The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 16: For help

On the islands of Cape Breton and Amerigo, both Governors Garland and Tara can't stand it, and the boys on the two islands can't stand it ...

why? The labor involved in cutting and digging the roots is too high, and the efficiency is very low. After all, there are a total of 400 young men on the two islands. They are not professional lumberjacks. Although they have some strength, they can't master the rhythm well, and they don't know the skills of logging. Therefore, some people often cut trees and grind out many blisters, which hurt when touched.

Moreover, there has been no one to develop here for thousands of years, there are too many towering trees, and they are very dense. On average, there are hundreds of towering trees tens of meters high on each acre of land.

But the boys on the two islands have 200 people on each island, but dozens of them are fishermen and need to go fishing. Therefore, there were only about 170 people left for logging in the end.

Cut down dozens of meters of towering big trees, and then pick out the oak to the side. It is also necessary to dig out the huge roots of the roots that are intertwined ... it is a very heavy physical exercise ...

Finally, according to statistics, on two islands, the logging team of about 170 people on each island can only cut down dozens of towering trees on average (including digging out roots and removing trees). In this way, it takes about a week to complete an acre of vacant land. And now until the end of the year, there are only more than 20 weeks. With these people, only more than 20 acres of arable land can be reclaimed ... This is far from the Marlin plan ...

And, in the process of cutting down large trees, because of improper use, young immigrants cut a lot of axes and broke a lot of saws ...

Even worse, this immigration did not bring a blacksmith, nor a blacksmith stove and spare iron to repair these logging tools ...

After a month, the logging axe and saw in two places were mostly scrapped, and they could not be repaired ...

Tara couldn't stand it first. He took a boat that was left to spare and went to Cape Breton Island in Garland to find Garland to discuss countermeasures. The negotiable result is that the two have no choice.

In desperation, the two had to go back to Europe and ask Marin for help from one of them ...

Then, as a representative, Garland took a boat and left (Canada) Sydney (still called this name, Marin was too lazy to change it), followed the warm current of the North Atlantic and returned to Europe ...

Because of the smooth wind and water, it was different from the time it took two or three months when it came, so it only took more than a month to go back ...

Seeing Garland coming back, Marin was also surprised, thinking that the colony was served by the Indians. When he heard Garland's complaint, Marin also raised his mouth in surprise:

"What? You said cutting trees is a big problem?" Marin thought he had something wrong with his ears. He had anticipated a lot of troubles, but he hadn't thought that logging would be the biggest trouble for reclamation ...

"Yes, Master, you do n’t know, there are dozens of meters tall towering trees everywhere on the wilderness continent, just take one to Europe, it is rare. But there, it is everywhere. Such a big The tree has a wide trunk and is not easy to cut. Even if it is cut down, it is difficult to move. Generally, it takes dozens of strong men to carry it together, so that it can be slowly moved away ... The more difficult is to dig those towering big trees The roots of the trees, the old roots of tens of meters square, are intertwined, huge, and it is very troublesome to dig. It takes no less effort than cutting and lifting trees ... "

"Uh, it seems like this ..." Marin suddenly remembered that this was in ancient times, not the modern times he lived in before. Modern people are logging, using a chainsaw or a chainsaw to "click" and cut down the big tree in a while. The trunk is also very easy to cut and decompose, and then directly loaded into a big truck and transported away ... As for the roots, excavators ... Lan Xiang technician ... a while ...

But this is ancient. Cutting trees, transporting trees, and digging roots are all very labor-intensive. It is like the trunk of a towering tens of meters high. Modern times can be easily lifted with a crane, but in ancient times, it required dozens of people to lift together. If the moving distance is too far, it is estimated that it will take a long time ...

If you saw this huge tree trunk into several sections with a saw, it would be easy to carry it. However, in order to obtain the wood for shipbuilding, Marin prohibits the division of the whole oak trunk and removes it as a whole, which undoubtedly greatly increases the labor ...

Speaking of it, Marin was also anxious. As soon as I arrived in the colony, I thought about shipbuilding before I had a firm foothold, but he still knew the truth of "too big a step is easy to get eggs" ...

So, Marin thought about it and made up his mind:

"Well, Garland, you go back this time and tell everyone that the next time you encounter oak, you do n’t need to keep it as a whole, just like other numbers, saw it into several segments and move it away ... within this year, you do n’t need to Consider keeping the whole oak. When you have a firm foothold on the island, do n’t rush to cultivate the farmland, and then slowly pay attention to felling the oak and keep the storage ... In addition, do n’t give up the storage that was kept before, continue to store Let it dry ... "

"Yes! Thank you, Master, for your understanding!" Garland is very happy, and does not need to move dozens of meters of oak logs whole plant, it can indeed save a lot of energy. After all, tens of meters of oak logs cannot be loaded by bullock carts, but can only be lifted manually, and it takes dozens of people to spend a long time to reach the designated location.

"Well, also, anyway, you are all reclamation by the Danshui River. So, you do n’t have to deliberately pursue Tian Kui ’s planing, first logging along the river. In this way, when logging, directly push the big tree down on the river. Let the big tree run along with the river. Of course, you do n’t want this wood anymore. Instead, you control the logs floating in the river, and then find time to concentrate on dragging somewhere, and use the effortless pulley to lift ashore ... "

"Master, what is a moving pulley?"

