The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 200: Mao Mei is here

When Luhan III ... Ab, the Duke of Ludovico occupied the city of Milan, the French on the front were still in the dark. As Marin expected, the French army is waiting for a good harvest on the Lombard Plain. The French army can then mobilize military food from the Principality of Milan. Unfortunately, all this was destroyed by Lu Hansan. It's just that the French didn't know it because of the backwardness of the news.

Meanwhile, Marin promised 10 bronze heavy guns to Gonzalo also sent to Naples. However, this bronze gun is too expensive. A gun weighs more than 1 ton, 10 guns is more than a dozen tons, and it will soon cost 1 ton of silver.

What is the concept of a ton of silver? That's 23,400 gold coins. However, Gonzalo bought his teeth. Although Marin had stated that it could be borrowed, Gonzalo believed that the Spanish army still needed heavy artillery during the battle.

The 10 heavy guns, all of which are 14 pounds caliber, were specially designed for the Spanish by the East Frisian Foundry Factory After the design, the blacksmith was arranged to create the corresponding iron mold. Then, just cast the bronze liquid according to the procedure.

Iron casting cannons are very fast. A set of molds can cast several bronze cannons a day. Ten bronze guns were cast in two days.

As for the artillery style, Marin decided to adopt the French artillery style, adding the ears, but the mountain was not added. Moreover, there is no advanced two-wheel gun mount. After all, Marin is not happy to give the Spanish the best. In Marin's mind, Spain is also his rival for America.

However, even so, the performance of these artillery is enough. Moreover, there is no shortage of artillery who are good at aiming and shooting in the Spanish army. Because, in the Spanish army, also equipped with a lot of artillery, but they are all Fran machine guns. However, the principle of artillery aiming is similar. It is also possible to let those artillery soldiers control the Naxi heavy artillery.

After getting the artillery, Gonzalo asked the artillery to practice using this heavy artillery, while the blacksmith shop stepped up to make iron ball shells. After all, once the war starts, the artillery can't stop bombarding the city gate, and the demand for iron ball shells is great.


At this time, at the port of Kfar, Crimea Khanate, 20 ships of Maomei had already shipped. Arte stood on the bow of the boat and waved warmly to bid farewell to the equally enthusiastic robbers of the Crimean Khanate ...

Said that after Alter was detained in the Dardanelles on the west side of the Turkish Strait, the customs clearance documents he carried were sent to Istanbul.

Turkish Sultan Bayezid II, after comparing the national documents of the Crimean Khanate, discovered that it was indeed an autograph written by his ally Mongoire Khan.

Because of the need to use the army of the Crimean Khanate to suppress the Ross on the prairie of Eastern Europe, Bayezid II was very tolerant of the Crimean Khanate. He himself is also a very inclusive Sudan.

For example, when the Spanish kings expelled the Jews, it was Bayezid II who sent ships to Spain to accept the Jews.

As a discerning monarch, Bayezid II will naturally not offend the Crimean thug. As a result, Bayezid II not only agreed to the clearance of the fleet, but also signed an official customs clearance document representing the Ottoman Turkish Empire. In this way, when the fleet passes through the Turkish Strait, there is no need to produce Crimean Khan ’s customs clearance documents.

However, Bayezid II was not a fool. Although a new customs clearance document was signed, the document also stipulated that the fleet size should not exceed 20 ships. Moreover, it must be accompanied by a Turkish warship and pass the Istanbul Strait, the easternmost section of the Turkish Strait. Moreover, when passing through the fleet, they must sail close to the Asian side and not to the Istanbul side.

This provision also prevents someone from sneaking into the Turkish capital Istanbul. After all, Istanbul City is on the seaside on the European side of the Istanbul Strait.

While passing through the strait, Bayezid II also enthusiastically sent a pilot to guide the fleet to the port of Kfar in Crimea. At the same time, Bayezid II also asked the pilot to bring his letter of condolence to Mongoire Khan.

When the fleet arrived at Kafa Port, they were warmly welcomed by the bearded men of the Crimean Khanate. Although these tatar beards are robber bandits, they are still very polite when facing customers who are willing to help sell stolen goods.

After all, these Crimean robbers may not be able to use what they have stolen. It is a pity that those unusable possessions and slaves are smashed into their own planes. Therefore, the Crimeans need a channel to sell stolen goods, and dispose of unneeded people and stolen goods. Therefore, Kafa Port was born ...

This time offensive to the Principality of Ryazan, the gains were so great that the Crimean Khanate was somewhat unbearable. Not to mention the piles of property, just the population, the Crimean Khanate robbed as many as 40,000 people.

Among them, the young Maomei has a huge population of 20,000 people ...

About half of the other 20,000 people are boys and girls, and the remaining 10,000 are all young men ...

However, in the slave market, the best sellers are young women and boys. Needless to say, young women, those Arabs and men have several women. However, there are not so many women in the Arab region alone. Therefore, buying from the Crimean Khanate has become an important source of women.

And boys are also very popular, because boys under the age of 10 are brought back to train for a few years, brainwashing and martial arts every day. Ten years later, these boys will be trained as elite warriors. This is how the famous Sudanese soldiers came from.

