The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 348

Chapter 353 Xinghai Agricultural Technology Group

The size of spaceships and spaceships is also an important indicator to measure the level of technological development of a civilization.

This is not to say that you can build as big as you want. Just like building a ship, the larger the ship, the higher the technical content. Especially for warships, there are many factors that need to be considered.

Not to mention that just a speed is very important.

Warships at sea, if their speed is not fast enough, are basically living targets. Under the fast attack of fighter planes and missiles, slow speed is waiting for death. The speed is too slow, no matter how fast you are, it is not easy to escape.

This is even more so in the interstellar universe. Speed is life and time, and everything is determined.

In the interstellar war in the universe, the attack speed of weapons is basically the speed of light, or even faster than the speed of light. If your battleship is only built large but does not have enough speed and flexibility, it will be easily destroyed by people as living targets.

To be able to confidently build a warship large enough, must have mastered powerful power technology, which can provide enough power for the huge space warship, so that it has enough speed and flexibility, and has strong energy protection.

Medium-sized spaceships, space battleships are nothing, but the really huge ones are large spaceships, generally more than 10 kilometers in length, and several kilometers in width and height.

This kind of space battleship and spaceship is the real behemoth, like a small planet.

The civilization that can create such large-scale spaceships and space battleships is at least a civilization at the star field level. It is the overlord of a vast star field.

Of course, when the cosmic civilization continues to develop upward and technology develops to a higher level, the size of the spacecraft begins to continue to develop in a smaller dimension, especially when it begins to touch space technology and master space storage technology, the universe Spaceships, space battleships began to build smaller and smaller.

Small does not mean weak. In fact, when the cosmic civilization has developed to the stage of advanced civilization, the smaller the spacecraft is, the more powerful its technology is.

Often the advanced cosmic civilization dispatches a few cosmic battleships that look like miniatures to easily destroy those cosmic battleships that look huge and numerous.

The whole process is from small to big, and then from big to small, returning to simplicity, which is what it means, but this process is extremely long, involving countless high-tech technologies, and it can also represent a powerful universe. the path of civilization.

Liu Yuan is very clear about this, because he has the guidance of inheritance seeds, what he has to do now is to develop from small to large to create a bigger and stronger spaceship.

“Boss, if we manufacture medium and large spacecraft in space, we need to manufacture and build steel plants in space, so that we can directly manufacture medium and large parts in space.”

Tang Peng is in charge of Xinghai Aerospace, and has the most say in this matter. Although he is very excited when he thinks of building a medium and large spaceship, there are still many problems to be solved.

The bigger the spaceship is, the larger the parts that need to be used.

Many people may say that large parts can be spliced together. What’s so difficult? It’s more difficult to make small parts, such as chips, and nano-level technology is difficult.

But in fact, it is not easy to make big things.

Splicing can indeed solve some problems, but it will involve a very important thing, the issue of strength and toughness.

There is a huge difference between the spliced large parts and the parts formed by integral casting, and their strength, toughness, load-bearing and many other aspects are incomparable.

Especially when it comes to the engine, the use of controllable nuclear fusion technology to provide power and energy, and for warp flight, the requirements for the ship will be very high, and it is impossible to use splicing to manufacture medium and large spaceships.

Tang Peng participated in the manufacture of the sky carrier, and Xinghai Technology itself has built a lot of aircraft as large as the sky carrier, and he is very clear about this.

If this is to build a larger spaceship, it must not be done according to the current technology.

Moreover, medium and large spacecraft cannot be manufactured on planets, because even powerful anti-gravity technology cannot guarantee that such a massive spacecraft will have problems during takeoff and landing.

The gravitational force of a planet is enormous.

When the mass is small, it may not feel obvious. When the mass is large to a certain extent, the gravitational force of the planet is very important, and it is something worthy of attention.

The manufacture of medium and large spaceships must be placed in space, and medium and large spaceships do not need to take off and land on the planet. It is always parked in space, loading and unloading goods and the like rely on small, A miniature spaceship can do it.

“What kind of support is needed, we will do it from beginning to end, and explore slowly, because what we are doing now is unprecedented, and we are creating a new history and chapter.”

Liu Yuan nodded and said.

