The Rise of Uchiha Madara

Chapter 1 Fall and Rebirth

In the sky above the Ninja World, a blood moon hangs.It looks so coquettish and weird.

At this time, Liudaoban was hanging high in the air, staring at the blood moon above, his excited pupils continued to expand and contract.

immediately.He took off the forehead protector on top of his head, and opened a blood-colored nine-gou jade reincarnation eye to echo the blood moon in the sky.

"もう时间だ." (It's time)" Seeing his hand seal, "Infinite Moon Reading" (Infinite Monthly Reading)

Swish!The strong white light illuminates the entire ninja world like daytime!

Amidst a burst of ferocious laughter and a strong white light, the entire noisy ninja world was completely quiet.

At this time, the black shadow behind him also moved and walked slowly towards him.

Is it black?It just so happens that I also have something to explain to it.


The black shadow made no unnecessary movements, and quickly drew its hand into Madara's body, making Madara hard to guard against.

"こいつが..." (This guy...) Madara's eyes widened, looking at his impaled body and the black hand, he roared hoarsely.

"Mission はついに做了した, mother." (The task is finally completed, mother) Hei Jue smiled excitedly from his pupilless face.

"どう...して..." (Why... what...) Madara asked Heijue with all her strength.

As Madara's will, Madara is full of absolute trust in Kurojue, but what Madara doesn't know is that Kuroze has always been Kaguya's will, dedicated to resurrecting Kaguya and wandering through most of the ninja world. In the end, Uchiha Madara It's just a pawn to resurrect Kaguya.

As his body continued to expand and his consciousness was continuously occupied, Madara also closed his eyes weakly with regret.

I do not know how long it has been……

"Madara, Madara, Jun どうだった?" (Madara, Madara, how are you doing?) A ninja in red with a whole body pierced stepped forward and asked.

This person is Senju Bashirama, known as the God of Ninjas. Even though his face is completely changed now, he still can't conceal his aura as a king.

"Hashirama? もどは本五に私が悪かったね! じゃあ, ほかの世界で会った." (Hashirama? It seems that I was really wrong! Well, we will meet again in another world.)

I didn't expect that what I got in my whole life was just a mistake. Thinking about it, I feel ironic. Madara opened the eyes of reincarnation with all her strength, and said goodbye to him with a smile.

As the aura of the Sage of the Six Paths gradually disappeared, Madara also gradually disappeared.

On the other side, in Madara's spirit.

"Indra, いいえ, correct に は spot だ. た だし, あなたたち二とも私の喜抴しした子五だ. Today, あなたはとう思った?" (Indra, no, to be precise, it is a spot. But , you two are my hard-fated children. How do you feel now?) The Immortal of Six Paths closed his eyes and said in a deep voice.

"そうが..." (That's right...) Now Madara is no longer aggressive, without the previous arrogance, just closing his eyes of reincarnation.Immediately, said in a deep voice, "Ninja world は who も が ideal world に 生きていると思う, でも, private はるの中てろぶれたこす. The most essential naものをignoring する, あれは爱てす, Bendang の Ninja World は爱に満ちている..." (I thought that people only need to live in an ideal world, but I fell into power in the pursuit of the road. I ignored the most essential thing, that is love, The real ninja world should be full of love...)

What Hashirama left behind was the left cheek on his chest, but my younger brother left me a pair of eyes that allow me to see the darkness clearly...

"よし, 君はもう爱を知っているよりだ! よっかた!" ((Very good, it seems that you have understood love! Great!) After speaking, the Sage of the Six Paths turned into a white light. The last A trace of yin power injected into Madara's reincarnation eyes.

"今望は君の想いが叶うようしに." (I hope you can implement what you think in your heart this time.)

……I do not know how long it has been.

Madara opened his eyes suddenly, looking around.

"ここは...どこだ? 私はもう死んだ?" Madara stood up and looked at his hands, "いいえ, private は...生まれ変わったか." (Here is... where? Am I already dead? No, Am I... reborn?)"

Could it be the influence of the yin force injected into me by the sage of the Six Paths?

It turned out to be the case.

"新しい世界か, Hashirama, ちゃhと见て." (New world? Hashirama, look carefully!)

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