The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 67

Chapter 67 10S Of Billions Of Investment

In the office of Wang Junhua, the second-in-command of Ningcheng County, he was looking at the map of Ningcheng County and fell into deep thought.

Ningcheng is a remote mountainous area, and development has always been difficult. It is mainly based on agriculture and has no industry. Ningcheng has neither special resources nor special policies. It is a typical mountainous county. Most of the young people are migrant workers, and it is really difficult to develop.

“Good news, good news, great news!”

At this time, Li Yongliang, who was in charge of attracting investment in the county, walked in excitedly, and even forgot to knock on the door.

“What’s the matter, see how happy you are.”

Wang Junhua looked at Li Yongliang and asked with a smile.

“Just now I received a call from Pengcheng. There is a company called Xinghai Technology. They even said that they want to come to our Ningcheng to investigate and invest. They want to invest in the establishment of industrial parks and factories on our side.”

Li Yongliang quickly reported to Wang Junhua.

“Xinghai Technology?”

“I’ve never heard of it.”

When Wang Junhua heard this, he thought about it and said.

“I haven’t heard of it, but I have already investigated Xinghai Technology. They are mainly biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies, which are high-tech companies. At present, they mainly produce and sell weight loss products, which are very popular now. Genetic weight loss products are what they produce and sell.”

“The most important thing is that they said they would invest more than 10 billion in our Ningcheng!”

“Ten billion!”

Li Yongliang clenched his fists in excitement.

This is simply a pie in the world.

Even a place like Ningcheng could attract a major investment of more than 10 billion yuan.

In the past, being able to bring in an investment of tens of millions was considered a major event, but now it has directly dropped an investment of tens of billions. When the whole person receives the news, he is dizzy and can’t believe it at all. .

After repeatedly contacting the people from Xinghai Technology and confirming it again and again, he was excited to report the matter to Wang Junhua.

“Ten billion?”

“Did you hear it wrong?”

As soon as Wang Junhua heard it, he immediately thought that he had heard it wrong, and thought about it and asked.

He knew too well what Ningcheng County was. In this poor and remote area, how could someone say that tens of billions of funds were poured into this place, and they might lose money to his grandma’s house at that time.

“I have repeatedly confirmed this with them, and it is indeed tens of billions.”

Li Yongliang said again with great certainty.

“Is it really an investment of tens of billions?”

Wang Junhua got a positive answer, and he was dumbfounded. He couldn’t believe it. How could such a big pie fall into a place like Ningcheng?

“Do they have any demands?”

Wang Junhua thought about it and asked.

Generally, for such a large investment, these large enterprises will put forward some requirements. It is necessary to know that the investment of tens of billions of dollars falls in one place, and the economy that can be driven may be hundreds of billions of dollars. If it is an industrial type, after investing in and building a factory, this It can also drive the development of related industries in the future.

Therefore, in order to attract investment, all localities will try their best to meet some of the requirements put forward by these enterprises for major investments.

“Xinghai Technology said that their request is very simple, that is, they hope to obtain a large area of land. They said that they will build a large base in Ningcheng in the future, not only for biopharmaceuticals, but also in the future. It may enter the field of electronics and aviation, so it needs a larger land.”

Li Yongliang expressed the requirements of Xinghai Technology.

“Just this request?”

When Wang Junhua heard this, he was dumbfounded again. It was a bit unusual for such a good opportunity to only make such a request.

“Could they be liars?”

Wang Junhua guessed.

“This shouldn’t be the case, right?” Li Yongliang said after thinking for a while.

“Well, no matter what, first report the matter to Lao Chen, and then hold a meeting for everyone to discuss.”

Wang Junhua thought about it carefully and made an arrangement.

A few days later.

A Rolls-Royce was led by several Benbens to Ningcheng County.

“It’s really not a good choice to invest and build a factory in such a place.”

“And it’s also a one-time investment of tens of billions to come here. In this mountainous area, it is not easy to find a larger piece of flat land.”

