The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 387

Chapter 392 Thoughts Restricting The Development Of Earth Science And Technology

“Close the door!”

Following Liu Yuan’s thought, the virtual machine directly issued an order, the heavy alloy door slowly closed, and the dazzling golden light was gradually blocked.

Looking at gold is just incidental, Liu Yuan has not forgotten his main purpose of coming to the moon this time.

That is to look at the research situation of nuclear fusion technology, which is a major matter related to whether one can go to an alien planet and do it alone.

The current earth, in Liu Yuan’s view, has gradually entered a wrong path of development, the most important of which is the prevalence of hedonism.

This kind of thinking originated from the Western Renaissance spread to the whole world, money is supreme, and instant pleasures are flooded.

The consequences are extremely serious, and the most worrying one is fertility problems.

In almost all developed countries and regions, the fertility rate is terrifyingly low.

Fertility rates in Europe and America are very low, especially among whites.

Like France, because people in their own country are reluctant to have children, the population problem is serious, and the labor force is lacking, so they gradually open up immigration, and at the same time vigorously reward fertility.

As a result, rewards are useless, white people are still reluctant to have children, they prefer to enjoy the moment and enjoy life, rather than spend their time, energy and money on children.

Immigrants from Africa and North Africa are very willing to have children. They have no labor skills themselves, and it is difficult to make money. If you have children, you can live a good life.

In just a few decades, their demographics have changed dramatically, with only 40 percent of newborns being white, and less than 30 percent of them being purely French.

Gallic chickens have turned into blast furnace black chickens, and the same is true of changing cages for birds. The parasitism of Dujuan is staged in civilization.

Of course, not only France, but also other regions are faced with severe population problems. People are reluctant to have children, but choose to enjoy the moment.

The same is true in several countries in East Asia. The birth rate is very low. On average, a woman has only a little more than one child, and the age of childbirth is generally around 30 years old.

If this situation continues, the problem is extremely serious.

Aging is very serious without any vitality. Negative population growth brings many problems, but the most important problem is that if a country or region is unwilling to have children, it will lose its future. It can be said that there is no future.

No matter how much wealth you have, what’s the point of this wealth if there is no one?

In the future, these riches are not meant to be cheap to others.

Obviously, this is going astray.

No one has no hope, no future.

Liu Yuan knows from the seeds of inheritance that the population of any civilization in the universe is calculated by Jingzhao, and the billions of people on the earth are nothing but drizzle.

The competition between civilizations is very cruel.

Sometimes a war between the two sides may cost dozens or dozens of life planets and tens of billions, hundreds of billions, or trillions of people at every turn.

When you don’t have enough population, you can’t compete with other civilizations at all, because even if you fight for consumption, you can’t compete with people.

What’s more, the development of a civilization requires the advancement of science and technology.

The advancement of science and technology, in addition to a good education system, also requires a huge population base, and the proportion of scientists is almost fixed.

Under the same educational model, countries and regions with more population will naturally produce more scientists and talents, and vice versa.

Without enough scientists, especially talented scientists, the technology of a civilization cannot develop at all, let alone continuously develop towards the development of a higher civilization.

Even Liu Yuan, at this point, is very worried about the current situation on earth.

Fortunately, it has never been in contact with a powerful alien civilization. Otherwise, with the current situation of the earth, how could it have competed with each other?

Maybe it will be enslaved by a powerful civilization in the future.

The scary thing is that under the spread of this trend of thought, everyone thinks it is right. Rich people are unwilling to have children, and those who have no money are even more unwilling to have children. Many people say that they have suffered enough, and there is no need to give birth to their children. They also brought them out to suffer together, so they didn’t give birth or get married.

What a horrible thought. With this kind of thinking, the enemy can destroy you invisibly, and gradually castrate your entire nation, so that it will no longer pose any threat, and even after some time, it will slowly perish.

Like South Korea, their birth rate is only 0.84, which means that on average, a woman does not even give birth to a child.

