The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 429

Chapter 434 Departure

In the outer space of Mars, the huge ‘Journey’ warp spacecraft has been built, quietly suspended in the space port, its huge hatches are all opened, and the spacecraft are filling it with massive supplies. , energy, it is about to embark on its first interstellar journey.

At the Mars 3 base, a team of 30,000 people is ready to go. Among them, 10,000 people are trained by the Xinghai Technology Security Group. They have always been training in secret overseas bases.

All of its members are from outstanding veterans who are unsuccessful, and then recruited into Xinghai Technology for training, forming the most important force in the hands of Xinghai Technology.

This time, all secretly came to Mars, and will follow the team to the alien planet, and will become the first batch of soldiers to colonize the stars.

In addition to the 10,000 troops, there are also 20,000 accompanying scientists, engineers and infrastructure teams. Their task is to find suitable life interests and build a new home on this life planet. Lay some foundations here to provide conditions for the subsequent migration of the large troops.

Liu Yuan stood on the podium, with Tang Peng, Wang Chen, Wang Wei, Zhou Yu, Li Chun, Jiang Wannian, Zheng Yuan and other senior managers of Xinghai Technology standing beside him.

Looking at the expedition team in front of him, Liu Yuan was also in high spirits. After waiting for a long time, he finally arrived at this day, when it was time to go to another planet to create a great civilization.

“Today will be a great moment in the annals of history, because from today, we humans will officially step into the vast interstellar universe, and will continue to rise in the vast interstellar universe, creating a greatness of our own. Brilliant civilization.”

“And everyone present, your names will be written into the textbooks of history. You are the creators of history, the pioneers and pioneers of the human interstellar universe, and you are great!”

“In the long history in the future, our descendants will be proud of you, and will continue to create a glorious history in the interstellar universe with you as an example and idol.”

“We are the great descendants of Yanhuang, we are the best race, let us use our own hands to create our great Yanhuang civilization and create a great era that belongs to us!”

As soon as Liu Yuan’s words fell, there was a huge applause from the scene, which lasted for a long time.

Why are these people from Xinghai Technology willing to go crazy with Liu Yuan?

Not only because Liu Yuan has given everyone a prosperous life, but more importantly, because Liu Yuan has always been able to give everyone hope and great dreams, leading everyone to move forward continuously towards this lofty and great dream.

Xingchenhai, really is not bragging with you, but has been moving towards this goal, and now it is finally time to start the journey of Xingchenhai.

“Set off!”

When the applause stopped, Liu Yuan waved his hand, and the team of 30,000 people began to board the spacecraft in an orderly manner.

“Boss, we’re leaving!”

Li Chun, Jiang Wannian, Wang Wei, Sun Zilong, and Zheng Yuan came to Liu Yuan in unison. The five of them will be responsible for this interstellar trip and form a five-person management team. Five people vote to decide.

Li Chun and Jiang Wannian are older and more stable in their work, while Zheng Yuan, Wang Wei, and Sun Zilong are very young and more aggressive in their work. Such a combination was decided after full consideration.

“Well, it’s smooth sailing.”

Liu Yuan nodded and watched the five people disappear into the sky outside the base in the aircraft.

In the outer space of Mars, spaceships and aircraft constantly fly out from Mars, like a swarm of bees coming out of their nests, forming a mighty torrent. When seen from a distance, it seems to be countless popular. .

On the Zhengtu spacecraft, there are take-off and landing platforms dedicated to parking small spacecraft and aircraft. Here, aircraft and spacecraft continue to land here, and teams of soldiers, scientists, engineers, etc. are also in order. Get into the spaceship quickly.

At the control and command center of the spacecraft, Li Chun, Jiang Wannian, Wang Wei, Sun Zilong, and Zheng Yuan came to the control and command center.

“Zhengtu follow the instructions!”

The captain of the Journey, Shi Kai came to Li Chun’s side and asked for instructions.

The five-person command team has Li Chun as the core, and usually listens to Li Chun, and the key matters need to be dealt with by five people.

“Set off!”

Li Chun decisively ordered.


Shi Kai quickly replied, and then gave the order: “Let’s go!”

Following Shi Kai’s order, all the personnel had already boarded the ship, and the huge Zhengtu spacecraft was finally about to start.

“Start the self-test procedure!”

