The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 376

Chapter 381 Gravity Technology

Xinghai Science and Technology Research Institute Gravity Research Institute.

Liu Yuan, who was thinking about leaving the earth early and going alone, also came here.

Gravity technology has two major research directions. One is anti-gravity technology. At present, it has mastered anti-gravity technology and developed anti-gravity engines, and anti-gravity engine technology is becoming more and more mature.

The anti-gravity engine manufactured by Xinghai Technology is getting stronger and stronger, and a behemoth like the Xingchen absolutely needs a powerful anti-gravity engine to be able to drive it.

Another research direction is gravity technology.

Gravity technology and anti-gravity technology, just hearing the name, we all know that the main research of this technology is how to artificial gravity.

Artificial gravity may seem to many people that it does not seem to have much meaning and effect. After all, it is always on the earth and feels the influence of gravity. It is too late to get rid of gravity, and it is necessary to study this gravity. What is the use of technology.

In fact, gravity technology is a very important technology and its application field is very wide.

The first one is to use it on spaceships.

There is no gravity or microgravity in space.

Under such an environment, it is extremely difficult for people to adapt, and it will lead to many problems, such as the loss of calcium, which will lead to loose bones. Once people return to the earth, they are very likely to become paralyzed, and the bones can no longer support. Body.

Another example is the endocrine disorder in the body, the decline of the body’s immunity, etc. These problems are called space syndrome, and the main reason is that the astronauts are in a weightless environment for a long time.

Human technology has not been separated from the earth for a long time. Even if the astronauts stay in space for a long time, generally speaking, it is a few days, ten days, or dozens of days.

The longest stay was Krikalev, who stayed in space for more than 311 days, but that was also a special case, and he was called the last hairy.

Humans grow on the planet, and everything in the body is adapted to the environment on the planet. It is very unsuitable for the environment in space. It is fine in a short period of time, but in a long time, there will be many problems in the body. .

After entering the parent star civilization, when the trajectory of activities spreads throughout the solar system, a spacecraft often flies in the solar system, and the round-trip time will be very long, often several months, or even a year or two.

Like the Xingchen mission to Mars, the scheduled time is as long as half a year, which means that most of the time, they live and work in a gravity-free environment.

This is a huge test for astronauts, engineers and other personnel on board. If nothing else, they must exercise at least 4 hours a day in space to maintain calcium in their bones.

If you don’t exercise enough, once you return to the earth, the bones may not be able to withstand the gravity of the earth and the whole person will be paralyzed.

This is also the reason why many positions, occupations, etc. in the space field have high salaries, because it is indeed very hard, very tiring, and there are still great risks.

In addition, after returning to Earth, it takes a long time to recuperate before returning to space to work.

The Xingchen is only going to Mars, the planets closest to the earth, if it is going to Jupiter, Saturn and these more distant planets for investigation.

It is estimated that if it is calculated back and forth, it will take a year or two casually, such a long time, has been in space, this is a great test, and the impact on the body will be very large.

After that, if you set foot on the starry sky and sail in the interstellar universe, the time may be longer. Maybe it will take several years, or even a dozen years, after a voyage.

During such a long period of time, it is difficult for people to maintain regular movement and life. Under the influence of the environment in space, they may no longer be able to adapt to the environment and life on the planet.

Therefore, it is necessary to study gravity technology.

A gravity generating device is installed on the spacecraft, so that even if it is a route in the interstellar universe, the environment on the spacecraft can be similar to the environment on the planet.

Under the influence of gravity, life and work can be no different from those on the planet, which can greatly facilitate the navigation between the interstellar universes and facilitate human exploration of the interstellar universe.

Gravity technology is also one of the key technologies for a civilization to enter the interstellar universe. Only by mastering this technology can it go further and longer.

In addition to installing gravity-generating devices on spacecraft, gravity technology can also be applied to material manufacturing.

The development of gravity technology has unlimited potential.

It is also an extremely important technical field to create super gravity, use strong gravity to cast materials, and create a variety of powerful materials.

There are even gravity technologies mastered by some powerful civilizations in the universe, which can simulate the terrifying gravity of neutron stars, directly use gravity technology to collapse asteroids into a state similar to neutron stars, and obtain super-strong materials for manufacturing. Powerful spaceship.

