The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 2689 Inevitable Battle

Chapter 2689  Inevitable Battle

Days later, Minos continued to lead his crew through the central region of the Violent Sea, traveling at full speed towards the west.

Ever since they had set off from the island, they had been working hard to escape of the enemy pursuing them. Now, almost a month since the end of their seclusion and their departure from the island, the group was not calm, but more tense.

While they escaped daily from threats related to the mighty tyrant of the seas, the group knew they were being pursued.

Minos felt it. Now they were escaping from the level 120 shark that had almost reached them years ago, who now would not be so easy to deceive. Even using the same skill he had used right after absorbing the Nautilus' Compass to escape the creature in the past, he wasn't getting the same result this time.

As the days passed, Minos became more and more serious, looking into the future and frowning, an even worse sign for his companions, who knew how challenging his visions must be.


Opening his eyes this afternoon, Minos looked out the window of one of the ship's cabins and saw the horizon, keeping an eye on this hazy area with strong hot winds.

"Are we still being chased?" Abby, standing next to him, asked when she saw the complicated look on her husband's face.

"Yes, the same creature as before, a level 120 shark. He's got something new since the time we fool him. It's allowing him to get closer to us, even with all my efforts."

Minos' voice stirred one of Abby's fears, making her go pale. For some reason, when she revived the dead, parts of their worries temporarily became parts of her fears.

"The Sea Serpent can reach us?" she asked with a tremulous tone.

He clenched his fists as he stood up, seeing his newest skills at work, showing him his options ahead, what would give him the best chance, and what would be the most dangerous choice.

He answered her after a minute, "Not if I move. The Sea Serpent didn't see us up close, unlike that shark. If we get rid of the shark, maybe we can escape once and for all."

"Get rid of a level 120 Supreme?" Abby widened her eyes at Minos' audacity. "Are you crazy? What are you planning?" She reached forward to grab one of his wrists.

"I'll act alongside Walkas and Wenni against that shark. It's the best way." Minos said, while his women, even those far from him at the moment, felt sudden shivers run through their bodies.

"Do you want to die?"

He looked into Abby's eyes and smiled at her. "Don't worry, that shark won't kill me. But maybe the Sea Serpent will, so we have to get rid of the level 120 shark, whatever it takes."

She knew exactly what he had in mind to use against the shark, but it would put him in a very bad position. "You can't be considering this."

Leaving the place where he was atoning for the future and going to the bow of the ship, Minos replied dryly. "I've used everything in my power to throw him off. Now there's only one option left, otherwise, we're going to wait until we meet the Sea Serpent."

The second possibility would mean certain death for the entire crew, something Minos could not allow!

He looked at Tiolos and the other Supremes standing by on the ship and said, "Get ready, tonight I'm going to leave the ship and battle our pursuer!"

The Supremes felt as if Minos' words were electric arrows striking their bodies, sensing the challenge they had been trying to avoid coming at them full force.

"A-Are you sure about this?" Tiolos asked soberly.

"Hmm, I'll go with the two Supreme corpses and you must keep the ship in one piece while I'm fighting. I'll try to be brief, so be ready to leave with everything after my departure."

Diret also heard Minos' words and nodded in agreement. This sea wasn't easy. They had made good time on the Nautilus' Compass, but finally the level of danger typical of these waters had caught up with their crew. Aware that they wouldn't escape without a good fight, the ship's captain simply indicated his position, prepared for the challenges ahead.

"You will wait for me 100 kilometers to the southwest after I leave the ship. At that point, stop and wait for me." Minos looked at the other men in the vicinity until his eyes landed on Ruth and Gloria. "Be prepared to fight in my absence."

The two swallowed their saliva, but agreed to remain vigilant and prepared for the hasty departure they would have after his return.

They obviously believed that he would be able to return!

With that settled, Minos didn't want to delay the situation any longer, floating above the ship, he summoned two corpses from their black urns.

"I see we have problems to solve." Walkas opened his eyes and readily identified Minos' concern, noticing the tension in the crew's eyes.

"Who's the enemy?" Wenni asked.

"You'll find out in a moment. Anyway, your role won't be to fight. Your value lies in your memories and I'm afraid it would be foolish of me to risk that today. So I hope you can lend me your strength."

Neither of them understood exactly what he wanted, but they agreed. Their role was to do everything in their power to help him get to Uzira, so whatever he demanded of them, they would try to accomplish.

The two followed Minos as he flew in the opposite direction of the ship, while the white-haired man left his human form behind, revealing a massive dragon body, with six beautiful, grandiose wings, silver scales and completely golden eyes.

Minos didn't hesitate to raise his aura to the maximum, drawing the attention of the level 120 shark by showing something similar to what he had previously shown, before his successful escape years ago.

However, what Minos showed wasn't exactly the spiritual fluctuation of the Nautilus' Compass, so others looking for him nearby wouldn't notice it, only the grandiose level 120 shark.

The creature shifted its gaze from the approaching ship to the sky, just before moving to the surface and looking directly at Minos.

"Congratulations, Voidfin, you have reached the end of your journey."

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