“The power system is normal!”

“The communication system is normal!” “Energy 100%, normal!”

“The radar system is normal!”

“The engine is warming up!”

Here in the control and command hall, with the sound of one after another, the huge central display here, the huge screen continuously displays one system and data, and at the same time, the screen is also constantly playing the pictures of various parts of the spacecraft.

With the start of the powerful anti-gravity engine system, the spacecraft began to tremble slightly, and then began to slowly leave the berth of the parked spacecraft factory.

At first, its speed was relatively slow, but gradually, its speed became faster and faster, gradually leaving the outer space of Mars and flying towards the direction and area of the outer solar system.

“Immediately hide the traces of the Journey spacecraft!”

When the journey spacecraft began to leave the space factory, Liu Yuan, who had been monitoring the journey at the Mars 3 base, also gave orders to the inheritance seeds.

Now, there are not only the Xinghai Technology Space Factory and Mars base on Mars, but also many probes and satellites launched by countries around the world.

These probes, satellites, etc. are monitoring every move on Mars at all times. Of course, the most important thing is to monitor the activities of Xinghai Technology on Mars.

For this reason, Xinghai Technology often deliberately damages these satellites, monitors, etc. in various ways, such as launching a small piece of debris to destroy satellites and detectors.

In this way, on the Mars side, it can be more free, and the province will be monitored by others, but the probes and satellites on the Mars side are easy to destroy, and people can not find anything.

However, there are also a large number of detectors, telescopes and the like on the earth side monitoring the Mars side in real time. A spacecraft as large as the Journey must not be able to escape the eyes of the earth side.

So I still want to use the inheritance seed. It has a variety of powerful technologies that can easily block everything on the Mars side, making people unknowing.


Inheritance Seed hurriedly replied, only to see an invisible wave enveloped Mars, concealing everything on Mars, so that the Zhengtu spacecraft could leave silently.


On the Zhengtu spacecraft, with the promotion of the second-generation stellar-level antigravity engine, the speed of the spacecraft is getting faster and faster, and it is getting farther and farther from Mars.

After leaving Mars for a few million kilometers.

“Start the fusion thruster!”

With Shi Kai’s order, the nuclear fusion reactor was ignited on the Zhengtu spacecraft, and extremely powerful energy began to emerge continuously.

Then, under the control of a powerful magnetic restraint device, this terrifyingly powerful energy spewed out from the tail of the spacecraft.

The blazing white and dazzling terrifying energy is like the eruption of the stellar corona, instantly pulling out a tail flame that is tens of thousands of meters long in the void.

The blazing white and dazzling terrifying energy makes the icy void of the universe begin to heat up rapidly. The void is full of high-energy particles, and the particle flow gathers together and spreads in all directions.

The long tail is continuously elongated, from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of meters. From the blazing white at the exit to the tail gradually turning red, the Journey looks like a comet with a long tail.

At the same time, under the impetus of this terrifying energy, the speed of the Journey began to soar rapidly, and the speed became faster and faster, so that everyone on the Zhengtu spacecraft was under pressure at this moment. On the space chair, under tremendous pressure. ..

Not good. This pressure lasts for a short time. As the speed of the spacecraft reaches a certain level, the acceleration becomes gentle, and the acceleration becomes smaller and smaller. At the end, the engines on the spacecraft begin to gradually shut down. Fly in the void with inertia.

“The speed is 350 kilometers per second, and it is expected to reach the warp flight area in 2 days.”

Shi Kai came to Li Chun’s side and reported the situation of the spacecraft to Li Chun.

“Well, as planned!”

Li Chun nodded and ordered, and then he looked at the vast starry sky outside. In the dark starry sky, there were many stars. Every star was a star like the sun, and such stars in the entire interstellar universe were not counted at all. In fact, many areas seem to be pitch-dark when you look at them with the naked eye, with nothing at all.

But if you look at it with a telescope, you will find that this area is bright and bright, with a large number of stars twinkling.

Some places are too far from the earth, and the stars are already very dim when they come over. Some stars look bright, but they may not exist anymore, because the stars and sights I see now are unknown. A scene from many years ago.

The universe is so vast, even at the speed of light, it is still very slow, very slow!

“Ross Galaxy!”

“It’s about 3 parsecs away from us, about 10 light-years away!”

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