The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 344

Chapter 349 Change

Compared with the rationality of the Deguo people, the Gallic Rooster next door is even more turbulent.

In the streets and alleys of Bali, the angry crowd was like locusts. Everywhere they passed, all the shops were smashed and smashed. The billowing black smoke melted the goose feather-like snow. I didn’t know what was going on. war.

People ransacked everything that could be looted in anger.

Their unemployment rate is also very high. More than half of them are unemployed. What is even more terrifying is that many benefits such as unemployment benefits, labor security, maternity security, etc. have to be stopped because they have no funds.

This makes many people who do not work and rely on state welfare to have children to lose their source of life all of a sudden.

These families often have at least three or four children in the family, and their parents do not work. They rely on creating people for welfare and subsidies to live. These people are often from Africa and the Middle East.

Now the government is poor, let alone various benefits, it is quite difficult to even operate it. In many places, even the salaries of officials and police cannot be paid.

No one works, no one pays taxes, no taxes are collected, where is the money to give benefits to everyone?

Dissatisfaction spread to every corner, and angry people shouted slogans, demanding that their benefits must be restored immediately, and even that benefits must be increased with the price level.

Because the price of goods has risen so much now, even according to the original welfare, it is no longer able to meet people’s needs.

But, where is the money to give us benefits?

Enjoyed decades of happiness.

Just by having children, you can enjoy a happy life without working, and even if there are enough children, they can get more benefits than those who work.

This seems ridiculous in other parts of the world, but it has been going on here for decades, and it has made a huge difference here.

The original Gallic rooster has become a Gallic black chicken. The number of black and black newborns has exceeded 60%, and the number of whites is less than 20%.

The country and wealth they have worked so hard to create has been invisibly consumed in this way, and it is just the same for a dove occupying a magpie’s nest.

What’s even more terrifying is that they think that all this is nothing, everyone has been brainwashed, and they feel that it doesn’t matter, it should be, this is the most terrifying thing.

There is no doubt that such a policy cannot be sustained.

Wealth in society requires continuous creation by everyone in order to increase it, but more and more people are consuming welfare, and fewer and fewer people are creating wealth. Sooner or later, it will be impossible to play.

Now it’s just that all the thunderstorms came out all at once.

The mighty zero-yuan shopping team swept everything, but there were not many stores that could be swept away, because in the past year, this kind of thing happened almost every day, and there were no stores that could. for them to sweep away.

“Maybe we should make some changes, we can’t go on like this anymore, look at them, all of them don’t work, they are lazy, they are idle, and we, working hard, have created great wealth of the country and society, In the end it was cheaper for them.

On a tall building, Benjamin held red wine in his hand, took a sip and said to the people around him.

He is an out-and-out native white man. His ancestors lived here. He has experienced glorious years, and he has also seen this society that is declining towards the abyss.

When he was young, he believed in that set of brainwashing thoughts, but now, he clearly knows that even if there is gold and silver, it can’t hold back these black people’s welfare.

One by one, thieves can give birth, five or six, seven or eight in a lifetime. The whole family does not need to work and enjoys high welfare, and so is their next generation.

Everywhere you can see idle, idle little gangsters, little hooligans.

They are very lazy, molesting women, stealing chickens and dogs, eating and waiting to die, making this city, which was once unknown in the world, stinky and the crime rate remains high.

“Yes, we should make some changes. We can’t go on like this anymore. At the very least, we have to pay according to our work. Only by working can we have income, instead of sitting on the mountain.”

Someone next to him nodded solemnly and said.

“No, it’s not just that, we should do more, and sweeping this rubbish out is the real way.”

Benjamin shook his head and said: “We were wrong in the beginning, we shouldn’t let them in, and now we want to sweep them out, how difficult it is!”

“That would break out into war.”

“Then are we just waiting for the dove to occupy the magpie’s nest?”

“Are we just going to watch our same France go down?” “Can we get support?”

“Certainly, there will be more and more people supporting us, and I think more and more people will wake up.”

“Look at everything in front of you, how many white people can you see on the street?”

“Maybe you’re right, we should change.

Beautiful fruit on the other side of the ocean. + 1

John is turning over the soil in the garden and grassland in his house, preparing to plant some vegetables on it. As for nice lawns and gardens, it doesn’t mean anything to John now.

