The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 30: 1 song made famous

There are many good tunes. In fact, Marin knows many famous tunes. However, that is useless. Because many famous songs are symphonies, Marin can't do it.

Those symphonies require many instruments to be played together. The most important thing is that many musical instruments have not been invented yet ...

You let Marin understand the structure of the guitar, violin, erhu, flute and flute. I want Marin to know how the piano with complicated structure is made. Sorry, he is not a god, so he will not ...

Therefore, even if Marin knew those famous songs, he could not play them. So, the simplest, "Pirates of the Caribbean" soundtrack "He is a Pirate" that can be played with a violin has become Marin's first choice. Because this piece of music is simple and can be played with a simple single instrument.

And the more magnificent "TheMass", Marin could not get it out. Because, he has no symphony orchestra to play. Many musical instruments, not yet ...

Even if he played "Conquer Paradise" when he was sent off for Columbus, Marin was due to lack of musical instruments. When he played, he did not reach the very shocking level of later generations. The effect is at least reduced by half. Of course, even if the effect is reduced by half, it is amazing. After all, this is the beginning of the 16th century, the music level is still very low ...


Before, Marin's performance in the front yard of the palace shocked all the onlookers. Especially those young knights, because, they feel, Marin's performance and soundtrack are really handsome. If they can learn, take it out to pick up girls, they will absolutely be amazed by thousands of beautiful girls ... Although they think Marin ’s actions are too fancy, they have to admit that they are so handsome and attractive ... The knights who played for Marin are basically single. They can definitely learn the skills of picking girls, and they will definitely benefit a lot ...

So, they began to haunt Marin, wondering where the song came from. As for Marlin's handsome action, they can easily remember it, because it is not difficult, as long as he can pretend. However, tunes and musical instruments, such advanced things, they do not understand. So, they need to ask Marin ...

"Well ... It was written by Earl Ben himself ... The name is" He is a Knight "... It describes the journey of Earl Ben just became a knight ..." Marin began to brag about his original life without Bilian Knight time ...

When he was a knight, Marin did have a very happy time, especially when he took Kahn and Kohler to hunt in the Black Forest. At that time, Marin did not have much trouble, and Kahn and Kohler happily hunted in the forest, very happy. That kind of situation fits well with the joyful and excitement in "He’saPirate" ...

These young knights heard me intoxicated. They are also wandering knights, and they clink poorly before they find an employer. Marin, however, can accumulate a few hundred marks of wealth, and can live so happily ... this IQ gap is really incomparable ...

Speaking of excitement, Marin sold Da Vinci in one bite, saying that he was accompanied by Da Vinci ...

So, a group of young knight officers ran to Da Vinci and asked Da Vinci to help them accompany the girls ...

Da Vinci's nose was crooked-Nima's egg, I was a jazz anyway, or a hereditary jazz, no lower than your level. Especially meow, you actually let the old man give you the accompaniment when you pick up girls? Don't take the old man as an onion ...

So, Adayi categorically rejected the request to be an accompaniment ...

So, this group of young knights begging for a girl came to Marin for help, wanting Marin to force Da Vinci to agree. But where does Marin do this? Ada accompanies himself, that should be. Who called Ada mixed with himself? But to accompany this group of kids, it's a bit off ...

Marin thought for a while, and finally said to the group of knights:

"So, Sir Leonardo is also a person of identity, and it is unrealistic to accompany you. However, you can find someone who is good at Qin and learn this tune with him! I can follow you at any time to pick up girls and accompany you. Isn't it all happy? "

"Yeah, why didn't I think of it?" The young knights suddenly realized. Let the hereditary jazz da Vinci accompany them when they are picking up girls, the request is indeed too much. However, looking for someone to learn this song with Leonardo, I will not worry about the accompaniment ...

Anyway, these knights are covered with land, and with the harvest of food, they all have money. So, they began to recruit Qin pull well people as home officials ...

And in this era, Qin played well, and many were bards. So, this group of young people ~ ~ recruited most of the minstrels on the market. Then, this group of bards who were recruited was sent to Leonardo ...

Da Vinci began to be unhappy, but he was also afraid that the roaring young knights would dismantle his old bones. So, da Vinci reluctantly began to teach this group of bards, and taught them notation ...

Fortunately, these troubadours with good performance are all very good at music and learn quickly. So it did n’t take long for the group of bards to learn to play the violin and play "He Is a Knight" with the violin ...

Then, these bards began to follow this group of young knights. During the weekend, they began to wander around the cities of East Friesland and began a matchmaking career ...

The cheerful and beautiful tunes, plus the luxurious silver and white armor, and the cloak embroidered with a black cross on the back, combined with the cool tricks learned from Marin, these young knights of the bag, soon ushered in The girls scream ...

Of course, at the same time, this "Divine Comedy", which is said to have been created by Earl Marin, also quickly spread throughout East Friesland, with a great reputation ...

So, although Marin is not in the rivers and lakes, the rivers and lakes are full of his legend ...

Even some wandering minstrels also took the opportunity to learn this tune, and also imitated the violin, and took this divine song to a place outside East Friesland ...

Now, these bards always like to pull a very nice "He Is a Knight" before bragging and bragging, playing for Marin for a while before they get into the topic. And because the music is so nice, it always attracts many listeners ...

Later, the wandering Gypsies also learned this song and brought it to all parts of Europe, and also made Marin famous throughout Europe ...

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