The Rising of Tanaka in Another World

Chapter 61: (1)

So Strong… But Not To Extent Of That Guy

「Oh, that’s the way. As expected, it’s totally different from when you were being controlled.」

「Likewise, I bet this isn’t your all, is it?」

Curryman and the eldest demon brother, Kugel, were having a practice match. The ones watching attentively to this match were the second demon brother, Madpai, and the youngest demon brother, Orangetto.

These three brothers were from the so-called Black Demon tribe, and possessed considerable battle power. In spite of the vast magical energy they possessed, they could hardly use magic due to their low magical aptitude. Instead, they had skills that utilized their magical energy to enhance their physical abilities, which made them a powerful race.

Kugel’s kick aimed at Curryman’s flank was just barely dodged. The sharpness of his attack was clearly visible even from a distance. Rather, it was only from a distance that it could be perceived, and most people would have been caught defenseless by the kick if they had had to face it head on. It was such a high level of an attack.

However, the one opposing him, Curryman, was no ordinary person either. He was by no means managed to only somehow barely dodge it, he purposely dodged it just as it was about to connect. As if to prove it, he moved on the offensive at the same time Kugel pulled back his kick.

A series of twin swords attacks from both sides. Kugel managed to somehow deal with them with the short sword in his hand. It seemed that Curryman had the edge when it came to swordsmanship. Kugel was one-sidedly defending against the barrage of attacks that rained down toward him without any delay.

However, Kugel was similarly a man with an excellent battle sense. As soon as he saw through the moment Curryman was shifting into another attack motion, acting as though he was about to receive it with his sword, he unleashed a kick forward. The black demon’s outstanding physical ability made it possible for him to deliver a powerful kick even from a bad stance. Curryman skillfully changed the trajectory of his arm swing and crossed his arms to block the kick. In order to suppress the damage, he purposely jumped backwards as he blocked the kick, but he was still nonetheless sent backwards with an unbelievable force.

「Oioi, for real? Isn’t that too powerful?」

「Well, this is our redeeming quality, after all.」

Toward Curryman who grumbled in astonishment, Kugel replied with a wry smile.

「But still, since demons tend to possess unique abilities, I thought they all would be such a hard to deal with opponent, but in your case, it’s actually pretty easy instead.」

「It’s our habit to fight heads-on. Well, we’re quite of a clumsy bunch, so all we can do is use our magical energy to boost our physical abilities, though.」

「I think that’s amazing on its own, though…. Hmm? Then what about those snake-like things?」

「That was a technique that Nawasuki put on us, not something we can do ourselves.」

The domination magic employed by Nawasuki, not only did it serve to control them, at the same time it appeared to also give them autonomous battle support. It seemed to be a very high-leveled technique. Moreover, given the fact that she, perhaps ingeniously, used their own vast magical energy to maintain this technique, it seemed that Nawasuki was not someone with a run-of-the-mill ability either.

Nevertheless, what mattered the most right now was what an absolutely gorgeous lineup they’d got there. According to Curryman’s estimation, the eldest brother Kugel definitely possessed power befitting that of an A-ranker. The second brother, Madpie, and the youngest brother, Orangetto, were also just barely A-ranked, and even if they weren’t quite at that level yet, their power was definitely no inferior than those of upper B-rankers. And then those three–. They were too over the top that there was no category befitting them.

He couldn’t help but wonder how could so many powerful beings had gathered at the same place like that. And then, this was also a kind of opportunity. It was not an everyday occurrence that you got to meet someone of A rank or higher. As someone who aspired to reach an even higher height, this situation was akin to a heaven-sent for Curryman.

Curryman pulled himself together and was about to give the match another shot. But then the most extraordinary being in terms of extraordinariness appeared with no less extraordinary sloppiness.

「Fuwaa~…. Oh, you guys sure are early.」

It was Tanaka-san, who had just finished his morning image training.

「No, it’s normal. Rather, how can you sleep for so long in the wilderness? Is that the way of a great man, or what?」

「Hmm, it might look like I was sleeping, but I was actually training, you know? Well, leaving that aside, are the other people not around?」

Tanaka looked around to look for the muscle group. Just in case it ought to be cleared up beforehand, it definitely wasn’t because he was afraid of them suddenly attacking him, so he had always been on guard against them or anything. Tanaka-san was simply worried about them, who had become his comrades.

「Ah, it seems that the forest tribes are not good with this kind of thing. Kaku-san, was it? They went for a run with him in the lead.」

「I think their appearance is perfectly suited for combat, though…. Rather, Kaku-san has completely become the leader of the muscles, hasn’t he? Did Suke-san also go with them?」

「No, I haven’t seen him since I woke up.」

The three brothers also shook their heads.

「It can’t be helped. Suke-san is brimming with too much curiosity that he sometimes wanders off somewhere and ends up getting lost, after all.」

Tanaka, despite the fact that there were no female characters around, was still faithfully performing a good grief act. This was probably a consistency unique to Tanaka-san who understood the role of a protagonist better than anyone else. I’d like to hope that those efforts of his would be rewarded someday, but the smug look he showed right after made that urge to cease.

At once Tanaka ruled over the surrounding air with live-support magic. Curryman and the three brothers were bewildered by the strange feeling they vaguely felt.

「What did you do? It feels somewhat strange.」

「Hmm, this is a magic I invented to dominate the world. This whole area could be said to be within my grasp already. For example, I can even do something like this.」

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