The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 316

Chapter 321 The Po10Tial Of Civilized Races

Among them, everyone has also slowly figured out a standard to measure the potential of a civilization. If it is not inherited, from a second-level stellar civilization to a third-level river civilization, within 100,000 years, it is considered a good race potential. civilization.

Liu Yuan held a piece of A4 paper in his hand and was explaining the theory of warp technology to hundreds of people.

It still takes time to develop their bodies and brains continuously, and it also needs to continue to consolidate and learn in many other basic aspects. Only through slow accumulation can they gradually understand and gradually understand.

Xinghai Science and Technology Research Institute, Liu Yuan is teaching many scientists, research institutes and engineers in the newly established warp theory research laboratory.

Not every civilization can break through to level 3 civilization.

Of course, geniuses always exist. For geniuses, things that others cannot understand in their entire lives, they can quickly grasp. The development of science and technology is often led by geniuses to continuously achieve breakthroughs and progress.

This may take ten, twenty years, or even longer.

The vast universe is boundless, and countless cosmic civilizations have been nurtured and born, but most of the civilizations can’t even get out of the parent star, and they have perished when they are still the parent star civilization.

Liu Yuan is very clear about all this, because the seeds of the inheritance of God’s civilization have already made it all clear. Even if they reach the level of God’s civilization and claim to be God’s civilization, they are still He did not escape destruction, he did not escape destruction, but in the end he just left a seed of inheritance, hoping to pass on his civilization and technology.

PS: Do you think it makes sense?

Of course, it will take an extremely long time to develop into the form of advanced cosmic civilization.

But Liu Yuan didn’t intend to stick to the rules and do it step by step.

Of course, this is also within Liu Yuan’s expectations.

Only by jumping out of the well and entering a wider world can you truly see what the outside world looks like and have a huge prospect and future.

“You can also fold it up, and then drill a hole directly to quickly reach another point. This is the theory of the warp engine in the popular sense.”

There may be thousands of level 2 star civilizations in the entire galaxy, but it may not be possible to give birth to a level 3 river system civilization. The development of civilization is like a pyramid, and the higher it goes, the rarer it becomes.

In common words in the universe, a civilized race should have two sets of genes, one set of biological genes, which determines whether the race is smart enough.

The potential of a civilized race determines how far a civilization can go and how far it can develop.

A civilization that has not mastered interstellar space navigation technology has always been an unpopular civilization, a low-level first-level and second-level civilization. It can only play small things on its own home planet and in the home planet system, and can never enter the vast world. Feel the wonder of the universe in the universe.

A mountain is taller than a mountain. Buddha Lords and Immortals and Buddhas also have their own disasters, confusions, and shackles. The same is true for cosmic civilization. Low-level civilizations have disasters and problems of low-level civilizations, and high-level cosmic civilizations also have high-level civilizations. ‘s fetters.

Civilizations that receive these inheritances will also usher in a period of rapid development.

Civilizations that are more than 100,000 years old are civilizations with average racial potential. If they cannot develop to a level 3 civilization after more than a million years, their racial potential is very general, and it can even be said to be very poor.

“The speed of light is the fastest speed in the universe, a speed that can never be surpassed!”

Just like a frog that has been at the bottom of a well, it has never been able to jump out of the wellhead in front of it. The world it can see is only as big as the wellhead. How can it know the outside world.

Some of these civilizations with amazing potentials can rise rapidly, and they have surpassed the original civilization and become a super civilization on the giant side of the universe.

This is still just a gap on the earth. They are all human beings. The genetic differences between each other are minimal, but the gap is huge.

One set is cultural genes, which determines whether this race is wise or not. Wisdom and intelligence are two different things. Knowledge can be imparted, but wisdom cannot. It can only be obtained by understanding itself.

It may take tens of thousands of years for a normal stellar civilization to break through this technology. If the potential of the civilization race is insufficient, it may never be able to break through this technology.

Everyone listened to Liu Yuan’s lecture with a vague understanding that warp speed technology has always been a very important technology.

The earth is really too small, so small that it is only a small point in the universe. Compared with the vast and boundless universe, the earth is extremely insignificant.

So when everyone listened to Liu Yuan talk about this warp speed technology, everyone was confused, and it was difficult to understand the core and key points.

For middle and low-level cosmic civilizations, warp speed technology is the core and key to jumping out of the Three Realms. As for civilizations that develop to higher levels, naturally there are stronger shackles.