He has been unemployed for a long time, and the house has long been unresolved. The high prices, like a special currency for waste paper, made John, who was originally a middle-class, suddenly rich, and all his wealth evaporated almost overnight. .

Coupled with the prolonged turmoil, everything has changed.

The place where he lives is a wealthy area. In the past, everyone paid great attention to the care of lawns and gardens. If the care is not good, the property will come to talk with you.

But now, the property has long been driven away by everyone, and everyone has no money to pay more and more expensive property fees, and they are also subject to their various controls.

Many people are also learning from the Chinese, turning their lawns and gardens into vegetable fields and planting all kinds of vegetables. At least, everyone can eat vegetables without spending money, which can save a lot of money.

I didn’t feel anything before, but now that I grow vegetables myself, John realizes the benefits of growing vegetables by himself.

The vegetables I grow are very fresh and delicious, and the output is large. If you plant some carefully, you can’t eat them all. The family’s expenses in this area are greatly reduced.

The advantage of this land is that the land is vast and sparsely populated, and the land is fertile. If you plant some things carefully, you can reap a lot. At least, everyone has no problem eating.

The federal side has carried out the same control, and the food has been stabilized. In addition to the vegetables grown at home, compared with the Europeans, at least they have no problems with eating and drinking.

“Life still needs to learn more from the Orientals, learn!”

“How good this is, weak, green, and fresh, the key is that it doesn’t need any money. John looked at the tomatoes that were already full of fruit, and he was also full of sense of accomplishment.

He never thought that one day he would grow all kinds of vegetables in his beloved garden, and he never thought that growing vegetables could be so fulfilling.

After planting vegetables, John also sat down and thought quietly.

He desperately needs a job right now, a job to support his family.

However, this country has already de-industrialized, and now the green coins have collapsed, and finance and technology are no longer needed. There is simply no work for everyone.

In the past, it was possible to rely on the international currency status of green coins to continuously plunder wealth from all over the world to nourish the people, but now, this trick has no effect.

The only good news is that, unlike Europe, there are high benefits that can be consumed by people. Among all the western developed countries, the people here are the most diligent, and the benefits are also the worst.

As long as there is a job, everyone is still willing to do things, because if you don’t do things, you can’t support your family, and you can’t live a middle-class life.

John turned on his phone and ended up searching the Internet for relevant job information.

“Recruit lumberjacks? The monthly salary is less than 100,000 green coins, the ghost will do it for you!”

“Recruiting miners, the monthly salary is 120,000 green coins, which is too low.

“To recruit fishing seamen, they are required to work continuously for more than 20 days, with a monthly salary of 200,000 green coins, and there is no rest. Evil capitalists.”

John looked at the job postings and couldn’t help cursing.

The value of green coins has been greatly depreciated, and the waste paper is almost gone. Don’t look at the monthly salary of 10 to 200,000, but its purchasing power is not even the previous two or three thousand green coins.

There is no industry, which means that almost all products need to be imported from abroad, and prices have skyrocketed. Even clothes and shoes cost thousands of dollars. This salary is nothing at all.

Looking at these industries that recruit workers, they are basically resource-based industries, not logging, mining, fishing, etc. There is not even a decent job.

“Shoe factory? Someone has opened a shoe factory, isn’t that afraid that they will sell their underwear at a loss?”

Soon, John saw another shoe factory recruiting information, which made John also curious and hurriedly clicked in.

Seeing this, he immediately understood.


“This salary is only 70,000 green coins, so a ghost will do it for you?”

At first glance, the salary of the shoe factory is only 70,000 green coins a month, but this is not the key. The key is that the shoe factory also requires its employees to work at least ten hours a day.

“Such a black-hearted capitalist, why don’t the people from the guild come out and take care of it?”

Seeing the back, John was angry. This is a shoe factory. It’s hell. You work ten hours a day, and you have to work six days a week. Who will do things for you?

Just when John thought no one was going to do the job, the job posting quickly showed that it was full.

“How many people are willing to do this?”

John couldn’t believe it, but when he thought about his situation, he regretted that he didn’t apply sooner.

PS: It’s the same, I have a high fever and coughing~~ I’m really happy.

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