Moreover, not only the Sudan has the habit of cultivating its own soldiers, but those Pashas in Turkey also have the habit of cultivating some such guards. Therefore, in the slave trade in the Crimean Khanate, women and boys are the main players and are the best-selling.

The rest is followed by girls. The reason for this is that it will take several years for girls to grow up. Where are those buyers who want to wait for girls to grow up? It ’s better to buy a ready-made young woman and take it back to vent your desire ... Of course, there are also perverts who like girls, just buy girls and go back to that ...

The best sellers are male slaves, including teenagers. Most of the customers in the Crimean Khanate come from the Arab region, and the most overwhelming people there are taboo males with reproductive ability to invade their homes. Therefore, male slaves are not very popular in the Arab region.

of course there are exceptions. That is, the Arabs like to castrate male slaves before putting them home at ease ...

In the history, after the rise of the Arab Empire, the process of selling slaves began. However, the Arabs were so cruel, they caught black male slaves and castrated them directly. In this way, these male slaves have no possibility of wearing a green hat for Arab men.

Moreover, the African man's character escaped, but after castration, his character became gentle and honest. After all, the body doesn't secrete too many hormones, can it be honest?

During the Tang Dynasty, Arab merchants once sold black slaves to China, known as "Kunlun slaves." These "Kunlun slaves" are basically black men who have been castrated. Because they were castrated, these black slaves were honest and obedient, and they were very popular among the nobles of the Tang Dynasty.

Moreover, the atmosphere of the Tang Dynasty was open, and women were also bold. If these strong "Kunlun slaves" were not castrated, many Tang Chaohao let go of the females, and there might be black cubs left. However, there is obviously no such record in history, the reason is that those Kunlun slaves are basically castrated, and they are also relieved when they are put into the house ...


Alter brought 20 paddle sailboats, all of which were over 200 tons. However, each ship carries up to 120 women. Well, the entire fleet bought 2400 Mao girls at one time.

Crimean people are obviously not happy about this. You know, there are 40,000 people in their slave camps. One trip for 2400 people. And the 40,000 slaves are there, they consume a lot of food every day ...

There is no way for Alter to do this.

Seems to be selling male slaves who are difficult to sell. Officials from the Crimean Khanate told Alter:

"Mr. Alter, would you like to buy some young and strong male slaves to go back? Very capable and cheap ..."

Alter looked at the hairy men covered with chest hair, very unhappy:

"Haji, I have women on board. These women are all shipped back to be wives. You said that I brought these **** together. What if these grandchildren fell asleep on the boat? Let our country's brothers be the pick-up man? "Following Marin for a long time, Art also learned the word" pick-up man "...

"Hey, Master Art, you don't have to worry about it. You're good!" After that, the Crimean official named Haji called for several veterinarians ...

"What are you doing?" Alter was a little unclear.

"Master Alte, aren't you worried that these Ross men will fall asleep on the woman on the ship? Let's solve the problem for you!"

"How to solve it?" Alter was puzzled.

"Of course it is castration! The brothers I have invited are all good at castrating horses, cattle, and sheep. You can rest assured! And these male Ross slaves, we gave them to us. Your meeting! "

Was talking, there were screams from there ...

"Well, well, Master Arte, these men no longer have the ability to harm the **** the ship. However, it will take a few months of rest to work." Haji said lightly, as if Did a trivial thing.

"Ahhhhhh ..." Alter was stunned, and it took him a long time to recover. Looking at the few Ross chested men who were still bleeding, they asked Haji:

"Haji, don't you treat them with wounds? Just deal with them casually?" Alte learned the first aid knowledge from Marin, and naturally knew that the wounds needed disinfection. Even in the fleet, a lot of alcohol and gauze are usually prepared to prevent the sailors from being injured.

"Ah? This ... I don't understand, our veterinarians have always been so rude. Is there anything more about this?"

Alter looked at the few Ross chestmen who were still wailing ~ ~ a little unbearable. So, he returned to the cabin and retrieved the medical alcohol and gauze, and asked the doctor on board to help the tragic chest hairmen treat the wounds below.

Looking at the doctor's movements, Haji was a little strange:

"Master Alt, what are your men doing?"

"Disinfection, if not disinfected, these people have a high probability of dying. And after disinfection, they have a 90% chance of survival!"

"What? Jiucheng?" Haji jumped up. For the Crimean Khanate, this is absolutely a shocking event.

Why do you say that? The men from the Crimean Khanate who captured the Ross States as slaves must have been castrated to be sold. However, in this era, because there was no disinfection measures, and the Crimean Khanate was castrated with the help of barbaric veterinarians. This also led to the castration of Ross male slaves, the chance of survival is only more than half. After all, humans are not as good as cattle ...

That is to say, after the castration of tens of thousands of male slaves captured from Ryazan, only five or six thousand people could survive.

If Alt's method can make the castrated male slaves survive to 90%, it will bring great benefits to the Crimean Khanate. Because, the castrated Maozi male slaves also have a market. If you survive one more person, you have more gold coins ...

Just like this, after learning the disinfection method with Alter ’s doctor on board, Haji let Alter ’s fleet leave ...

20 paddle sailboats loaded with 2400 beautiful hair girls selected by Alter personally, heading all the way west, towards the Strait of Gibraltar ...

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