The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 90

Chapter 90 Building A Rocket Is Much Easier

“How is our company’s sales now?”

In Liu Yuan’s office, everyone else had already left, and they were busy, leaving only Lu Yong and Tang Xiaohui.

Just after boasting about Haikou himself, Liu Yuan also hurriedly asked about the situation on the company’s books.

The next step is to wantonly lose the family, and naturally, first of all, you have to take a look at your own family.

“Very good sales!”

“Our first phase of the plant is already in production, and our production capacity has increased significantly.”

“At present, for genetic weight-loss products alone, our monthly sales have exceeded 100 billion, and the sales of Kecarin and AIDS vaccines are also quite good. Sales have exceeded 10 billion.”

Lu Yong also reported the sales to Liu Yuan.

Genetic diet pills are popular all over the world, and sales are booming. Now the production capacity can keep up, and the sales are starting to explode. The monthly sales exceed 100 billion, which is an extremely terrifying figure.

This means that the annual sales will exceed one trillion!

Even if such sales are put into the world, it can enter the ranks of the world’s top companies.

The key is that the profit margin is very high!

With sales of trillions of dollars, coupled with ultra-high profit margins, I am afraid that few companies in the world can be like Xinghai Technology.

There are also kecarin and AIDS vaccines that have begun to exert force.

Keailing is a medicine for the treatment of cancer. All cancers can be treated. As soon as it was launched, the orders continued and the sales were hot.

As for the AIDS vaccine, this sales is also very popular, but because its price is relatively expensive and it is not a necessity, it is not as good as the sales of Keailing.

“Okay, just have money!”

When Liu Yuan heard this, he immediately nodded with satisfaction.

The next step is a big, big loser.

The construction and construction of the research institute requires a huge amount of money, and it is not known how much money will be invested in the construction of various laboratories.

Needless to say about the research on chips, the next step is to recruit people on a large scale, recruiting talents in various fields and disciplines, building related laboratories, purchasing equipment, etc., all of which will cost money.

On the other side of Xinghai Aerospace, it is a bottomless pit to build an aerospace base and an aerospace industrial park.

Thinking of this, Liu Yuan felt that his money was still not enough to spend, the big ones were not enough.


“You can take it easy. Although this money comes fast, at the speed of your spending, this money is also spent like running water. Can you take it slowly?”

Tang Xiaohui looked at Liu Yuan and said bitterly.

She’s not a good housekeeper.

Liu Yuan is a real loser.

Compared with Liu Yuan’s next plan, the tens of billions of capital invested in Ningcheng County can only be regarded as a drizzle.

The investment in scientific research is really bottomless. When recruiting a talent, Liu Yuan casually offers an annual salary of one million, and even one hundred million cannot recruit a few people.

The key is that there are scientific research funds, laboratory equipment, etc. There are many things you can’t see, but they are like bottomless pits. No matter how much money is thrown in, there will be no sound.

This is also the reason why domestic enterprises are very stingy in their investment in this area. With this money, it is better to invest in buying land and buildings as quickly as possible. If this casually rises, the value will turn over.

“Haha, money is money when it’s spent.”

When Liu Yuan heard this, he smiled and replied.

It’s definitely impossible to take it easy. You can’t sleep well without spending money.

Liu Yuan is very busy right now.

In the morning, the chip manufacturing meeting was over, and in the afternoon, I came to Longlin Town to inspect the Xinghai Aerospace Base and Xinghai Aerospace Industrial Base, which are under construction day and night.

Compared with Longtou Town, the geographical location of Longlin Town is more remote, and most of them are mountainous areas. Only a few places are relatively flat, and now they are all given to Xinghai Aerospace.

Standing on a hillside of the Xinghai Space Base, Liu Yuan overlooks the entire Xinghai Space Base.

Under the huge capital trend, the entire area has become a busy construction site, with thousands of workers and a large number of machines constantly busy.