When it comes to high school, this gap will be further reduced. People who are gifted in mathematics can also get full marks in the test, and they can even participate in the Olympiad. It is difficult for people without talent to pass.

And such genius scientists, each one is the wealth of civilization.

“How huge and vast the universe is, we cannot be the only intelligent creature and intelligent civilization.”

Lucky people like Liu Yuan in the universe are not special cases, and the destroyed advanced universe civilization is not only the civilization of the gods, and some other civilizations may also leave a legacy when they perish.

“Theoretically, the space is like this kind of paper in my hand. It can be folded. When we need to go from this section to this side, we can walk slowly from the plane.”

For the current earth civilization, the first thing needed is to break through the first-level civilization and enter the second-level stellar civilization.

The goal of Xinghai Technology is the sea of stars, which Liu Yuan will never forget.

If there is inheritance, it generally takes less than a thousand years to develop from a second-level civilization to a third-level civilization. The shorter the time, the higher the potential of this civilization, and the lower the potential.

“If you want to traverse the universe and fly freely across the stars and the sea, you must master technology and technology that exceeds the speed of light.”

But there are also some civilization races whose potential is too low. Even if they are inherited from other advanced civilizations, they still develop slowly, cannot rise rapidly, and are even inferior to other civilizations that have not been inherited.

“The warp engine is the most likely technology to realize at present. Of course, at present, it is only on the basis of theoretical research.”

But if you want to break through from a 2-level star-level civilization to a 3-level river system-level civilization, it is very, very difficult to master the technology of the warp engine and cross a huge river system.

“This means that even at the speed of light to navigate the Milky Way, the time required is calculated in 10,000 years, not to mention the entire vast universe.”

You can only wait to grow old slowly in the well, or be noticed by a powerful predator that day and become a Chinese food in the belly. This is the fate and outcome of most civilizations in the universe.

Just like what is said in Buddhism, if you jump out of the Three Realms and not in the Five Elements, you can be immortal and incorrupt, without cause or effect, and at ease.

In the records of inheritance seeds, there are some civilizations that have been inherited from other civilizations and have risen rapidly.

Putting it into the interstellar universe, the gap between different cosmic civilizations is even greater. The racial potential is a considerable thing, and it profoundly affects how far a civilization can go. Of course, racial potential is also a hero subject to many factors, such as the genes of the race, the living habits of the race, the environment, culture, religion, thought, philosophy and so on.

Those who can develop to a Level 2 stellar civilization can also be very good. Only one of the hundreds or thousands of Level 1 parent star civilizations may develop to a Level 2 stellar civilization.

The situation on Earth is too complicated. Liu Yuan has his own plans and plans, so he started to prepare for the future early. Now he starts to study the warp speed technology, study the warp speed engine, and master the core technology of soaring the interstellar universe.

“But the universe is vast and boundless. The Milky Way, where our earth is located, is more than 100,000 light-years in diameter and more than 50,000 light-years thick at the center.”

Although these scientists in front of them are all excellent scientists in Xinghai Science and Technology Research Institute, each of them has quietly developed their brains and bodies through Liu Yuan.

However, the universe is vast and boundless. If you want to fly and roam in the sea of stars, you must first master the navigation technology of the interstellar universe.

The principles are the same, and they are universal to civilization.

Liu Yuan estimated that if geniuses can emerge in Xinghai Technology, coupled with the guidance he gave, and someone can understand the warp engine within five years, this shows that the potential of our civilized race is still possible.

Maybe it was a natural disaster, maybe it was a man-made disaster, or it was destroyed in its own hands, or it was destroyed in the hands of other civilizations.

Its level is far higher than that of scientists on Earth, and it can be regarded as a scientist in a second-level stellar civilization, but it is still not enough for warp engine technology.

Just like on the earth, with the same time and history, some areas have already moved towards the road of industrialization and have mastered the power of science and technology, while some areas are still in the stage of primitive tribes, living a life of hunting and even farming civilization. Not yet developed.

This is like reading the same way. In elementary school, everyone basically scored more than 90 points, which is a lot of full marks. However, when it came to junior high school, the gap began to appear and widened. Some people can read, and some people just can’t. read.

The core warp engine technology is really difficult. It requires a certain understanding of the universe and space-time to break through, which is extremely profound.

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