The Rise of Xueyue

Chapter 187 Only One

Chapter 187 Only One

"You're lucky I'm more patient than my older brother," Li Chenyang said and shook his head. "Wenmin would not have the tolerance to converse with you."

Yu Zhen didn't feel like responding. This man talked too much. Did he know that? Or was it a tactic? His gaze narrowed. He couldn't tell.

"I'll ask again, how many women are after you in Hanjian?"

"None that I care about."

"How many?"

"Who knows?" Yu Zhen shrugged. It wasn't like he went around counting how many admirers he had. He barely had time for himself, much less entertaining different women in hopes that one would become his wife.

Li Chenyang scowled. "If your replies are going to continue being vague, then my answers will be even worse."

Yu Zhen nearly rolled his eyes at the petty threat. He could just send one of his people to investigate what went on behind the Li Family's closed doors. Granted, it would be a hard task, but nothing was too difficult for a Hanjian soldier.

"So, give me an estimate of how many competitors Xueyue will have."

"My woman will have no competitors," Yu Zhen fluidly answered. "Anyone that she deems a threat, she can tell me and that person will be gone."

Li Chenyang wanted to believe his words were just empty promises, but deep down he knew they weren't.

Li Chenyang wasn't stupid. He had heard of the dark rumors that surrounded the Second Prince of Hanjian and his ruthless ways concealed behind a cool, aloof expression.

Without a doubt, Yu Zhen would carry out his promise to eliminate all threats.

"Even if the threat is a Princess of your country? Your sister or half-sister?"

"If it's a Princess, it's killing two birds with one stone." Yu Zhen chuckled. He had never once cared about any of his siblings, except for one, but he was certain they would never cause trouble.

"Don't you think this will sully Xueyue's reputation? That suddenly, the woman that's publicly vying for your attention, or the woman that's publicly bothering Xueyue is suddenly executed for no reason?"

"Do you really think I will let my woman be dragged through the mud for my actions?" Yu Zhen asked with a pointed look. "If there are any consequences, it'll be on my shoulders. Not hers."

Li Chenyang nodded. Great, this man wasn't a momma's boy. He supposed this would get rid of his initial worries. However, he would not give Yu Zhen's the satisfaction of getting his approval.

"Second question," Li Chenyang began, "When are you returning to Hanjian?"

"It's my turn to ask questions."

Li Chenyang sighed. "Fine. Ask away."

"What are the plans for keeping Xueyue in Wuyi?"

Li Chenyang's relaxed expression was stiffened. The mere mention of Xueyue was enough for his guard to be raised. He straightened his spine and stopped leaning against the wall.

"That's too personal. If you want to know, you have to ask her."

"I can help her achieve those plans."

"She doesn't need your help," Li Chenyang spat out. "I have everything under control."

"Hm, a plan that requires the help of a Minister," Yu Zhen quietly observed.

Li Chenyang bit his tongue. Yet again, he had revealed too much. Maybe his father was right, he was getting weak. In the past, nothing accidentally slipped out of Li Chenyang's mouth, unless there was a purpose for the spill of information. But nowadays, he was becoming too loose-lipped.

Li Chenyang sighed through his nose. It was time to start practicing his silence. His father could help him with that.

"Look, this plan is important to my sister," Li Chenyang pointed out. "I'm not going to reveal her personal information like this."

"I can finish it in half the time you'd take."

"I don't care."

"My men would be at her disposal."

"Good for you."

Yu Zhen narrowed his gaze. Was this man dense? Or just stupid? He was graciously offering his help, something that rarely happened except once in a blue moon if he was feeling generous.

The Second Prince doesn't hand out favors to just anyone. Especially favors with no strings attached.

Li Chenyang glanced around curiously. Suddenly, the air was chilly and the atmosphere was frigid. Huh, how weird. He was pretty sure Spring was soon turning into Summer. Why was it so cold here?

"Does it have to do with her past?"

Li Chenyang paused. His gaze shifted to Yu Zhen's pressing one. How much did this man know of Li Xueyue's past? Did he dig into her background?

It would be impossible to find anything. Li Chenyang knew that. He had hired men to look into the past of Bai Xueyue but found absolutely nothing. He had a suspicion that his father knew more than he was letting on. It was simply too suspicious that there wasn't a single record about Bai Xueyue. Unless… it was purposely wiped out, and who'd have that much power?

Only a small handful of names came to mind.

"Like I said," Li Chenyang began, "Her past has nothing to do with you. Her plans have nothing to do with you. You have no right to ask about personal details like this, especially from her brother. If you want to know more about her, you have to ask yourself."

"I truthfully answered your question, it's your turn to answer mine."

"Yes, but the question I asked was about you, which is something you have the right to respond to." Li Chenyang shrugged. "In this case, you're asking about someone else, which I don't have the right to answer on their behalf."

"You don't want to scam me. Trust me."

"I'm not trying to scam you of our deal," Li Chenyang simply explained. "I'm just elaborating on why I can't spill the secrets."

Yu Zhen couldn't argue with that. Well, he could, but it would lead him nowhere. He also did not have time for this. He had to return to Hanjian as soon as possible. If the letter he received the day he stormed out of the Li Manor was true, and then he must set for Hanjian in less than two weeks.

There was a throne calling his name and he intended to make it his.

Li Chenyang examined Yu Zhen and his silence. "It's your turn, but I don't care. Answer the final question for me. Do you love Xueyue?"

A silence fell over them. Yu Zhen shifted his gaze to his right, where the entrance leading to the training field was located at. He could see Li Xueyue perfectly. Her back was turned towards him, but she still captured his attention. Despite the servants that were now surrounding her, helping her clean up, the only person he saw was Li Xueyue.

In a crowd of many, she was the only one who stood out.

Did he love her?

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