"Uh ..." Marin suddenly remembered that Garland was a semi-illiterate. He used to be a serf boy. He had never been to school. After he became his own servant, he read a few books with Schwartz. The character level is equivalent to the standard of the third or fourth grade of elementary school. If you know the moving pulley, it will be strange ...

However, it is necessary to use mechanical force to lift and transport the tens of meters long logs. In this era, there were no cranes or excavators. Then, moving the pulley is the best option for saving effort. With the effort-saving lever, it is absolutely easy to lift heavy objects.

"Also, Master, we are cutting trees over there, because everyone is not familiar with logging techniques, many axes have been cut down, and many saws have been broken ..."

"Uh ... well, I'm going to recruit a group of professional lumberjacks to guide you ... As for the axe and saw, this time I will make a batch of high carbon steel for you ..."

Before, the tools that Marin asked immigrants to buy were all collected and collected from the private sector. They were all produced by private blacksmith shops. They were probably wrought iron obtained by the "block smelting method" and were not strong enough. It is indeed easy to break down so many big trees. The high-carbon steel is high-strength and very wear-resistant. It is used to make axes and saws, which is absolutely more durable.

Another thing is that Marin decided to select some experienced dock workers who know how to use pulleys to unload dock cargo, and go there, instruct young immigrants to use movable pulleys and talk about the logs hanging in the water ...

Cut the tree directly by the river, push the trunk directly into the river, and then drag it to the designated location, it is much easier than carrying the trunk on the land. At the designated location, it is much easier to lift the tree trunk with a moving pulley. In short, science is power ...

The trees along the river are much better to handle than the big trees away from the river. After the trees have been disposed of, vacant land can be vacated to be cultivated.

It's not difficult to reclaim wasteland, just pull the Quyuan plow with a cow to turn the land again. Marin has more cattle now, but it ’s a big deal to ship and ship more in the past.

Moreover, it is very convenient to irrigate the cultivated land on the riverside. If it is far away from the river, it will take labor to dig irrigation channels ...

In addition, Garland also brought back bad news-there are bears on Cape Breton Island ...

What's special, the bear is a ferocious animal, and the tiger has to counsel him when he sees it. If you accidentally provoke them, it will be dead ...

It's no wonder that bears are originally animals that can swim, and are still masters of fishing. There is only a narrow strait between Cape Breton Island and the North American continent, and the bears can swim on the island and then perch here. And the island of Amerigo (Nantucket) is relatively far from the land, but there is no such fierce animal ...

Malin didn't want his immigrants to be hurt by the bears, so he decided to recruit a group of experienced hunters, and brought the Muskete musket to concentrate on hunting the bears on Cape Breton Island and saw one killing one ... …

In the face of human safety, Marin believes that the dog's life is not worth mentioning. Even if an extinct dinosaur appeared, Marin would kill without hesitation if he dared to hurt someone. Even if you want to protect animals, Marin will only choose to protect meek animals like giant pandas. Any animal that threatens human life, as long as it crosses the border, and people rob the living space, it is **** ...

Even in his previous life, Marin felt that the brains of those fanatical animal protectors who tried to protect the beast venomous snake were abnormal. Animals that threaten human life, such as tigers, lions, and snakes, can be protected if they are protected. They should be kept in zoos for protection, rather than letting people live in the wild. Some people strongly stress that animals' living habits should be respected and they can live freely in nature. However, for the lives of those killed by jackals, tigers, leopards and poisonous snakes, who will pay for their deaths? Marin believes that those wild animal protectors who are too enthusiastic have a human body, but their heads have become animals.

In the natural world, people and animals are inherently a "natural selection" competition relationship. If people want to become the master of the world, they will inevitably violate the interests of other animals. One-sided emphasis on the protection of animals is in fact betrayal of mankind and companionship of beasts.

Of course, it is right to protect rare species. However, those rare beasts, no matter how rare, can not be left to the wild, giving them the opportunity to threaten the safety of human life. To protect them, fenced zoos should be built to separate them from humans. Otherwise, letting them go in the wild is actually irresponsible for human beings. Otherwise, why do you try so hard to maintain animals and fight against people everywhere ...


The hunting of the bears was so happily decided. Malin intends to organize 30 skilled hunters of the strong age to use a matchlock to kill any bears or other beasts on Cape Breton Island. In this way, the safety of immigrants can be fully guaranteed ...

Considering that there are too many trees on the island, Marin arranged a boat and prepared to transport another 400 people to the two islands to help cut trees and reclaim the wasteland. At the same time, these ships will also carry professional lumberjacks who guide you to cut trees skills, experienced dock workers who guide you to use moving pulleys to lift cargo, and 30 hunters organized by Marin ...

Although, the problem in Grenada has not yet exploded. But Marin knew that Grenada must have the same problem. Because, Grenada is also a semi-wild island with dense jungle. It's just that because of the long distance, the difficulties there haven't been returned. In short, developing the new continent is not as easy as Marin thought before, especially to establish the first foothold ...

Now that he had thought of the difficulties that might arise in Grenada, Marin naturally prepared Grenada for the loggers, dock workers, and high-carbon steel axes and saws for Cape Breton Island and Amerigo Island. And ship it over.

Furthermore, Marin gave three islands, each prepared several blacksmiths and a complete set of blacksmith shop equipment and coal, iron materials, so as to repair tools for immigrants and build new agricultural tools and other daily necessities ......

After receiving the necessary support, Garland was also happy to bring some supplies and personnel, and then returned to Cape Breton Island by boat ...

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