The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 346

Chapter 351 Developing Agriculture To Prepare For The Future

Liu Yuan’s heart is actually very clear.

In this ancient country and land, being rich is actually not a good thing. The rich since ancient times, especially the very rich, have no good end.

Shen Wan’s three properties were confiscated and exiled to Yunnan, and Hu Xueyan was dismissed and ended in a quarrel.

It can be seen that Qian Zaiquan is the younger brother in front of him, and he will always keep his head down.

Generally speaking, you can live a good life with money, but if you are too rich, you will have more troubles, and you may lose your head if you are not careful.

On this matter, Liu Yuan was thinking about it himself, and his father-in-law Dong Tianfang also discussed this matter in depth with Liu Yuan.

The scale of Xinghai Technology is really too big.

Now there are more than 2 million employees, and it costs several trillions to pay employees’ wages every year. In the cost of other companies, the proportion of labor costs is actually not high, but the proportion of labor costs of Xinghai Technology is very high. High, most of the expenses are actually used to pay wages and benefits to employees.

Of course, this is what Liu Yuan has always wanted to do. As the company makes money, the treatment and benefits of employees will naturally follow.

No matter what the outsiders say, at least their employees have nothing to say about Xinghai Technology. They have always been given the best treatment and are worthy of their status and status as a high-tech enterprise.

The huge number of employees, the annual turnover exceeds 15 trillion, accounting for 7.5% of the entire Guojia GDP, wait until the virtual machine and virtual world start to exert force.

It is estimated that with the strong attraction of virtual machines and virtual worlds, Xinghai Technology’s turnover in the new year will skyrocket, not to mention doubling or something, there is no problem with more than 20 trillion, and it will account for the entire Guojia gdp by then. One-tenth.

This percentage is really too high and too big.

They are all the same as the chaebols in South Korea. Of course, Xinghai Technology is fundamentally different from them. Xinghai Technology only relies on high technology to achieve all this, while those chaebols are formed by monopoly on many industries.

But for this ancient land, since ancient times there has been a fine tradition of fighting landlords to divide the land.

People without far-sightedness must have near-concerns.

Liu Yuan has been thinking about this matter, and his father-in-law Dong Tianfang also gave Liu Yuan a lot of advice, such as not putting eggs in one basket.

But with Liu Yuan’s huge worth, it will make people jealous wherever it is placed. In the final analysis, it is because Liu Yuan’s own foundation is too shallow, and his huge wealth is like a child holding gold and swaying through the market, how can he not make people jealous?

No matter where you go, the final result is still the same. This is true throughout history and modern times. Why are Jews in history always expelled and rejected by people?

Among other reasons, a very important reason is that the Jews are rich but have weak foundations, so those countries in Europe can expel the Jews to obtain their huge wealth.

Above this trick, the European monarchs in the Middle Ages played it over and over again, and the leeks were cut wave after wave.

“It is necessary to start the research on controllable nuclear fusion, and get the warp engine out as soon as possible. With the warp engine, the nature of the universe can let itself gallop.”

“It’s just a small earth, nothing at all.”

After thinking for a while, Liu Yuan also laughed.

There is no need to worry too much about such a thing, just follow the plan in your heart and go step by step.

“If you want to go to an alien planet alone to develop, many things are essential. First of all, this food is a problem. You must be self-sufficient so that you will not be controlled by others.”

“Well, I can just follow the opportunity to develop space agriculture to enter the agricultural field. It doesn’t matter if I make money or not. Agricultural technology must be developed first, and agricultural talents, equipment, etc. should be reserved first, so that there will be no chaos in the future.” Liu Yuan’s first thought was agriculture.

Don’t look at agriculture as if it is unremarkable and high-tech, and it seems that agriculture is not profitable.

But in fact, agriculture is the foundation of a fruit family. Only if agriculture is stable and well developed, it can provide enough food for the people of its fruit family and ensure food security. This is the most important thing in almost every fruit family area.

If you can’t even eat enough food and food supply becomes a problem, other fields and industries will not even think about developing.

For example, many parts of the world cannot be self-sufficient in food, and they are heavily dependent on imports. It is easy to be controlled by others. If there is a food shortage in the world, you may not be able to buy food if you have money, and problems will easily occur at that time.

Agriculture does not need to make money, and even many countries and regions are losing money in agriculture, and they continue to subsidize money to ensure agricultural production, food output and safety.

If you go to another planet, you are far away from the earth. You can’t transport food from the earth. It is better to be self-sufficient, so agriculture must be developed.

In fact, although agriculture is inconspicuous, its technical content is actually quite high. The three major fields of pesticides, fertilizers and seeds have high technical requirements.

As far as pesticides and fertilizers are concerned, most countries and regions in the world cannot rely on their own technology to produce pesticides and fertilizers. This seems very common, but it involves a lot of technology. These technologies are not just random. can do it.

This is especially true in the field of seeds. Even our seeds, more than 70% of the seeds are imported, and the scale of imported seeds is about 20 billion fruit coins each year.

Although this number is nothing for the huge total trade volume, seeds are the foundation of agriculture and are controlled by others. The other party can cut off your seeds at any time, so that you cannot grow food or vegetables.

In addition, seeds may lose their safety if they rely too much on imports.

You must know that with the development of science and technology, various biotechnologies have been continuously applied to the agricultural field, such as genetically modified soybeans, corn, etc., whether these are safe or not, no one knows and dare not say that they are safe.

Some things are subtle and long-term, and you will not be able to see them at all for a while, and once they appear, it may be too late to even regret.

It is better to take your own destiny in your own hands.

“Well, the new year is mainly about developing space agriculture.”

“There are also many benefits of space agriculture. There is sufficient light in space, which alone is not comparable to that on Earth. In addition, space can be kept away from pests and develop pollution-free green agriculture. There are many benefits. The only The disadvantage is that the investment is large and the income is relatively slow.”

“In the inheritance of seeds, almost all interstellar cosmic civilizations will develop space agriculture. Using the space advantages and lighting advantages in space, they can easily meet the demand for food, get rid of the requirements and restrictions of agriculture on the natural environment, and be able to support life. The population and the number of people can also grow exponentially.”

In Liu Yuan’s mind, some of the space agriculture content that Heritage Seed had seen came to mind.

Although space agriculture has many limitations and many limitations, it also has many advantages. The most important point is that the space in space is infinite, far from being comparable to the land area on the planet. This also means that the space in space is infinite. In the development of agriculture, there is no upper limit.

The area of the life planet is limited, and there is only so much land, and it is impossible for you to use all the land for farming. Once the population is too large, it will naturally become more and more difficult to meet the huge demand. The development of science and technology is the solution. The best way to deal with food problems.

In the past, the grain yield of one mu of land was four or five hundred catties, but now the grain yield of one mu of land can be as high as 2,000 catties, which is several times that of the past.

In ancient times, it was a good idea to plant the land. In the event of a flood or drought, basically nothing would be harvested. It would be even more difficult if there were locusts. But now, in the face of technology, the influence of nature is getting smaller and smaller.

These are enough to illustrate the importance of science and technology in agricultural development.

“I don’t know if it will be said to be fighting the farmers for the last job.”

After thinking about this, Liu Yuan also laughed at himself.

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