The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 22: Food for Women Program

Is another golden autumn year of October. From mid to late September, the autumn harvest began in East Friesland. Because of the use of potash fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer, etc., the rye in East Friesland is earlier than other countries.

This year, due to the addition of the 18,000 young men and their families that the Principality of Saxony compensated to Marin, the harvesting manpower is sufficient. Therefore, the progress of the autumn harvest is good.

Furthermore, these 18,000 young people helped Marin to reclaim 35,000 Ugram's arable land from swamps through last year's labor, and rye was planted in spring. In addition, after the spring cultivation, 10,000 new gram of arable land was reclaimed. However, because there is no time to catch up with spring farming, this autumn harvest will naturally be fine.

Today, in the entire East Frisian Lambert, a total of 120,000 eugrams are planted with grain arable land (not counting the 10,000 eugram arable land newly reclaimed from swamps this year). Among them, Marin's nobles and soldiers have a total of 35,000 Ugram land. And Marin himself, monopolized 85,000 Ugram's arable land ...

This is the benefit of Marin's elimination of most of the original nobles of the East Frisian Lambert. In that slaughter, Marin killed most of the original East Frisian nobility. Their farm products were naturally named by Marin. Too. The land of hundreds of nobles was concentrated in Marin's hands. And now is the serf era, the land is basically in the hands of the nobility. Therefore, Marin suddenly owned most of the cultivated land in this small country. Although there were a lot of sub-enclosures, but through the transformation of the swamp, Marin made up for the number of sub-enclosed fields ...

Because the compound fertilizer mixed with manure, grass ash and fish meal was produced in the fertilizer plant, and applied in the field, the yield of rye in East Friesland was very high, reaching the level of 500 pounds per acre. Even oats with lower yields per mu have reached the level of 200 pounds per mu.

Among them, in order to raise horses, Malinte allocated 5,000 Ugram land to grow oats. In this autumn harvest, 5000 Yogram (equivalent to 60,000 mu), a total of 12 million pounds of oats were harvested, allowing thousands of horses in the country to eat oats with their belly open ...

And the rye of 80,000 Ugram (960,000 mu), needless to say, the average mu yield is more than 500 pounds, and the total output reaches 480 million pounds. The 35,000 Ugram arable land of their subordinates also produced 210 million pounds of rye. As usual, they took half of it and asked Marin ’s Chamber of Commerce to help sell it ...

This time, Marin did not need to take food abroad. Because this year, drought occurred in the southern part of Germany, and the grain output plummeted. Marin directly bought the 100 million pounds of grain they bought through the Ems and Rhine rivers, into the inland area, and then transferred to the south ...

Due to famine, the price of rye in the German region rose from 1 fenny per pound to 1.5 fenny per pound, and it was also very profitable to ship to the south. At least, Marin's nobles can earn 1 fenny per pound. So, they made a total of 100 million Finney, which is equivalent to 1.666 million gold coins ...

Among them, Marin's brother Adler earned 100,000 Gulden gold coins. The rest were subordinated to 1000 Yugram's subordinates, and they also made about 50,000 gold coins ...

Now, every autumn harvest, the nobles of the East Frisian Lambert and the soldiers who have been rewarded for arable land will fall into a carnival of wealth and wealth ...

Because they have obtained too much wealth from the cultivated land, the living standards of these nobles and native soldiers have been directly improved by several grades.

Even if they are both barons, and the area of ​​the enclosure is far less than those of foreign countries. However, the barons under Marin's life are extremely surplus.

So, the nobles of East Frisian Lambert did one thing collectively-that is, to expand the castle ...

Yes, the nobles of this era, the castle is their face. If you have money, you will naturally clean up your face. Before Marin gave away to Adler's castle for free, the sister-in-law Liv is now disappointed. Therefore, the usually stingy Liv directly said that to expand a new castle that is 5 times the size of the old castle, the total budget reached 50,000 gold coins ...

Other nobles, also a virtue, continued to expand the castle. This also led to the fact that after the autumn harvest, the stone price of East Frisian directly doubled ...

