The Rising of Tanaka in Another World

Chapter 58: (1)

Looks Like I’m Pretty Badass Myself, Huh….

「I need soothing….」

「What are you saying all of a sudden?」

As usual, the thridiots trio were on their way back to Haru Empire. However, unusually… was not really the right word, but today’s Tanaka was depressed by himself.

「I’m tired. Of the world’s craftiness in letting me get my hopes up until the last minute before then taking away my prey, as if it saw through my aim….」

「Oh, you must have missed out on trying out the specialty food of the transit town the other day right-degozaru?」

「That’s not it.」

Tanaka continued to trudge his way forward. His retort was not as sharp as usual. It was unknown where his rusted chisel-like sharpness had gone.

「Hah…. Just a little bit is all I need. As long as it’s a cute girl. But a beautiful woman would also be nice. Both would be even better. While I’m at it, I’d love to have a big harem.」

He acted all humble, but he was a greedy man to a fault.

「I thought I could start anew in this kingdom. I thought my dream would come true this time, but….」

The many chances he had encountered in the Purin Kingdom flashed in and out of his mind like a revolving lantern. They were all dreams within a dream. Like slipping sands that were falling down from the hand that was holding them, the chances vanished, leaving nothing in their wake.

Tanaka thought. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. From the back of his wobbling figure, it looked as though the melancholy of an utterly worn out adult was drifting into the air.

It was a setback-smeared life to begin with. His current state of mind was that he had been given a bonus option to add even more setbacks into his life. The depth of the welling up darkness in his heart was as deep as a pitfall dug by a kindergartener in a sandbox.

「Phew…, I bet this journey is going to end with nothing good happening anyway. But it’s all right, my best friend Echigoya will introduce me to a beautiful woman when I return to the empire, after all.」

Not only had he taken the liberty of making him his best friend, Tanaka had even fabricated such an outrageous promise. Talk about selfishness.

However, he was by no means serious when saying it. All in all, he was merely saying it to encourage himself. It was a high level technique to protect your heart from the world that was trying to push you down into the dark side.

That was why even if Tanaka-san’s nose looked as though it was flaring, it was just your imagination. There was no way that the virtuous Tanaka-san would ever have such a vile heart.

「I miss the Empire-degozaru…. Huh? Now that I think about it, I haven’t lived in the Empire long enough to miss it-degozaru.」

What a terrifying one-year-old child.

「Well, there’s no need to be so particular about it, right? I’m not particularly interested in human countries either, after all. What I’m interested in is only muscles.」

Kaku-san wriggled up his muscles as he said as such. ‘What I’m wishing for is not something wriggling like that!’ With such a thought, the darkness in Tanaka’s heart deepened even further.

「I’m done with this country. Somehow, I’m even beginning to feel a dangerous vibe looming over, after all…, no more detours from now on, alright?! We’re going straight home, alright?!」

Despite having no home, such words. Moreover, it was a little bit old lady-like. It was the peculiarity of his craft that the serious Tanaka-san was well aware of.

The final stage of their journey to the Empire. The three of them, or rather Tanaka was hurrying on his journey as if he was running away from something of unknown nature.

Tanaka’s danger sensing ability was truly sharp. And now that he had decided to flee, his movements were as swift as the strongest creature, G. What’s more, him being too late was as though already prearranged as usual.

A few days later, an event occurred as if it was trying to entangle Tanaka.

「I can sense a considerably powerful power. What in the world is it?」

As expected of a spirit. Kaku-san sensed the signs of battle at once.


On the other hand, Tanaka-san. Normally, he would have fallen into panic here, but for some reason, his reaction was dull. But it was a small wonder, as said the battle had nothing to do with him, after all. Moreover, it was taking place in the depths of the forest, a slightly distance away from the highway they were on.

Tanaka stopped in the middle of the highway and wrinkled his nose with a relaxed expression. This man, when he knew that he was in a safe spot, he was relaxed to no end. It was hard to believe that this was the same man who always went to Aki*bara on his days off. It was unknown where had the man, who boldly ventured into the world of darkness crowded by warriors during the calamities that occurred twice a year, disappeared to. It was unknown where the legendary man who always managed to make it back alive, no matter how crowded the place was, along with tons of thin books in his hands was.

「Well, it’s fine, isn’t it? It’s none of our business, after all. Let’s get going before we get dragged into trouble.」

「I don’t mind if you are fine with it-degozaru, Tanaka-dono.」

「I don’t mind either.」

Normally, it was where he would have gallantly rushed toward the beautiful woman with perfect degree of exposure who was in a pinch and boldly challenged the slightest chance of ‘so cool, embrace me’ event. However, the fact that he didn’t make a move here might mean that the emotional scars he had suffered up until now were quite deep.

「Honestly speaking, I think I’m actually a little curious about it. Because this presence is probably of the Forest tribe, after all. Their beauty is something that is pretty exquisite even for a spirit such as myself.」

「… What?」

The already moving arrowhead, Tanaka stopped his legs upon hearing Kaku-san’s casual remarks.

「Wh, what is it? What is this Forest tribe thing?」

「They are people who prefer to live in the forest and are fairly close to the spirits that manage the forest. Their special trait is their ears that are longer compared to those of ordinary humans’, but…. Another aspect that stands out about them is their appearance. For some reason each and every of them is very beautiful.」

Tanaka’s heart wavered. He was supposed to have vowed to never be deceived into the trap laid down by the world ever again. Be it the timing or the cliche-ness, he was well aware that each of them was bluntly speaking reeking of fishiness. However, it was too regrettable to simply pass up just like that. As it seemed like a truly tasty event.

「H, Hmmm…. I see. Forest tribe, huh.」

Should he go back to the Empire and enjoy the hospitality of the beautiful women that Echigoya had arranged for him? Or should he look forward to the kyakya ufufu of the beautiful women upon conquering this event? Tanaka was wavering in wavers.

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