“Chairman, according to our current construction progress, the Xinghai Aerospace Base can basically be built by June. As for the aerospace industry base, it will take longer.” Tang Pengxiang, the person in charge of Xinghai Aerospace Liu Yuan reported on the progress of Xinghai Aerospace.

Tang Peng was also hired by Liu Yuan from his alma mater. He is an expert on rockets and aerodynamics. He also brought many of his students along.

In addition to the high salary package offered by Liu Yuan, what is more important is the huge research funding promised by Liu Yuan and enough freedom for his research.


“This matter can be done with money, so be willing to spend it.”

“Has an astronaut recruitment and training plan been developed?”

Liu Yuan nodded slightly, and then asked about the astronaut recruitment and training plan.

Doing rockets and launching satellites is not what Liu Yuan wants to play. It can only be said that it is for the researchers and scientists under him to practice his hands first, as a team experience.

What Liu Yuan has to do is much more than that. In the future, he will build his own space station, land on the moon, Mars, etc., and even mine on the moon and Mars.

Therefore, we must train our own astronauts and build our own space talents.

“We have already formulated it and contacted some pilots, but everyone is currently skeptical of our strength and feels that we do not have the strength to send people into space and are unwilling to take risks.”

Tang Peng thought for a while and replied.

“You can’t blame them either. Manned spaceflight is indeed very technology-intensive and full of dangers.”

“Until we don’t successfully launch a rocket into space, I think everyone will doubt our strength.”

Liu Yuan nodded after thinking about it.

If you change it to yourself, I am afraid that you will not come to Xinghai Aerospace. A company that has just been established, you actually said that you want to train astronauts by yourself and send people into space. Isn’t this a trick.

Experts like Musk have been playing with rockets for several years. I don’t know how many times they fell, and then they gradually became familiar with this technology.

Xinghai Technology, even if it has a talented scientist like Liu Yuan, to be honest, everyone is not very optimistic. Even if it can succeed in the future, it will be a few years later.

Now who dares to send their life to you, it is impossible to give more money.

“We will strive to carry out the first rocket launch experiment at the end of the year and strive for a success. At that time, we can prove our strength to the world.”

Liu Yuan thought for a while and said.

“The first rocket launch at the end of the year?”

Tang Peng was dumbfounded when he heard it.

“Is this too fast?”


“I don’t think so. The rocket is not too difficult, and we already have mature technology and equipment in China for many things, and we can also find comparable companies.”

“Experiment more, don’t be afraid of failure!”

Liu Yuan said with a smile.

To be honest, the technology of building rockets is not difficult, at least in Liu Yuan’s view, it is not difficult, very simple.

It is much easier to build a rocket than to build a chip.

Now not only the country has mastered the technology, but even private enterprises dare to play rockets. Not only Musk, but also private rockets in China.

Although the previous launch has failed several times, it can also be shown that the difficulty and investment of building a rocket is not too big, as long as you have money, you can basically play it.

It is really difficult to use the rocket repeatedly to greatly reduce the cost of rocket launch. This technology is very difficult, and it also has great commercial value.

Liu Yuan built rockets naturally to sharpen the team, and he didn’t expect to use rockets to launch people into space in the future, which would be too expensive.

A rocket cost tens of millions casually, even if it can be used repeatedly, the cost is still very high.

Some of the inheritance seeds are advanced aerospace technology, anti-gravity technology, optical and magnetic traction technology, all of which are very practical technologies, and are truly practical technologies in the interstellar era.

With rockets, that is the technology of the civilization of the parent star.

It is obviously possible to launch satellites and send a few people into space.

However, it is simply impossible to send materials, equipment, personnel, etc. into space on a large scale, because the cost is too high, even a country cannot bear it for a long time.

What’s more, it is also limited by the size and volume of the rocket, which is not practical at all in the era of the interstellar universe.

PS: Ask for tickets, ask for collections, and I will start charging tomorrow~~

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