The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 302

Chapter 305: Every1’S Going To Fight

“The world’s first aircraft exhibition held in Ningcheng spread great good news. On the first day of the exhibition, there were frequent good news from various aircraft manufacturing companies.

“Biyaty Group signed an agency contract for the annual sales of more than 7 million aircraft on the first day, and it is expected to produce more than 10 million aircraft of various types every year in the future!”

“Dongfeng Group sold more than 1 million Hercules flying transport vehicles on the first day, which will bring a new revolution to global logistics and transportation.

“Yadea Group announced the latest good news. On the first day of the exhibition, more than 1 million aircraft sales orders were signed, and the sales amount exceeded 200 billion!”

“A start-up company called Xingkong Aircraft Manufacturing Company also sold three limited-edition handcrafted Prairie Eagle aircraft produced by the company at one time at this exhibition, with a sales price of 300 million fruit coins.”

“According to the latest statistics, on the first day of the exhibition, more than 300 aircraft manufacturers participated in the exhibition, and almost every aircraft manufacturer received a large number of orders, signed a large number of sales agreements and agency agreements. The sales amount exceeded 3 trillion!”

“Affected by the major good news of this exhibition, the stocks of aircraft-related concepts collectively rose by the limit, and the stocks of many aircraft manufacturers listed on the Hong Kong stock market rose sharply.”

“The stock of Biatie Group has risen by more than 20%, the stock price has exceeded 800 yuan per share, the total market value has exceeded 2.5 trillion yuan, and it is still rising rapidly. The founder of Biyati, Lao Wang, is currently worth more than 500 billion yuan. , ranking second in the super-rich list in Guo, second only to Liu Yuan of Xinghai Technology.”

“The stock of Yadea Group has also seen a big rise, with an increase of more than 30%. At present, the total market value has exceeded 300 billion. Compared with a year ago, the stock price and market value have increased tenfold!”

“Many aircraft manufacturing stocks, mechanics, and related concept stocks listed on the A-share market have also all ushered in the daily limit. Experts estimate that it may usher in multiple consecutive boards, and will continue to rise. Many related industrial companies Also ushered in a surge, steel, non-ferrous metals, rare earth, electronics and other related sectors also ushered in a surge, with the daily limit of more than 1,000 shares.

“At present, only stocks related to the real estate industry are continuing to fall. Many real estate companies have even been affected by the news of bankruptcy and restructuring, and have ushered in multiple consecutive price limits. Experts suggest that investors should be cautious about investing in real estate stocks and real estate. Stocks will continue to fall.”

“With the gradual popularization of aircraft and the arrival of thousands of households, it will be more difficult to sell houses in cities in the future, and there will be a boom in rural areas.”

“Affected by the hot sales of the exhibition, major aircraft manufacturers have announced that they will expand production and recruit workers on a large scale. Jinbiatti announced that it will recruit more than 200,000 new employees. Dongfeng, Yiqi, Great Wall, San Many first-class aircraft manufacturers have also announced that they will expand production on a large scale and recruit a large number of employees.”

“The supporting industries related to aircraft manufacturing have also received huge orders, and it has also announced that it will expand production on a large scale, greatly increasing the number of employees and factories.

“Affected by this news, the tense employment situation has been greatly eased, and workers with relevant work experience have become a sought-after item, and salaries have risen again and again. Relevant training institutions and technical colleges have specially launched aircraft manufacturing-related programs. Technology and skills training are also very popular at the moment.”

“It is reported that a trained skilled worker related to aircraft manufacturing is almost sought by major aircraft manufacturers. The annual income has also exceeded 200,000, and workers without any work experience and skills are now not only difficult Looking for a job, and the salary is only a few thousand yuan.”

Liu Yuan was watching the latest news while eating breakfast.

Now the news about the exhibition is overwhelming, and one after another, the big benefits are constantly released.

Airplanes are on sale, very hot.

The aircraft of the major aircraft manufacturers are very popular and sell very well.

Even small and medium-sized aircraft manufacturers, newly established aircraft companies and the like are also very popular.

In this huge global market, it is like a super big cake smashed to these domestic aircraft manufacturers, regardless of whether you are a large company, a small company, or a newly established company.

When the huge cake is smashed, the big companies can’t eat it at all, the production capacity is limited, and it is impossible to eat it all at once. Naturally, a large amount of market will be left for small companies and newly established companies.

For these small companies and newly established companies, their requirements are not high. It is a success to be able to sell 100,000 aircraft a year. With this profit and market, they can survive and develop.