Marin wanted to recommend cheap and practical reinforced concrete to them, but none of his staff trusted this kind of construction material that he had never seen before. Therefore, they would rather go to Hamburg and Bremen to buy finished stones at a higher price than to use cement ...

In desperation, Marin had to use reinforced concrete for his new palace. Moreover, the expanded Aurich Wall also uses cement and steel ...

Because reinforced concrete is more powerful than the stone fortress, Marin did not build a bastion structure, and directly built the palace wall and Aurich wall in the old style ...

Then, the shock-absorbing carriage became the standard of the nobles in the country ...

It's just that because of improper protection or forgetting to oil, these small nobles' shock-absorbing carriages often need to replace springs ...

Without waterproof paint, the spring is still not durable ...

Suddenly, Marin thought of his backlog of tin blocks imported from the United Kingdom ... It seems that the spring can be hot-plated with tin to form a pair of tin protective films. In this way, the spring will not rust easily. The hot-dip tin-plated steel is also called "tinplate" ...

It's just that Marin thought that although tinplate was rust-proof, it would be rubbed off with tin protective film. Once the tin protective film is broken, the iron inside will quickly oxidize and rust ...

Therefore, the best solution is to apply hot galvanizing liquid to the spring to make it into white iron sheet (galvanized iron sheet), not afraid of rust and corrosion, not afraid of rubbing ...

But the problem is that now Europeans have not found zinc. Even the Ming people have not found zinc. It seems that zinc will not be found until the late Ming Dynasty. It seems that during the Jiajing years, there are still decades before now ...

In fact, zinc is well obtained. Generally speaking, zinc and lead often coexist. Therefore, there are often zinc components in lead mines.

It's just that when smelting, it is all in a high temperature environment of thousands of degrees. Zinc has a bad attribute, that is-the boiling point is only 907 degrees. Above 907 degrees, zinc will become zinc vapor and volatilize ...

However, as long as a curved condenser tube is added to the top of the reduction furnace, zinc vapor will condense and form coarse zinc. Then, after melting and purifying, a refined zinc ingot is formed ...

In other words, just add a condenser tube to the top of the stove. However, for thousands of years, people often smelt lead, but stunned that zinc was not found ...

Once you find a lead mine, most of it contains zinc. At that time, by improving the reduction furnace, you can get zinc ...


Digression, subordinates sold 100 million pounds of rye, and Marin himself, harvested 480 million pounds of rye. Moreover, this year's rye does not have to be consumed. Because, the food harvested last year and the food harvested the year before have not been eaten yet ...

So, after thinking twice, Marin decided to take out 200 million pounds of rye and sell it in Southern Europe ...

It goes without saying that the price of grain has always been high, and the price of rye has been stable at the level of 2 fenny per pound for a long time. The Italian region was originally a rich area rich in grain.

However, because of the Italian War, last year saw the French and Naples killed and killed, seriously affecting food production in the Italian region, and many local farmland was deserted.

Therefore, this year in Italy, there is a severe shortage of food. If large amounts of food are not transferred from outside, many refugees will starve to death.

So, Marin decided to send a boat or charter a boat to ship food to Spain and Italy. With 200 million pounds of grain, the high grain price in southern Europe can probably sell more than 3 million Ducat gold coins.

It ’s just that Spain is okay. In Italy, after the French looted and destroyed, they may not be able to pay so much money to buy ...

So, Marin came up with a brilliant idea-food for women ...

Italy has a large population and many women. Under Marin, there are tens of thousands of bachelors. These **** now have green eyes when they see a woman ... If the laws in East Friesland were not strict, these women would have dared to drag the woman into the grass casually ... After the head of the guy who came, this group of talents came down honestly ...

However, it is not a way to squeeze so much. After all, people are also normal young people and need women. As a ruler, if you do n’t give others a way to kill someone, it ’s a bit inhumane. But Marin can't do anything. Society always wants order. You can't let these bachelors just let them come because they understand ...

As a responsible ruler, in order to solve the problem of too many bachelors in the country, Marin still thought of a way ...

Before, when I saw the Crimean people selling Eastern European hair girls, I planned to buy more. However, at the moment, Marin suddenly discovered that because of the war and famine, there are also many Italian girls ...