Gravity technology can also be used in the field of interstellar warfare. Using gravity technology to form a powerful attack and defense, a gravity cannon will attack the past and directly collapse the opponent’s space battleship into a ball. The powerful gravity defense system, the enemy’s attack fell, and was directly attracted by the terrifying gravity, like a black hole, it was swallowed cleanly and turned invisible.

In short, gravity technology has many uses and is very important, and it must be a technology that needs to be researched and developed.

“Boss, you came just in time. I was just looking for you to report our research results.”

Knowing Liu Yuan’s arrival, Sun Zilong, the head of the Gravity Science and Technology Research Institute, ran over immediately.

He is the senior management of Xinghai Aerospace Science and Technology Group, and he is also the head of an important research institute of this research institute. He has multiple roles and is usually similar to Liu Yuan.

In the morning, I deal with the daily affairs of the company, and in the afternoon, I spend silently doing scientific research in the laboratory.

“It seems that you have researched the gravity generation device?”

Liu Yuan looked at Sun Zilong’s appearance, and immediately guessed seven or eight.

Naturally, there is nothing to report about anti-gravity technology. Although it is becoming more and more mature and the anti-gravity engine produced is more and more powerful, it is a technology that has been researched after all.

It is worth Sun Zilong to report to himself, it must be gravity technology, they have researched the gravity generation device.

“The boss is very predictable, we really just broke through this technology and researched the gravity technology.”

“This technology is much more difficult than anti-gravity technology.”

Sun Zilong nodded and said.

When I and Wang Chen were working on anti-gravity technology together, I wasn’t so sad. It only took more than a year to research it. Just broke out a few days ago.

“Go, look at your gravity generator, how much gravity can it generate now?”

Liu Yuan came to the spirit.

This is what I think about. I was thinking of researching this technology as soon as possible, applying it to the spacecraft, and preparing for the next interstellar voyage. I didn’t expect to hear good news.

Compared with gravity technology and anti-gravity technology, it is actually more difficult.

We all know that the generation of gravity is related to mass, and the greater the mass of the star, the greater the gravity.

The mass of the earth is larger than that of the moon and Mars, so the gravity of the earth is much larger than that of Mars and the moon. The gravity of the moon is only one-sixth of that of the earth, and the gravity of Mars is two-fifths of the earth. Earth-large Saturn has 1.25 times the gravity of Earth’s.

This means that gravity is proportional to mass.

If you want artificial gravity, its technical difficulty is very large, and the scientific and technological theories and knowledge involved belong to advanced stellar civilizations. It is impossible for ordinary stellar civilizations to master this technology.

How to create a strong gravity under a limited mass, this technology is definitely not as simple as using a centrifuge to rotate continuously. The centrifuge rotates to create centrifugal force, not gravity.

“At present, the gravity generating device we have made can only produce a gravity equivalent to one-tenth of the earth’s gravity, which is very general.”

“But we have made breakthroughs and have the right development direction and ideas. I believe that if we give us some time, we can continue to improve.”

As Sun Zilong took Liu Yuan to the laboratory, he also reported to Liu Yuan in detail.

“One-tenth of Earth’s gravity?”

“This is already very good, take your time, I believe that soon you will be able to create a more powerful gravity generating device.”

Liu Yuan was very satisfied after listening to it. Technology often needs inspiration and breakthroughs. As long as there are inspirations and breakthroughs, the next development will be very fast.

The same is true for many theories and technologies. As soon as someone proposes it, after scientists make breakthroughs, it rapidly develops and makes breakthroughs. Like computer technology, from its emergence to the present, it occurs almost every few years. Change and breakthrough.

Gravity technology is very difficult, and they didn’t expect them to make a breakthrough now and research it. I didn’t expect Sun Zilong to succeed and successfully develop gravity technology.

Although it is only one-tenth of the earth’s gravity, this is a good start. With a breakthrough, the next development will be much smoother. I believe that a more powerful gravity device will be produced soon.

“Maybe we can start building spacecraft to mine asteroids, and with gravity devices, it’s completely possible to travel to more distant areas.”

PS: Ask for tickets, all kinds of requests~

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