In the car, Lu Yong carefully looked at the map of Ningcheng County, shaking his head while looking at it.

There is nothing worth investing in such a mountainous area, which is Liu Yuan’s request, otherwise Lu Yong would never have come to invest here.

“Mr. Lu, it’s already here~”

Liang Xiaoying, Lu Yong’s secretary, looked outside, and there were banners hanging in Ningcheng County everywhere.

Warmly welcome Xinghai Technology to come to Ningcheng for inspection and investment!

The people of Ningcheng welcome the leaders of Xinghai Technology to visit and invest!

Banners and slogans like this can be seen everywhere. At the same time, the leadership team of Ningcheng County has also been dispatched to welcome Lu Yong’s arrival. Even the city has received news that the mayor has come here in person.

“Welcome, welcome~ warm welcome!”

In order to welcome Xinghai Technology and others, Ningcheng County also spent a lot of thought. Not only did they receive a high-level reception, but when Lu Yong got out of the car, a large number of children were shouting with flowers.

Lu Yong was slightly taken aback when he saw the big battle in front of him. To be honest, this was the first time he had enjoyed such a high-level reception. Seeing the group of officials and lords in front of him came to greet him, he was also a little commoner. Very apprehensive.

“Mr. Lu, this is our city’s second-in-command, this is our county’s number one Chen Youtang, and this is our county’s second-in-command Wang Junkai~”

When Lu Yong got out of the car, Li Yongliang, who was in charge of the reception, also quickly introduced him, and Liang Xiaoying also started to introduce the main person in charge of Xinghai Technology.

Soon, the two parties moved to the official conference room and began to discuss this investment.

After a pleasant negotiation, Duan Ming, Chen Youtang, Wang Junkai and the others also received repeated confirmation from Lu Yong that Xinghai Technology really intends to invest more than 10 billion yuan in Ningcheng to build a super-large industrial park. In the future It’s not just about setting up pharmaceutical production lines here.

In the future, after Xinghai Technology develops into the fields of electronics and aviation, it will also establish a production base here accordingly.

“Mr. Lu, with all due respect, I don’t quite understand why you, Xinghai Technology, are interested in places like our Ningcheng?”

Chen Youtang, as the leader of Ningcheng, has repeatedly confirmed that Xinghai Technology is indeed interested in investing in Ningcheng, and it will definitely exceed 10 billion.

He was also very suspicious.

“You’ll find out later.”

“Our company’s request is very simple, that is, we hope to obtain a large area of land as much as possible, and it is best to be able to achieve the most basic five connections and one leveling. In this way, our company can also be quickly established. The plant will be put into production as soon as possible.”

Lu Yong smiled and bought a pass first. Of course, this was also explained by Liu Yuan. Some things are not convenient for everyone to know now, and it would be more appropriate to disclose them later.

“Please rest assured, as long as your funds can be put in place, we will immediately follow your company’s requirements and do all the work well.”

Chen Youtang was the first to make a statement.

“That’s good. I am also the first to express my position. We will first register a branch in your land, and the funds will be transferred in full on the day of registration. It is absolutely sincere to invest in your county.”

When Lu Yong heard this, he made a very serious and serious statement.

It is only tens of billions of funds. For the current Xinghai Technology, it is nothing at all. The funds in the company’s account are very sufficient, and they are still growing at a terrifying speed.


Duan Ming, Chen Youtang, Wang Junhua and others were immediately excited when they heard it.

This investment attraction is definitely the easiest one ever to discuss. The key is to invest a huge investment of tens of billions of dollars at one time, and to introduce high-tech enterprises. After this, many industries can be derived. The proposed The requirement is easy to do, and it is not an excessive requirement.

This is a proper achievement that fell on his head. As long as the golden phoenix of Xinghai Technology falls to Ning Cheng, there is no need to worry about Ning Cheng’s development in the future, nor will their political achievements.

Soon, the news that Xinghai Technology would invest 10 billion to build a high-tech industrial park in Ningcheng spread rapidly in Ningcheng.

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