Although it is said that Marin went to Italian girls to give young men to the country, it was unfair to Italian men. However, Marin is the leader of East Frisian Lambert, and he does not collect taxes from the Italians. So, Italian (foreign) man I let him die? They do n’t pay me any taxes ... All the leaders with international ideas are big Sabie ...

So, Marin decided to start the "food for women" plan. Use extra food in exchange for a beautiful Italian girl ...

what? You said that food cannot be exchanged for beauties? I want to tell you that during the three years of disasters during the three years of disaster, a bag of rice was able to be exchanged for a wife with a beautiful appearance and a wife ...

Not to mention rice, even sweet potatoes, carrots and other miscellaneous grains can be exchanged for beautiful wives ...

Moreover, the rice was handed in at that time. Even if people have surplus food, they are all sweet potatoes, carrots and other miscellaneous grains ...

If you have stored a lot of miscellaneous grains. Well, congratulations, you will never be a bachelor in those days. As long as you can pick up a load of miscellaneous grains to raise relatives (you need to pick those families who are short of grain), no matter how beautiful they look, you can also get a wife ...

The same reason, during the outbreak of famine in Italy. As long as Marin offered a sack of rye, those poor families would be willing to send their daughters ...

Don't think that this is cruel, in fact, this is a win-win situation. Family members who send their daughters (girls and perhaps brothers and sisters) will survive the disaster year because of this sack of rye. And the daughter arrives in a family that can afford food for women. Although the husband may not be good, at least he will not be hungry and will survive ...

Your daughter is excellent and beautiful? No problem, one sack of rye is not enough, then two sacks ...

In short, in the famine years, there is no problem that a sack of rye cannot solve. If so, then two sacks ...

A sack weighs only 100 pounds. Even if the food in the disaster area is expensive, with 2 fenny a pound, 100 pounds of rye is worth 200 fenny, which is equivalent to 3.33 gold coins. Even two sacks of rye are worth 6.66 gold coins. What's more, 6.66 gold coins can be changed to a beautiful village girl, or a good family, which is much more cost-effective than buying from the Crimean Khanate.

200 million pounds of rye and 2 million sacks. If you take it all for a woman, even a beautiful girl with two sacks of rye, you can change one million ...

Of course, even if Marin wanted to do this, there were not so many girls changing him ...

Therefore, Marin ’s plan is that most of the food will be sold to the Spanish and the rich people in Italy ~ ~ Then, take out a small amount of food and go to the disaster areas of Italy (especially the war-torn Kingdom of Naples ), For 20,000 Italian girls back. The total food needed is between 2 million pounds and 4 million pounds, accounting for only a small portion of 200 million pounds of food.

The reason why needs to change thousands of girls back is to attract immigrants. In the inland areas of Germany, it is normal for those serf families with many boys to have men unable to marry their wives.

Marin has these extra thousands of girls, and can be used as bait to attract those who want to marry his wife and have no money, tempting them to sell their lives for themselves. And for yourself, you reward the beautiful villagers in Italy ...

But thinking about it, Marin suddenly slapped his head-all forgetting the 10,000 recruits in the Teutonic Kingdom. Those people are basically bachelors ...

So, Marin immediately changed the plan. The number of villagers who traded grain for Italian beauty increased from 20,000 to 30,000 ...

As for the problem of imbalance between men and women in Italy, is it about Marin P? He only cares about the soldiers and people who helped him. What do foreigners do with him? Want a wife? Come on, join us, serve me first ...

At the same time, Marin promulgated the decree "No Marriage of Domestic Women" in East Friesland. In order to balance the ratio of men and women in the country, before the balance between men and women in the country, Marin strictly prohibited any family from marrying her daughter outside East Friesland. If violated, the woman ’s parents, brothers and sisters went directly to prison and were reduced to slaves (lower-level existence than serfs and no human rights at all). Even if the nobles want to marry with foreign nobles and want to marry their daughters, they need to get Marlin's special approval. Otherwise, the noble titles and fiefdoms will also be taken away, and the whole family will be deported. The decree takes effect on the same day, after the domestic bachelor disappears, the official will announce the termination of the effect ...

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