If a space factory should be built, a space factory will be built, and a space steel factory will also be built, which is related to another space mining industry. The iron ore of the space steel factory is definitely not transported from the earth or the moon. Generally, it is necessary to mine asteroids and directly smelt asteroids to obtain a large amount of steel raw materials.

When everyone heard it, they also ordered to nod.

The reason why Xinghai Technology makes every employee proud is not only because Xinghai Technology’s remuneration package is good enough so that everyone can live a dignified life, but also because Xinghai Technology is a real technology enterprise. Technology is at the forefront of human technology.

Biotechnology, electronic technology, virtual technology, aerospace technology, and many other fields are all at the forefront of the world. What they play is high technology, and their dreams are the stars and the sea. How can they not be proud of this?

“The third thing is that I am going to set up a subsidiary company called Xinghai Agricultural Technology Group.”

After talking about building spaceships, Liu Yuan talked about developing agriculture.


When everyone heard this, they were shocked and looked at Liu Yuan in unison, in disbelief.

“Boss, let’s play farming?”

Xie Xin was a little dumbfounded and asked quickly.

He was from the countryside himself, and knew all too well what agriculture was like.

At present, one mu of land can produce about 1,000 catties of rice, and one catty of rice can be sold for about 1.22 yuan, even if it is 1,300 yuan.

This rice seed costs 100, arable land 100, fertilizer 100, pesticide 100, the cost is almost 400, and it seems that it can earn 900.

But farming requires a lot of labor, ploughing, weeding, transplanting, spraying, harvesting, fertilizing, draining, harvesting, etc. It takes at least 20 days to plant a crop of rice.

Even if it is calculated according to the minimum wage, it is 40 yuan per day, which is 800 yuan in these 20 days. In the last calculation, the net income of one mu of land is only 100 yuan. Plant a ball.

This is still based on the calculation of ordinary people. This Xinghai Technology is going to engage in agriculture, which will definitely be a loss to the grandmother’s house.

Everyone knows how expensive the company’s labor costs are. Just one employee will take millions of dollars every year. If you still farm the land, even if you use pesticides, fertilizers, and seeds, you will probably lose blood.

So everyone doesn’t understand why Liu Yuan wants to engage in agriculture, because he has too much money and nowhere to spend it, or does he think this agriculture has any prospects, and what can he spend in space?

“Yeah, this agriculture is shaving meat on the legs of mosquitoes. We will definitely lose money. Even if we develop agriculture in space, we will probably lose money no matter how much technology we use.”

Lu Yong also followed suit.

It’s true that Xinghai Technology has money, but it can’t be spent indiscriminately, right? If you have a big family, you need to save money. You still need to save money in this province, and you can’t make it indiscriminately. Don’t make it.

In the eyes of everyone, agriculture is definitely a loss-making business and field. Xinghai Technology will definitely lose money in this field, and it will be a blood loss.

Even if agriculture is developed in space, the yield and quality may be higher and better than on Earth, and the price can be more expensive, but the benefits are still disproportionate to the input and cost.

When there is food to eat, agriculture usually does not see any importance and value. The time when it is most valuable is in times of famine.

However, under modern technology, natural conditions have less and less restriction and influence on agriculture, and food can be bought and sold on a global scale, which has even less impact.

Therefore, a global food famine is obviously a relatively small possibility. Even if the price of food rises several times, there will not be much profit, not to mention that there are many places in the world to grow food. way to do exclusive business.

“The development of space agriculture is not for making money, but for researching agriculture-related technologies and reserving related talents and resources.”

“Although agriculture is inconspicuous, it is of great importance, and the technical content is actually quite high. The development of agriculture in space has huge advantages, and it can get rid of the restrictions and influences on natural conditions. It is also a trend in the development of interstellar space agriculture.”

“What’s more, in the future, we will go to the interstellar universe. If we immigrate to an alien planet one day, we will of course have to grow food in the space war at the beginning.”

Liu Yuan looked at the astonished expressions of everyone, and said with a smile: “Of course, this can be regarded as a kind of welfare. We develop space agriculture by ourselves, and we grow our own food and vegetables. More reassuring than it is, there are too many genetically modified things now.”

Hearing Liu Yuan’s words, everyone immediately nodded, this benefit is okay.

PS: Do you think genetically modified things are safe or not?

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