali in them will be greatly diluted, and even weeds will not grow.

Of course, there is definitely no way to mine in this way on the moon. The moon is a vacuum environment and there is no water. The cost of transporting water from the earth is very high, and the water resources need to be recycled and used continuously.

“It’s only a month of rare earth factory. With the enrichment of our technology and experience, we will prepare to open the factory for a few more months. By then, more rare earth mines will be mined, and even a young man can easily mine them. Come back with a trillion-dollar rare earth mine.”

PS: Guys, I’m not going to write a novel anymore, and suddenly I have the idea of going to Guowai to open rare earths. Is there any one? If not, I will continue to code the words~~~

If the rock is not crushed, there is no way to extract the rare earth minerals inside the rock with strong acid and strong alkali. The crushing is to fully mix with strong acid and strong alkali solution to extract the minerals.

“Because we don’t have the technology to purify and refine rare earth ore, we can only export the lowest grade rare earth ore, while companies in Western countries such as European Magnesium and Magnesium purify and refine the rare earth ore we export, and get various All kinds of pure rare metals, its value will be multiplied hundreds of times, even thousands of times, tens of thousands of times are possible.”

“These rare metals are very useful, aerospace, electronic technology, military technology, glass, ceramics, petrochemical and even medical fields have large uses, the demand is very large, and they are also strategic resources.”

“It seems that this time, we are going to make a small fortune.”

“Later, with the leap-forward breakthrough and development of our rare earth refining technology, we were able to refine this primary water ore to obtain a variety of high-purity rare metals, and the price turned over. I don’t know. How many times, it has also established our right to speak on rare earth mineral resources.

And because rare earths are mined on the moon, in fact, there is no such thing as pollution or pollution, because the moon itself is like this. Even if you pour waste slag and the like, it will not have any impact on it, let alone the earth.

The method can be said to be very simple and crude, and does not require any technology.

A lot of lunar minerals are constantly busy, mining a lot of soil and rocks back

Wan Hanrui said quickly: “Of course, this is just rough ore. It is very uneconomical to sell the most basic water ore directly. As long as these water ore are refined, high-purity rare metals can be obtained. The price will be higher and more terrifying, all calculated in kilograms.”

They succeeded, and they successfully mined rare earths on the moon.

If it is on Earth, the mining method can be more simple and crude.

“This rare earth is actually white, no wonder some people say that this rare earth is white gold!”

You can tell from the name. It is both sulfur and acid, and it flows into the ground on a large scale. In the river, wherever it passes, all the fish in the river will die cleanly.

But the pollution to the ecological environment is extremely serious.

In the Earth conference room, Liu Yuan could clearly see that some people were shocked. Most of the people present were seeing rare earths for the first time, but they did not expect rare earths to be in a white liquid state. “This is only the most primary rare earth ore, and it also contains a lot of water. After the water evaporates, it will become powder. This rare earth ore belongs to the most primary and most primitive rare earth ore.”

It is simply impossible to say that such a simple and rude method is used to mine rare earths on the moon, otherwise the cost of transporting water alone is enough to make people bankrupt.

Liu Yuan listened carefully. The price of rare earths varies greatly, mainly because of the rare metals contained in rare earths. “Boss, we have conducted exploration and testing in many areas of the Ocean of Storms, and the rare metals contained in the rare earth mines on the moon are very expensive.

“Rare earth resources are really expensive because pure rare metals are purified and refined. In the past, we could only export this white primary rare earth, which people in the rare earth industry generally call water mines.”

As soon as Wan Hanrui heard this, he immediately pouted, and turned his fingers to Liu Yuan to start the calculation.

“Boss, it’s not just a small sum of money.”

“Our country used to mine rare earth mines, exporting such rare earth mines and selling them. It’s a pity that the price is very low.

This lunar rare earth factory, a young man easily made hundreds of billions of rare earth mines back, is still a very profitable business, and does not require much technical content, which is why those bigwigs are scrambling to go to the moon to mine resources s reason.

As the first drop of milky white liquid flowed out, everyone couldn’t help cheering.

“And then left extremely serious environmental pollution on our own land.”

There is no ecological protection on the moon, and it will not affect the earth anyway.

“The content of rare earths on the moon is very high. According to our calculations, this lunar factory can at least mine thousands of tons of water mines a day. Water mines are very heavy, even if they are sold at the price of water mines, This day is also the income of one billion, and the income is hundreds of billions a year.

But think about the boss’s worth again, and think about the subsidiaries of Xinghai Technology. It seems that trillions of dollars don’t seem like a big deal.

Liu Yuan also waited patiently, and all lunch was handled by Xinghai Mining Group.

The Xinghai Mining Group uses the pool method. The soil and rocks are mined, crushed, and then reacted in the reaction pool, and then the collected solution is added to oxalic acid to obtain rare earths.

“Come out, come out!”

After listening to this, Liu Yuan couldn’t help laughing. This water mine alone is worth millions of tons. It is even more valuable after refining. This is a proper big deal.

“This is the charm of rare earth mining. The technical content is very simple, the price is very high, and the money is very fast. As long as it is rare earth, it is not a problem to get rich overnight.”

“What are the main rare metals in the rare earth mines we mine now?”

Finally, the mined waste residue is transported to the surface of the moon to be dumped.

After pulverization, it is simple. The pulverized soil, rocks and the like are transported into the reaction pools, and then the ammonium sulfate solution is added, and the ionic rare earth elements in the soil and rocks are replaced by the solution by soaking in the solution. Among them, these solutions are collected and combined with an oxalic acid solution to obtain rare earth concentrates with a taste of more than 90%.

This is also a great advantage of the interstellar mining industry, that is, mining in the interstellar universe will not affect the environment of the parent star at all, and some simple, crude and efficient methods can often be used to mine resources.

Wan Hanrui smiled and began to popularize the knowledge about rare earth minerals to everyone.

By the afternoon, the first batch of rare earths mined on the moon will finally come out.

After all, this mining is a business that doesn’t have much technical content, and can make a fortune quickly. It is absolutely appropriate to buy a ***, start a factory, engage in the Internet, etc. It should be simple and rude, and the money is fast. Thinking about getting in.

Of course, not everyone is like Liu Yuan, and there is only one Xinghai Technology in the world.

Here in the moon factory, many workers are staring at the rare earth export here.

As the person in charge of Xinghai Mining Group, Wan Hanrui has put a lot of effort into researching this piece, in order to maximize the value of rare earth minerals on the moon.

Do you think you can underestimate those mine bosses by playing high-tech?

You don’t know how profitable this mining is, and it will easily give you trillions of dollars a year.

To extract rare earths, the first step is to crush the rock into the smallest particle state, so that the rare earth ore contained in it can be perfectly extracted.

Exploration is carried out first, and it is clear that there are rare earth ore in a certain place, and then pipelines are directly buried underground, and then a large amount of ammonium sulfate solution is poured on the land to replace the rare earth elements in it.

“This is not the most expensive. We have also found a lot of rare earth minerals containing europium oxide, dysprosium oxide, and terbium oxide. Even if these rare earth minerals are water mines, the price is more than 10 million tons.’

This method is simple and crude, and very efficient.

“Although its price is okay, if it is sold like this, it will be a big loss.”

The solution is collected through a pipeline, and then oxalic acid is added for replacement to obtain rare earth ore.

“Cheap rare earth mines are available for tens of thousands of yuan per ton, and expensive rare earth mines are available in hundreds of thousands, millions, or even tens of millions per ton.” “In the past, those private rare earth mines in our country were The boss doesn’t understand this at all, so he also sells the expensive rare earths as the price of cabbage.”

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