This is a very scary thing!

It also means that every 20 years, their population will be more than halved every generation, and it will not take many years before the country itself will perish.

This phenomenon is also happening to us, the birth rate is getting lower and lower, and the population is aging seriously.

The key is that everyone thinks this is right, it is a good phenomenon, and people should enjoy it and live in a smart way, instead of having children and being delayed by children.

This is the main reason why Liu Yuan wants to go out and do it alone. As for other things, they are secondary.

Liu Yuan wants to create a great civilization in the interstellar universe, a powerful civilization. Obviously, it is better and simpler to re-establish a great civilization outside.

After all, it is the most difficult to change a person’s thoughts and concepts. It is very difficult to get out of the current situation in a world where hedonism is rampant.

This is like a shackle placed on the earth’s civilization. It is an obstacle and a bottleneck for the development of civilization. If such a shackle is not broken, the earth’s civilization may never be able to get out of the solar system.

A future that can be met.

Bad money drives out good money.

People from developed areas who are unwilling to have children are gradually replaced by people from underdeveloped areas who are willing to have children. This process may be faster, just like a Gallic chicken. In just half a century or so, gradually White turns black, they lose hope and future.

What happened in France is likely to be played out globally, in developed regions and countries around the world, which seems to be the trend of the future.

Once it has developed to that point, can Earth’s technology go out of the earth and out of the solar system?

This is definitely a question worth thinking about.

Liu Yuan didn’t want to see such a thing happen to the land he loves so much, but he kept a low profile.

To put it nicely, Liu Yuan is a great scientist, entrepreneur, the richest man in the world or something, a whole bunch of titles and identities, and every one of them seems pretty good.

But in fact Liu Yuan can’t do anything at all, and it can’t affect anything.

So we still have to go out and do it alone, lead a group of like-minded people to do great things, build a great civilization, and develop and rise in the interstellar universe.

Nuclear fusion technology must be developed. Only by mastering the controllable nuclear fusion technology can it provide sufficient energy for the warp engine.

In addition to the energy generated by this nuclear fusion reaction, other technologies are not enough to provide enough energy for the warp engine. After all, it is necessary to perform warp flight, and the energy consumed is too much.

“Boss, our controllable nuclear fusion technology has reached the most critical moment.”

“Now there is no problem with the ignition device. We have carried out several experiments on the moon and have successfully ignited the fusion reaction material, which is enough to ignite the fusion reactor.”

“The biggest problem is our magnetic confinement device, which has never been able to meet our requirements. Although it can confine powerful energy, the technology is still not mature enough. When the energy is too large, it is extremely easy to have problems.”

While leading the way, Zeng Xuan also reported to Liu Yuan the research progress and situation of controllable nuclear fusion technology in detail.

The key technologies have actually been resolved.

Ignition device, Wang Wei’s side has successfully researched, and is still researching energy technology, making the foundation and preparation for the manufacture of energy weapons in the future.

Magnetic confinement technology, under the plug-in developed by Liu Yuan, has actually reached the stage of use. It can already be used to confine powerful energy, which proves the correctness of this theory. It can indeed be applied to the field of controllable nuclear fusion technology. .

Once it is fully mature, the controllable nuclear fusion technology will be considered a success. The next step is to study the warp engine, and the core of the warp engine is the controllable nuclear fusion technology and material technology.

The hardest part of materials technology is how to create degenerate materials that can withstand the intense pressure and energy generated by the warp drive.

This point is also related to magnetic confinement technology. Using powerful magnetic confinement technology, degenerate materials can be created at the atomic point of view, and materials that can meet the warp speed engine can be produced.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that it is very close to creating a warp engine. It doesn’t take too long for Xinghai Technology to create a warp engine.

Of course, this is theoretical. It is estimated that it will take several years to actually manufacture the warp drive, plus the manufacture of the spacecraft.

PS: Do you think you want to have children? If you don’t want to give birth, why?

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