Start-up companies like Xingxing Aircraft Manufacturing with only more than 100 people play hand-made custom aircraft, and even only need to sell a dozen or dozens of aircraft a year, which is enough for them to survive and develop.

This is almost impossible in the previous automobile industry.

Because the automobile-related patents are in the hands of foreign companies and individuals, there is no way for us to bypass these patents. In addition, the automobile industry outside the fruit is very mature. After years of hard work, it is difficult for you to get involved in the latecomers. .

It is different now. The aircraft manufacturing industry has just ended and started, and the core technology is in the hands of Xinghai Technology, and it only gives opportunities to its own people.

This is the reason why the aircraft manufacturing industry can now flourish and flourish.

The market is large enough, we have mastered the core technology, and there are broken supporting industrial chains and a large number of skilled workers, and a large number of quality workers and employees who have received education.

These are the reasons for the contention of a hundred schools of thought in the aircraft manufacturing industry, and any condition is indispensable. Of course, the most important thing is that the advantages of the aircraft are unmatched by traditional cars. Xinghai Technology also provides technical and product services and guidance for these aircraft manufacturing companies.

If you don’t have Xinghai Technology’s engine and intelligent navigation, positioning and tracking system, even if you can build an aircraft, I am afraid that you will not dare to fly in the sky, and the danger is a huge problem.

With these services provided by Xinghai Technology, everyone dares to start the aircraft manufacturing industry, and those who build heavy machinery, ships, and electric vehicles all dare to participate, because everyone knows the most difficult and critical technology and technology to build aircraft. All the problems were solved by Xinghai Technology, and the rest were not problems at all.

“This should be able to solve a lot of jobs. The Biaatti family is planning to recruit 200,000 employees. It is estimated that at least 1 million more jobs will be created in the supporting industries.”

“Hundreds of aircraft manufacturers, it is estimated that at least hundreds of millions of people will be engaged in aircraft manufacturing or related industries in the future.

Seeing the latest news, Shi Hong silently made up his mind.

There are a lot of unemployed people now, and many people can’t find jobs. The boom in the aircraft manufacturing industry will attract a lot of capital and create a lot of jobs.

If we eat the huge market of global aircraft, there is no problem at all in creating hundreds of millions of jobs, which can greatly solve the problem of easy employment now.

While Liu Yuan was thinking about it, Pharaoh’s phone called again.

“Hey, Lao Wang, I want to congratulate you. I heard that your company is very popular right now. Yesterday, the annual sales volume of 7 million vehicles was finalized.”

“Haha, okay, okay”

“Didn’t I come here to find you? According to this momentum, I may need to produce more than 10 million aircraft per year to meet the market demand. The current factories and production bases, workers, funds, etc. are not enough. , so I hope you can help out here.’

“How can I help?”

“Can you invest another 100 billion to our Shi Hongfei side? All of this money will be used to expand production capacity. In addition, I hope you can allocate more engine quotas to me.”

“100 billion? How many shares are you going to give me?”

After hearing this, Liu Yuan thought about it and asked.

“How about 5 points? Now the company’s market value is over 2.5 trillion, so it shouldn’t be a loss if you give 5 points?” “Okay, I’ll have someone come over and talk to you in detail later.”

“There is no problem with the engine quota. I will give as much as you want.”


Liu Yuan just hung up the phone with Lao Wang, and Lao Liang from Sany called again.

“Liu Yuan, can you give me an extra 2 million per year for the engine quota?”

“Isn’t the price too much at the original time?’

“At the time, I just wanted to test the water. How did we know that it is so popular now? Our aircraft is selling very well now, and the production capacity is not enough. You must give me more engine quotas, otherwise I will not be able to. Ways to communicate with customers.”

“2 million is too little, should I give you 5 million more?”

“5 million? Okay, 5 million is 5 million, this time I rolled up my sleeves and worked hard, and I haven’t been so excited like now for a long time.

“Liu Yuan, can you give me more quota for this engine?”

“I understand, when I gave you a quota of 1 million, you pushed too much, too much, and you couldn’t use that much. Now the quota has been used up, and the production capacity is so much.

“Brother, how do I know how popular this aircraft is. I sold more than 1 million units in one day yesterday. If it doesn’t have an engine, how can I explain it to customers?”

“You must give me some more engine quota.

“Okay, how about giving you a quota of 5 million directly?”

“5 million? OK, 5 million is 5 million!”

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